The Three R's

Characters: Mrs Simpson, Mr Simpson, Son, Daughter, Grandfather, Neighbour (Mr Brown), Narrator, Friends

1st scene 

Narrator: Mr and Mrs Simpson are in their kitchen. It’s one o’clock. It’s lunch time. They are waiting for their children Alex and Helen. Mrs Simpson is cooking.


Mr Simpson: Hello, my darling. How are you?

Mrs Simpson: I’m fine.

Mr Simpson: This smells delicious. What’s for lunch?

Mrs Simpson: Fish.

Mr Simpson: Mmm, I’m really hungry!


Helen arrives


Helen: Hi

Mr Simpson: Hello, Helen. What did you do at school today?

Helen: Nothing.

Alex arrives


Alex: Hi, mum. Hi, dad

Mrs Simpson: Hello, Alex. Did YOU have a nice day?

Alex: Great day! We learnt about the 3 Rs

Mrs Simpson: the 3 Rs???

Alex: YES, reduce, recycle and reuse.

Mr Simpson: So you talked about rubbish

Alex: Yes, it’s really important. We must do something for our planet before it’s too late. We produce too much rubbish

Helen: Rubbish, yuck

Alex: There are very simple things we can do. Recycling is important for our future. Look at this! Plastic, paper, glass …. all in one bin. This is terrible

Mrs Simpson: I think you’re right. Let’s start separating things that can be recycled.

Mr Simpson: That’s a good idea

Alex: Wow, we could reduce the amount of garbage that goes to the landfill

Helen: Rubbish, yuck. I’m too busy anyway

2nd  scene 

Narrator: It’s now 7 o’clock in the morning. Helen and Alex are having breakfast


Alex: Now remember, plastic in this bin, paper in that one ….

Helen: Oh, stop it. It’s only rubbish

Alex: Mum, remember to take an old plastic bag with you when you go shopping

Mrs Simpson: That’s a good idea!! We should always reuse plastic bags. Thank you, Alex.

Alex: And remember to switch off the light in your room Helen. You are wasting energy

Helen: You are so boring Alex



3rd scene 


Narrator: It is now evening. Grandfather and Mr Brown, a neighbour, have come in for a short visit


Alex: Do you know about the 3 Rs?

Grandfather: The 3 what?

Alex: The 3 Rs: reduce, recycle and reuse. We separate our rubbish. We have a bin for plastic, one for paper and one for glass


Mr Brown: I do that too. It’s very easy to recycle in our town. There are special containers for recyclable items

Grandfather: Oh, rubbish. When I was a child we had no rubbish at all

Alex: NO rubbish?

Grandfather: Well there was no plastic, we had glass containers and we used and reused them

Alex: And what about leftovers?

Grandfather: We put leftovers in a compost pile

Mr Brown: I have a compost pile in my garden. It is a fantastic fertilizer for my plants

Helen enters with a glass of water in her hands.


Helen: Rubbish again. Everybody is talking about rubbish all the time!! I’m really fed up!!!!

Grandfather: Well, all our rubbish ends up in your glass of water

Helen: In my water?

Grandfather: That’s because water is under the ground. When rubbish dissolves it can go into the water.

Helen: That means we can NEVER throw anything away

Mother: That’s not difficult. Take that old radio you threw away this morning

Helen: It was broken.

Mother: Yes, but you can mend it and give it to someone who doesn’t have one.

Helen: Oh!! Maybe you’re right

4th scene 


Narrator: Helen is looking for her old radio in the rubbish bin


Friends: Hi, Helen. What are you doing?

Helen: I’m looking for my old radio.

Friends: That’s weird

Helen: It’s not weird. You want clean water, don’t you?

Friends: Yes, but ….

Helen: Well then we need to do something about it

Everybody: We ALL have to do something about it.


All together: SONG “If you love our world”


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