Guides of ROME BOATS

Chartering Boats
Univelica the company takes care of chartering boats and organizes course of sail to all the levels for the attainment of the nautical patent.
Chartering Boats: Tabusail If for this summer you want to rent a boat in order to pass your vacations between a coast and the other of Italy, the Tabusail company proposes various models of boats.
Moreover an optimal service of transfer and transport boats.
Picari: Chartering Boats the Picari society takes care of chartering boats and opens a point franchising to Navy of the Circeo.
If confronted with the nautical market for before the time and you have been interested to the chartering boats this company offers advising to you, legal, fiscal, strategic attendance, selection and formation of the edge staff.
Society that operates in the field of the chartering sailing boats.
The company proposes the following routes for who rents boats: the Pontine Islands, Flegree Islands, from Tuscany Archipelago, the Aeolian Islands, the Egadi Islands, the Corsica and Sardinia.
The boarding ports are Marine of Neptune, Port of Rome, Fiumicino.
Company of the Sea For who loves to be annoying in open sea and tries a society to Rome that takes care of the chartering boats can consult the situated one of the Company of the Sea.

Nautical On Line Press - 120 Boats To the Rome For 2
Eventual express opinions could not coincide with those of Nautical Publishing Srl SPONSOR:: Nautical ITALIAN PROPELLERS On LineNauticalwebAmerica's CupScubawebPescawebtutto the archives annoanteriori alsuccessivi to the all 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000 1999 communicates to you in the archives: 11925, modernization 2007/03/16 15:00: 23 120 Boats To the Rome For 2 2004/04/16 21:12 Will leave Sunday 18 to the 11 from River of Traiano contenders of XI the edition of the Rome for 2 that, in coupling with the version in numerous crew: Rome for All, is the first important appointment of height of 2004.
Great festivity saturday for the breafing, where it will come delivered to the Trophy Great Mediterranean Height 2003, assigned on turns out obtained to you to the Middle Sea Race, Rome for 2 and Giraglia.
Tevere 44, 00198 Rome, tel 068413060, fax 068543653, DEVOUT 00904971009 Nautical On Line ® is enrolled in the Registry of Stampa near the Court of Rome the 19/12/1995 to the n.


furnishings for Rome boats
It has carried out various excellent collaborations with several Griffe international and studies of architecture (study Lazzarini&Pickering, Luca Brenta and study De Santis) realizing between the several workings the preparation of structures in skin for the Yacht boat Wally B, the Ghost boat, the Rome boat, and the furnishing of the store of the Vertecchi company of Rome.

It buys Sale Rome Boats
We take care of chartering boats, rent boats, charters, yachts, boat, sailing boats, buys sale boats of all the types.
The idea is born from two loving persons of the sea, that they decide to transform their passion in profession: Paola Caruana, Roman, love the sea from always, she has been able to mature fantastic experiences of navigation with Doi Malingri to edge of the Jet Service - famous catamaran from oceanic regatta - and has been boarded like skipper and underwater instructor to edge of an Italian ketch to the Caribbeanses for an entire season of charter.


Photo by

charter chartering sailing boats with or without skipper, cruises weekend in boat in Tuscany and from Tuscany archipelago
cruises, weekend and Day Cruise, embark characterize them to the cabin, escapes infraweeklies magazine, chartering and charter with or without skipper, transfer boats, course sail and nautical patent.
from the 9 to 12 March we will be to Run BOAT SHOW ROME Sail Base.
Practically all cio' that world of the sailing boats concerns to the fascinating!.
Being annoying between our services: weather weather service, forecasts, bulletin meteomar, ferries in Tuscany, forecasts of the time, transfer boats, school of sail, transfers boats with skipper and crews professionals, course sail base, Passover, New Year's Day, bed and breakfast on board.

Chartering scooter to Rome Rent scooter Chartering small engines, bicycles and automobiles
Our products go from the bicycles and to the scooter, than they allow you to visit in all freedom the beautifulst places of the city of Rome, from the Colosseo to the Imperial Holes, from Public square of Spain to Fontana of Trevi.
Our geographic position and the vicinity to the two more important stations than Rome, Termini and Tiburtina, allow us to join two characteristics that us render only.
In order it makes you to enjoy the historical, archaeological beauties totally and landscaped of our city and its outskirtses, the Echo Moves Rent is also in a position to renting to you: Automobiles of whichever category, with or without leading, evocative and moving Tour panoramic on Rome in Airplane, Cruises on the Tevere with lunch or supper and know it from dance included in the ticket.

