Meet the students of class III C

Hello, everybody.

We are from class 3C.  There are 28 of us: 17 boys and 11 girls. We are 28 chatterboxes. Sometimes we are a little bit noisy, but most of the times we are very nice and lovely. Ours is a very   nice class. We like doing a lot of activities like bowling (better 10-pin bowling), skiing (we spent a week in the Dolomites). Don’t worry … we also like studying English.

Bye!! (enjoy our website).

Class 3C

Alessandra Armando
Alessia Brando
Chiara Dario
Edoardo Francesco
Giulia Leonardo
Luigi Matteo
Benedetta Benedetta G
Boris Francesco
Francesco C Laura
Lucia Marco
Michele Marina
Simone Laura


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