Guides of FAIR OF the NAUTICAL one

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In the period from the 9 to 14 May to the international hall of the nautical Internautica, we will be lieti of presentarVi the new sailing boat of the Malo Yachts: Malo 40.
In the period from the 21 to 29 January 2006 to the fair of Duesseldorf they will be exposed following the boat from our program: in 16° the pavilion - the sailing boats Malö 40, 43 Malö classic and the new Malö 46 classic.
In the period from the 20 to the 25 september the fair of the nautical one of autumn will be kept to Island.
In the period from the 10 to 15 May the edition of the international hall of the nautical Internautica will be kept to Portorose 10ª.
In the period from the 16 to 20 March the edition of the fair of the nautical one and the sport will be kept to River in Croatia 21ª.
To the international fair of the nautical one and the sport to Zagabria and' be name sailing boat of the year in Croatia Malö 40.
To the fair of nautical to Duesseldorf the Malö Yachts it has introduced the new Malö 40, which has replaced the previous model, Malö 39.
The new long boat and' piu' of 11 cm, piu' wide of 7 cm, in lenght overall and piu long of previous very the 45 cm.

Club Padova Skin-divers
Succeeding the organized convention from the Panathlon has collected large Club of Chioggia for the schools of the territory in occasion of the first Fair of the nautical one and the kept free time some days before.
To make the honors of house the table of the convention he has been Carl Albertini, president of the Panathlon Club of Chioggia, moderatrice of the round table university professor Stefania Lando, that it has coordinated the plan interscuole.
It will be mix of attractions and demonstrations on the field the first fair of the nautical one, sport and organized free time from the Green Marine dock in locality Punta Molin.
The fair will be opened tomorrow and continued until the first May, accommodating promozionali stands, between which Reel, Asp, Apt, spectacular Casinos of Venice, and manifestations.
To open the fair, tomorrow to the 17, the international competition of miss Yacht Club 2005, in the within of which Verde 2005 will come elect also miss Marine.
“The program - Roberto Doria explains, administrator of the dock - betrays the will to promote all the city.
And' a private initiative, but the collaborations and the wide breath of the manifestations aim to introduce all the territory, leaving from the nautical one because Chioggia is water city”.


Office prints
Opened the Moscow International Boat & Yacht Show Rome, 12 March 2004 - the edition has been opened 10° Fair MIBS (Moscow International Boat & Yacht Show) that it is kept to 14 Moscow until March 2004, near the fieristico complex Expocentre.
The MIBS is the more important review in Russia, with cadence anniversary, dedicated to the sport, the equipments sport and the nautical one.
The manifestation is classified exclusively to the operating ones of nautical and the accessoristica one from diporto which: marine, operating constructors of boats, yards, designer, experts nautical and engineers.
Draft of an organized promozionale initiative from the Foreign Trade Institute, in collaboration of the Association of category, UCINA, National Union Yards Nautical and Analogous Industries in favor of the Nautical field from diporto.
The increase of the general well-being and the purchasing power of the Russian economy, has favorite, between the other things, the market of the nautical one, is of the sailing boats is of those to motor.
The stabilization of the economic and political situation in the country has created a favorable climate for the investments, having guaranteed a support for small and averages operations and contributing to increase to the demand for products and services.

ICE - Union of the States Serbia and Montenegro
Fair of Belgrade, Fair of Novi Sad and Fiera of the Adriatic to Budva.
Calendar of the fieristiche manifestations internazionaliIn Serbia and Montenegro during the 2006 Fair/manifestation/description period of the/fair.
All the exposures and manifestations come organize from the agency fair to you of Belgrade.


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Mondomare - the nautical one in Friuli Venice Julia
to characterize upgrades them foreign customers interested to acquire one boat to motor or sail, between those offering from the companies been involved in the plan, to leave the boat near one of been involved regional navy in the plan, to entrust the jobs of maintenance to the local yards; to acquire the accessories from suppliers been involved in the plan and to introduce the opportunity to make use of the territory (to play to golf, to soggiornare in a hotel of the region, to attend the eno-gastronomici distances, etc.) and to acquire real estate units near navy that of it have availability, to acquire members for the production in the foreign nautical yards, to explore, beside the opportunities trade them, the opportunities of business deriving from the joint venture creation of possible productive with partner foreign.
Exploratory search opportunity of market for the nautical one of the Friuli Venice Julia in Russia With reference to the exploratory search has been in the first place agreed with the companies the main objective of the search: .
to characterize of upgrades them Russian customers interested to acquire a boat to motor or sail between those offering from the companies been involved in the plan, to leave the boat in one of been involved navy, to entrust the assignment to the local yards for the maintenance, to acquire the accessories from the been involved suppliers and possibly then to make use of the territory (to play to golf, to soggiornare in a hotel of the region, to attend the eno-gastronomici distances of the collio, etc.) with the eventuality to acquire also of the real estate units near navy that of it have availability.

