CineFile: Miriam si sveglia a mezzanotte
Recensione dell'horror di Tony Scott con Catherine Deneuve, David Bowie e Susan
Sarandon. A cura di...
Alberto Cassani, 22 Ottobre 2003: Inutile CIC Miriam si sveglia a mezzanotte di Tony Scott John è un vampiro
Tony Scott al suo meglio
Certo un po' poco per far meritare le lodi alla pellicola, perché quello che in troppi ricordano come il miglior film di Tony Scott è stato invece a lungo - fino all'uscita de "" - il peggior film di vampiri mai realizzato
- di Tony Scott; con Keira Knightley, Mickey Rourke
- di Tony Scott; con Robert De Niro, Wesley Snipes
- di Tony Scott; con Will Smith, Gene Hackman
- di Tony Scott; con Robert Redford, Brad Pitt
Titolo: Miriam si sveglia a mezzanotte (The Hunger) Regia: Tony Scott Sceneggiatura: Michael Thomas, Ivan Davis, James Costigan Fotografia: Stephen Goldblatt Interpreti: Catherine Deneuve, David Bowie, Susan Sarandon, Cliff De Young, Beth Ehlers, Dan Hedaya, Rufus Collins, Ann Magnuson, Suzanne Bertish, James Aubrey, John Stephen Hill, Shane Rimmer, Douglas Lambert, Bessie Love, Willem Dafoe, Sophie Ward, Philip Sayer, Lise Hiboldt, Michael Howe, John Pankov, Edward Wiley, Richard Robles, Oke Wambu Nazionalità: Gran Bretagna, 1983 Durata: 1h
CineFile: Spy Game
Recensione del film di Tony Scott con Robert Redford e Brad Pitt. A cura di
Francesco Puglisi.
Francesco Puglisi, 19 Gennaio 2002: Noioso Medusa, 14 Dicembre 2001 Spy Game di Tony Scott Una spia del governo americano (Brad Pitt), nel tentativo di far evadere da una prigione cinese la donna che ama, combina un casino
La regia è di una nullità quasi sconfortante, coi suoi movimenti di macchina inutili, e con uno stile pari pari quello di "", ma Scott non la dà a bere proprio a nessuno
- di Tony Scott; con Keira Knightley, Mickey Rourke
- di Tony Scott; con Robert De Niro, Wesley Snipes
- di Tony Scott; con Denzel Washington, Dakota Fanning
- di Tony Scott; con Catherine Deneuve, David Bowie
- di Tony Scott; con Will Smith, Gene Hackman
Titolo: Spy Game (Id.) Regia: Tony Scott Sceneggiatura: Michael Frost Beckner, David Arata Fotografia: Daniel Mindel Interpreti: Robert Redford, Brad Pitt, Catherine McCormack, Stephen Dillane, Larry Briggman, Marianne Jean-Baptiste, Matthew Marsh, Todd Boyce, Michael Paul Chan, Charlotte Rampling, Garrick Hagon, Andrew Grainger, Bill Buell, Colin Stinton, Ted Maynard, Tom Hodgkins, Rufus Wright, Demetri Goritsas, Quinn Collins, Sam Scudder, Yann Johnson Nazionalità: USA, 2001 Durata: 2h
Tempi Moderni: Nemico pubblico
Informazioni su cast artistico e tecnico, trama del film, giudizio critico e
recensione a cura di...
Tony Scott, che alla distanza risulta commercialmente vincente rispetto al fratello Ridley, non rinuncia ad una messa in scena glaciale e tecnologica, fortemente influenzata dal mondo dei video-clip e da un montaggio drogato che, in alcuni casi, costruisce scene utilizzando inquadrature della durata di pochi secondi
IMDb: Top Gun (1986)
Cast and Crew information at IMDb.

Photo by melbourneinstitute.com
IMDb: True Romance
Plot summary, cast and crew, and reviews.
User Comments: Tarantino's most "personal" writing; Scott gives commendable direction to all-stars User Rating: 7.8/10 (35, 032 votes) Cast overview, first billed only: ...
Awards: 6 nominations TRUE ROMANCE | 21 out of 29 people found the following comment useful:- Tarantino's most "personal" writing; Scott gives commendable direction to all-stars , 20 September 2003 Author: from Teaneck
Quentin Tarantino sold his script to fund Reservoir Dogs, and Tony Scott (Top Gun) got picked up to direct
It's a nice thought, though that's not what we as the audience are left with, and so with the final product there is much to admire about the style that Scott uses in the film
He films Tarantino's script (from a Roger Avary script originally) very much like he's shooting a Hollywood movie (as he knows how to with DP Jeffrey Kimball), with all the cut-aways and editing timing that is expected in a conventional crime-drama-thriller, then by hearing the snapping dialog from the script, and the cast performing them, Scott does become an important piece of making True Romance a success
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Spy Game (2001) de Tony Scott - El Criticon
Historia y comentarios.
Centraldocinema: Man on Fire
Recensione del film di Tony Scott con Denzel Washington.
Man on fire di Tony Scott Devo dire che mi aspettavo qualcosina di piu' da quest'ultima fatica di Tony Scott
D'accordo che Scott e' un maestro nel girare in stile videoclip, ma se era per dare un effetto stilistico piu' moderno al tutto, e' riuscito solo in parte, perche' alla fine l'impressione e' solo quella di un effetto virtuoso e manieristico per rendere piu' movimentato un film cheinvece e' quasi tutto un dialogo
Non e' un film brutto, ma come ho gia' detto, da un regista come Scott mi aspettavo molto di piu'

Photo by windshoes.new21.org
Centraldocinema: Spy Game Recensione del film con Robert Redford.
