Pojo's Yugioh Site - News, Tips, Strategies, Reports, Decks ...
Information about the Anime, trading card game and video games.
Monday , August 7, 2006 Smoke_Rulz has a New Apprentice Patch! "I've added the 8th Structure Deck, Lord of the Storm
It's titled: The Day Mofox got owned! Mofox is also starting a new section that he is calling The Deck Evolution Series
;-) is starting up a regular series of Friday articles called none other than: " Maltos's Friday Deck "
Today's deck is "The Hex"
Thursday , August 3, 2006 Wh1t3Tyg3r sent us a for the new Lord of the Storm Structure deck
Today he is looking at a lockdown type deck
Today he takes a look at an Aggro Burn deck he came across at the KY Regional
The comprehensive package includes: Yu-Gi-Oh! GX Duel Academy (GBA), a Starter Deck of Trading Cards, Jaden and Chazz Duelist Packs, a Training DVD, and a set of Exodia cards
Upper Deck has announced four Q4 Yu-Gi-Oh! releases including a Dinosaur's Rage Structure Deck, a second series of Collectible Tins, a Cyberdark Impact Expansion, and a new Champion Pack
at the Upper Deck booth (#2829) and will be followed by a meet-and-greet session with Yu-Gi-Oh! fans." Wednesday , July 19, 2006 We have a couple nice today
Yu-Gi-Oh playing cards and promo cards
Offering promo cards with translations for collectors and players.
Embark for the Kingdom The glory at the Right Hand of the King The Kingdom These are replicas of the originals from the Pegasus Structure Deck
Rare $15.50 JMP-001 Blue Eyes White Dragon Jump Magazine English Promo ATK: 3000 DEF: 2500 Great Promo and variation of the Great Dragon to have in your deck! $15.50 JMP-001 Sealed in Original Jump Magazine Envelope The card is more valuable in the sealed envelope
Ultra Rare & Parallel Rare Special Order $37.50 G5-01 Black Robed Sage Type: Effect Monster Dark Magic Level 9 ATK: 2800 DEF:3200 The Monster can only be Special Summoned, and only from your hand or deck by sacrificing a [Black Magician] when a [Time Magician] successfully uses its effect
At that time, you may search your deck for 1 Magic card and put it into your hand
Shuffle your deck afterward
Duel Yu-Gi-Oh
Includes deck information, articles, and reviews.
Posted by: - Category: After every Shonen Jump Competition, I am compelled to instantly check the top eight decklists in order to see what decks are reigning supreme
Most of the time, all eight decks will look almost identical
There are times, quite often actually, when a surprise deck or a standard deck with surprise tech makes the top eight
[ ] Topic Posts Last Post By Forum 0 1 8 14 14 175 14 3 3 2 Deck Name Creator Format Cyber Raider Union Rider Blast Juggler Patrol Robo Posted by: - Category: When we think of wanting to find a single card that can just completely ruin most competitive decks, we typically think of something like Royal Decree, or maybe Cyber-Stein to combat the slow tempo that is commonly seen in high-level events
However, we tend to neglect the cards that appear to be too situational for main-boarding in your deck
After some chats about articles and all that fun stuff, I went over and watched Anthony Alvarado play a few games with the Apprentice Magician Swap deck
I hadnt heard of the new ruling at the time, so it was good to see what the deck aimed to do before the Shonen Jump started..
Verkauf von Sammelkarten, Rollenspielmaterial (AD&D un DSA) und passenden Büchern
und Magazinen.

Photo by yamisonic.free.fr
Top Yu-Gi-Oh Sites
A ranking site that lists popular sites. Allows webmasters to add their site.
PokeOrder.com - Yugioh Cards, Yu-Gi-Oh, Pokemon Trading Cards ...
Includes Yu-Gi-Oh, Pokemon, Harry Potter, and Dragonball Z.
Yu-Gi-Oh: Forbidden Memories Cheats
Offers cheats, tips, codes and hints.
Go to the build deck menu and take all the cards you want out of your deck and exit the menu
Deck change: The game displays a password after it has been completed (for example, 92445276, 25774450, 92886423, etc.)
This password is to change your deck
Gate Guardian Ritual: Have #374 Gate Guardian, #667 Gate Guardian Ritual, #371 Sanga Of The Thunder, #372 Kazejin, and #373 Suijin in your deck
Deck change: The game displays a password after it has been completed (for example, 92445276, 25774450, 92886423, etc.)
This password is to change your deck
Pharaoh's Memories ~ Yugioh
Provides card lists and reviews.

Photo by www.kidzworld.com
YuGiOh Card Stop Carries Konami Japanese and English Upper
Deck cards, packs,
decks and boxes.
Yu-Gi-Oh! The Eternal Duelist Soul Cheats - GBA - eLook Video Game ... Provides passwords and hints for the Game Boy Advance version.
ToyWiz.com - Yugioh Cards, Yu-Gi-Oh GX, Disney Pixar Cars Toys ... Offering action figures, remote control cars, Beanie Babies, card games, bobble
heads and comic books.
Yu-Gi-Oh Realms Offers tools such as
deck builder, collection organizer, and search engine for
statistics and information of cards. Forum also included.
This week I want to flesh out the idea and come up with a cool deck you can use to stomp on all your hapless opponents who didnt go to the Power of the Duelist Sneak Preview (and even some who did)
Duelists who have experience with burn decks already know that there are two basic things you need when constructing one
For this deck, the first point is halfway taken care of by Destiny Hero - Dogma, and some of the defensive elements are fairly obvious
Chaos action figure ($9.99 plus tax, comes with leather duster, sunglasses, deck, and lightsaber
just because I want my action figure to have a lightsaber
Community dedicata ai giochi di carte, tra cui Magic the Gathering, Football
champion's e Yu-gi-oh. E' disponibile un forum e un completo archivio carte.
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» » » Current Poll Con che ban preferireste giocare nella duel accademy? Ban di aprile (i D&L e gli altri mazzi affermati continuano a girare tranquillamente e la fantasia resta in catene) - 20.41% Ban severa (liberate la fantasia per la creazione di nuovi deck con nuove strategie) - 61.22% Non me ne frega niente della duel accademy - 12.24% Sono alexi - 6.12% : 49 You may not vote on this poll
ABCTOY4me.com - Anime Store for YuGiOh Cards and Action Figures
Anime toys and videos including Yu-Gi-Oh, Yugioh, Gundam and Pokemon.
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