Mondomare - the nautical one in Friuli Venice Julia
The other actors of nautical the system of the nautical one in Region, beyond to navy and the schools of sail, are involved with of actors, from the producers of motor and sail boats, to the producers of yacht in wood and restorers of age boats, to the producers of sails, tops and accessories for navigation, let alone broker and the important Center of Shipbuilding & Nautical Competence of Science AREA Park, been born in collaboration with the Consortium for the Industrial Development of Monfalcone in order to offer to attendance and services for the innovation in favor of the regional enterprises of the field of the naval subfornitura and the nautical one from diporto.
The interaction between these subjects, joined to the experience of the shipbuilding tradition Fincantieri, renders this territory an excellence center.
“Near of sea” it has carried to the riqualifica of the Navigation channel East-West to the extremity of the Litoranea ulterior Veneta and equipped the territory of eleven hectares of spaces to the service of the nautical one from diporto, increasing the number of places boat on hand.
Other plan to mention is a Sea of Navy, plan promoted from the Promotrieste that jointly has aggregate nearly the totality of navy of the region introducing them to the fair BIT of Milan in 2005.

…::: GREEN NAVY::: …
Large happening has collected the first Fair of the Nautical Tourism and Free time begun saturday 23 you open them and concluded 1 May in locality Punta Molin near Green Navy of Chioggia.
To the inauguration numerous civil and military authorities were present, let alone the parish priest of the locality of Brondolo that has given to its blessing to the initiative cutting the inauguration tape and ringraziando in order to have promoted the territory is from the ecological point of view that tourist.
The fair has been devised with the ambition to constitute rising of container that “was opened to all”, is for the visitors, that they have enjoyed the FREE INCOME, is for the exhibitors who have been able to propose a wide fan of services and products.
The fair has been developed mainly on two channels: that one of the exhibitors and that one of the manifestations.
The standisti have picked the importance of the manifestation proposing beyond to the exposure of their products also various activities and mainly nautical services but also, like from denomination of the fair, legacies to the tourism and the free time: the guide of the boats in exposure on the wharves long the river of the river.


Hall of the Nautical one, the Sea and the Free time - Latin Fair Hall of the Nautical one, the Sea and the Free time Fair Hall of the Nautical one, the Sea and the Free time to Latin.
Hall of the Nautical one, the Sea and the Free time is carried out to opens them, it visualizes the other manifestations of the tipologia Fairs to you open them and other manifestations of the tipologia Fairs: Fairs in Lazio and Fiere to Latin.


Fairs, exhibitions and other manifestations in Slovenia - Slovenia Fairs - fair ecology ekologika - fair building cegu
INPAK international Fair of packings, diagram, technique and technology of the packaging, the magazzinaggio and tras the garden.
FLORA international specialistic Fair of giardinaggio, florovivaismo and architecture of the garden and the paesa.
SEJEM POCITNIC 2006 Fair of the tourism, sport, recreation, products for the tem or free.
AVTO IN VZDRZEVANJE Fair of the automobile and the maintenance.
LOGOTRANS Fair of the logistics, transport and traffic.
SEJEM LOV international Fair of the hunting, fishes, tourism and of the activity in nature.
TEROTECH Fair of the maintenance, pulizia and I renew of the buildings.
VARENJE IN REZANJE Fair of the welding and tagliatura.
MEDILAB 2006 medical Fair - medical equipments and of laboratory.
NARAVA - ZDRAVJE Fair nature - health; healthy feeding, cosmetics and products for the cure of the cor.
NEW LOOK international Fair of the field hairdressing salons and the cosmetic.

Development Lazio - News, opportunity, financings from the Lazio Region
The “blue Big Rome Sea Expo is carried out from the 9 to 12 March 2007 near the New Fair of Rome.
Boat - Show Rome”, the first hall dedicated to nautical (the boats, accessories, equipments and services for the diporto nautical).
Inside of the fieristico space the Lazio Region, through Lazio Development, coordinates one promozionale stand of the comparto of the nautical one.
The field of the nautical one is rich of productive abilities, represents the fourth domestic market and today realizes a turnover of approximately 1 billion of euro (14 for hundreds of the national turnover) with 6.200 assigned (5 for hundreds of the national aggregate).
“Boat Show Rome” is between the plans of been born Fair of Rome from the collaboration with Lazio Region and Sviluppo Lazio, approves of you from the ministry of the international Commerce and faces to the internationalization of the Latium fieristico system.

halls nautical
International fair for the free time, sport, tourism and Vacations.
More than 2.300 boats in exposure, beyond 400 boats in water, more than 1.650 exhibitors for a merceologica offer without par with boats, accessories, instrumentations, apparel, tourism, services, conventions, sport and entertainment. This is the identity card of 46° International the Nautical Hall in program to the Fair of Genoa from the 7 to 15 October 2006.

Fair of Genoa - inner page -
Works in progress for the debut to 46° International the Nautical Hall, from the 7 to 15 October an only comprensorio to the world with eight kilometers of distances on the sea in order “to be annoying today” in the spaces espositi to you and' be introduced in preview to Genoa the new nautical dock of the fieristico quarter whose official debut will happen in occasion of the next International Nautical Hall, in program from the 7 to 15 October.
To the ceremony, greeted from the water games of the tugs and from the presence of the boats of the Coastgard, of the pilots and the ormeggiatori of the port of Genoa, they are taken part the president of the Harbour Authority Giovanni Novi, the president of Fair of Genoa SpA Paul Lombardi, the President of Ucina Anton F.
Albertoni, the Mayor of Genoa Giuseppe Pericu, the vice president of the Province Paul Tizzoni and the president of the Liguria Region Claudius Deceiving.
The surface of the watery mirror of Levant, connected directly to the Fair, is of 65.000 mq.
And' opportune to emphasize that the new nautical dock has been realized in one position repaired from the seas storm of Libeccio but exposed to those of Sirocco.