I buy I sell Rome - tickets, car used on Bakeca
I try - applied proceeds swap venderetutto [in Rome zone] How many things you have in wine cellar, in a drawer, over a closet to which they do not give the no value and instead in some part of the world (...).
Car - Motion Used, tickets to Rome - following pages: << |1| 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 >> Approaching the situated one and using our services the customer chip ax the terms and the conditions of use and are engaged to inquire themselves on eventual modifications or added and to use the situated one in agreement to they.


Bed and breakfast Rome
the B&B Saxa Rubra offers rooms for every every requirement with comfort and warm, familiar, elegant and romantico an atmosphere For information, rates and reservations clicca here.
* The new Auditorium of Rome planned from Flat Renzo.
or Terme di Diocleziano and Roman National Museum of the Terme di Diocleziano.
For the administrative subdivisions you see Town halls of Rome.
Rome is equipped of a modern airport, called international Airport Leonardo From Vinci, but more commonly known like Fiumicino.
Rome has to its inside numerous areas greens.
Because of its history millenarian to Rome is associates various symbols to you, the Colosseo, the Lupa Capitolina, the imperial Aquila, and the symbols of the cristianità, nonche famous acronym S.P.Q.R.
Own Rome has two festivity, 21 you open them (the birthday of Rome), and the 29 june (knows patrons, Peter and Paul to you).
During its long history, and given its importance, Rome it has always had a population characterized from remarkable migratory flows, therefore for tradition “true” a Roman is one whose family has lived to Rome in order at least seven generations: this is originates it them “Romano de Rome”.


Sail: also Rome between the stages of Louis Vuitton.
Rome, 5 March 2007 - trentaduesima the edition of the America's Cup, than will in the next few months carry out Valencia, will make stage also Rome.
Although the format classic of the America's Cup is that one of match racing (duel to two), we do not have to forget that until the 1870 boats all ran together.
The tour it will touch five understood them Europeans: left from Geneva, center of the Société Nautique de Genève and Alinghi, velico team of representation, the “Road to Valencia” will touch Paris (28 February - 1 March), for before the Rome time (5 March), Berlin (7 - 8 March) and Madrid (12 - 13 March).
The atypical winter has given to our boys the possibility to since train much good, trying endured the boats all-round, cioé conceived boats in order to take advantage of at best the currents and the twenty present ones between open them and July.

Nautical Lazio
Roman company, specialized in the sale of products for the nautical one, is to yards that to private.
Shipyard of Rome, specialized in the review and restoration of modern boats of age and, in the working of metals, of the wood and the glass-reinforced plastic.
Marine mediators authorize offer to nautical services as sale and rent to you new and used boats, rent and sale you mail boat near tourist port River of Traiano, assurances, transfers of boats to motor and sail, passages of own.

Nautical Lazio
Welcomes on, the portale of sea, boats and sailors.
Experience in the nautical one from diporto, first place in the construction and maintenance of boats from diporto to sail and motor.
It carries out underwater activity and course of whichever level with Didactics SSI (Scuba Schools International), taking advantage itself of several dislocated structures sport in several zones of Rome.
Chartering boats on linens in all Mediterranean, course of sail for the Nautical Patent, insertion announcements used sail and motor, embarks.
The Diving Club Crazy Horse is a founded underwater circle to Rome in the 1989 from Antonio Carascon.
Company that offers in chartering sailing boats from six to twelve meters with or without patent.

Common of Institutional Situated Rome |
Association of Bologna Tomorrow the Maratona, with numbers from record Part tomorrow, Sunday 18 March, to the 9 gives via of the Imperial Holes, the Maratona of the City of Rome - Trophy AceaElectrabel, thirteenth edition.
Shapes and various paintings of the maiolica italiana' land to the Museum of Rome (Palazzo Braschi).
Rome-Lido: a every train 5 minuteren within 2010.
The “concert of Rome” in order to help the children down.
Information of service and modulistica Scrivi to the offices the average of the common RomaSMS RadioRomaComune Televideo Capitolium the InComune event I would want to know…
all the useful information on the RomaSMS service as to contact by telephone the Office for the City Honor it consults the archives of the questions.