Guides : AXA

AXA Power
AXA Power is the world's leading supplier of solid-state Ground Power Units (GPUs) In 2000, AXA Power joined the ITW GSE Group, an international giant in AXA Power currently supplies solid-state frequency converters with power
AXA to pursue fraud cases
AXA notified claimant lawyers about its suspicions and opted to pursue it through the courts, whereas previously it would only have refused to pay up It is understood AXA will seek to prosecute other fraudsters with low value claims
New tool better at detecting early signs of dementia
US researchers have developed a dementia screening tool that they say is more sensitive at detecting mild symptoms of neurocognitive decline than the routinely used Mini Mental Status Examination (MMSE)
Study shows better outcome for girls with anorexia nervosa
A new study in Sweden has found a considerably better outcome for adolescent females with the eating disorder anorexia nervosa than has been reported in previous studies
Insurance companies wake up to costs of lone working.
AXA Group are one of the UK's leading business insurers. In a recent study published by AXA they estimate that 8% of all workplace It is inevitable that more insurance companies will take the same line as AXA and will either
AXA Integrated Lock
The intergrated AXA locks are useful and ridiculously simple to use for quick trips The key stays in the AXA lock as you ride, so locking is as simple as Anyway, the AXA isn't the total security solution given the rampant bike
Wholegrain foods "protect against stroke and heart disease"
A review of recent research looking at cereal grains and legumes in preventing heart disease and stroke concludes that intake of wholegrain foods protects against both diseases
Poor readers "more at risk" of suicide attempts and school drop-out
Teenagers with reading problems are more likely than typical readers to attempt or consider suicide and to drop out of school, say US researchers
Study casts doubt on link between antidepressants and suicide in
A new study in the USA has revealed an inverse relationship between prescriptions of selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI) antidepressants and rates of suicide in children and adolescents
Cot death linked with abnormalities in brainstem
US researchers have found that babies who died of cot death or sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) had abnormalities in their brainstem, the part of the brain that helps control heart rate, breathing, blood pressure, temperature and

Présente partout au Canada, AXA accompagne ses clients, particuliers ou Present throughout Canada, AXA supports its clients-whether individuals or
AXA BANQUE, votre banque au quotidien - compte rémunéré, épargne
Bénéficiez des effets enrichissants d'AXA Banque et économisez du temps et de l'argent. Vos conseillers disponibles 24H/24 6J/7. Profitez d'un outil complet
AXA IM France : Gestion d'actifs - Accueil
Société d'asset management, AXA IM propose à ses clients des stratégies d'investissement et de la gestion financière via des OPCVM (SICAV, FCP,
Page d'accueil du site du Groupe AXA
AXA se positionne aujourd'hui sur les marchés financiers comme un des leaders de la Protection Financière.
recrutement, offre d'emploi de commercial dans l'assurance AXA
Découvrez nos principaux métiers, notre politique de ressources humaines. Consultez nos offres et proposez votre candidature.

AXA IM France : Gestion d'actifs - Accueil
Société d'asset management, AXA IM propose à ses clients des stratégies d'investissement et de la gestion financière via des OPCVM (SICAV, FCP,
Page d'accueil du site du Groupe AXA
AXA se positionne aujourd'hui sur les marchés financiers comme un des leaders de la Protection Financière.
AXA Group Web Site - Home Page
In the financial markets, AXA is positioned as a global leader in Financial Protection.
recrutement, offre d'emploi de commercial dans l'assurance AXA
Découvrez nos principaux métiers, notre politique de ressources humaines. Consultez nos offres et proposez votre candidature.
AXA Banque, placements & assurance. Des solutions sur mesure !
Besoin d’un conseil en placement, d’un service bancaire ou d’une assurance pour protéger vos bien ? AXA développe des solutions idéales et avantageuses
AXA Assistance Bienvenue
AXA Assistance France, la compagnie d'assistance du groupe AXA.
AXA - Suisse
AXA Assurances peut ainsi fournir un service de proximité à ses clients tout en s'appuyant sur la puissance financière et les ressources techniques d'un
Assurances AXA entreprise : assurance des entreprises
Site d'informations sur les produits et services d'assurance pour la protection financière de l'entreprise. Dossiers, conseils sur l'épargne salariale,