SPY GAME di Tony Scott con Robert Redford, Brad Pitt e Catherine McCormack
Penso subito: "Forse Tony Scott in fondo non è il fratello stupido di Ridley (Blade Runner, Alien, Thelma & Louise, I Duellanti, Il Gladiatore) come si è sempre pensato"
History Of Cinema
La storia del cinema attraverso schede monografiche riguardanti i generi
cinematografici e le tendenze...
Milanese, Luciano
Contrabbassista, si presenta con biografia e curriculum, foto, discografia e
recapiti per contatti.
Ha suonato con molti grandi musicisti come Chet Baker, Johnny Griffin, Art Farmer, Harry "Sweets" Edison, James Moody, Eddie "Lockjaw" Davis, George Coleman, Sal Nistico, Steve Grossman, Massimo Urbani, Scott Hamilton, Ray Bryant, Kenny Drew, Barney Kessel, Joe Pass, Al Cohn, Tony Scott, Louis Hayes, Alvin Queen, Victor Lewis, Walter Bishop, Walter Davis Jr
Freistunden.de: Spy Game
Johannes Pietsch bespricht den Film ausführlich und gibt eine Bewertung ab.
| > > > Spy Game Gesehen am 06.03.2002 im Residenz Kinocenter Bückeburg (Sneak Preview) Kinostart: 14.03.2002 Tony Scott, der sich 1983 mit dem Vampir-Mystical "The Hunger" und 1986 mit dem Pentagon-Werbefilm "Top Gun" zu höheren Kinoehren aufschwang, ist ein Meister des aalglatten, kreativen Recyclings
Seine erfolgreichste Regiearbeit lieferte der Bruder von Ridley Scott 1998 ab, als er sich das Grundthema aus Francis Ford Coppolas "Dialog" vornahm und zu dem hypnotisch-rasanten Paranoia-Thriller "Enemy of the state" verdichtete
In seinem neuen Film "Spy Game" hat sich Scott gegenüber dem hyperschnellen, herzkammerflimmernden "Enemy" etwas zurückgenommen, präsentiert sich abgeklärter, ruhiger, besonnener, wie ein Regisseur, der sich nach einem erfolgreichen Blockbuster zurücklehnen und Filmhandlung und Figuren laufen lassen kann
Wieder entführt uns Tony Scott in die Welt der Spione, des Täuschens und des Tarnens, der verdeckten Missionen, der Verschwörungen, Intrigen und der Sabotage
Rotten Tomatoes: Man on Fire
Reviews, cast and crew list, image gallery and plot synopsis.
Man on Fire (2004) MAN ON FIRE Denzel Washington Dakota Fanning Rated 2 hrs 26 mins On DVD Directed by Tony Scott Compare prices for Man on Fire merchandise (New) (Used) NUMBERS : $77, 693, 136: $11, 030, 000 CONSENSUS Man on Fire starts out well, but goes over the top in the violent second half
' -- 'Director Tony Scott's visual style is very jittery and more expressionistic than it needs to be, but he succeeds in creating an appropriately nightmarish, apocalyptic vision of the Third World south of the border.' -- 'Trash is trash, no matter how expensive or arty it looks, or how well-acted it is.' -- ' Man On Fire becomes riveting in (Washington's) calm, meticulous rage
But gradually it's also undermined by Scott's non-stop, hopped-up-on-crystal-meth-style editing.' -- 'You'd have to call Man on Fire a mess, but at least it's an interesting mess.' -- '[Director Tony] Scott's meaningless stylistics immediately grate on the nerves.' -- 'Helgeland's screenplay is too lazy to investigate Washington's viciousness
' -- 'Heavy-handed and stiff, Tony Scott's film is longwinded and irritatingly reminiscent -- stylistically at least -- of the works of David Fincher.' -- 'Scotts laudable attempt to push the envelope emotionally cant quite overcome the screenplays limitations' -- 'Maybe the film should be called Man on Fire Whose Bleeding Gunshot Wounds Won't Stop Him
Rotten Tomatoes: Spy Game
Links to reviews, synopsis, cast and crew information, multimedia, and forum.
Spy Game (2001) SPY GAME Robert Redford Brad Pitt Rated 2 hrs 7 mins On DVD Directed by Tony Scott Compare prices for Spy Game merchandise (New) (Used) NUMBERS : $62, 326, 785: $22, 980, 000 CONSENSUS The outcome of the kinetic Spy Game is never in doubt, but it is fun watching Robert Redford and Brad Pitt work
SYNOPSIS Robert Redford stars as veteran CIA agent Nathan Muir in this thriller from Tony Scott (TOP GUN, ENEMY OF THE STATE)
66% 66% Reviews Counted: 125 82 43 6.2/10 '' ( 1-35 ) of 125 , sorted by last name z-a Page > | 'Writers Michael Frost Beckner and David Arata have written a truly riveting script, and cinematographer Daniel Mindel has done a great job of translating it visually.' -- 'This is Brad Pitt, for crying out loud! Where can you send him undercover? In the CIA's Beverly Hills bureau?' -- 'So well put together that its substantial gaps in plausibility dont cause grievous harm.' -- 'É sempre interessante conhecer personagens inteligentes.' -- 'Scott ..
cant figure out how to overcome the awkwardness of the flashback device and get any real dramatic momentum going.' -- 'Scott applies his usual flashy, stylized and high-voltage craftsmanship to the perfect vehicle here.' -- 'Scott knows how to tell a story with flair and speed.' -- 'Something seems to be missing, unmentioned or unmentionable.' -- 'It needs twice the tradecraft and half the music.' -- 'A formula action espionage film.' -- 'Ponderous and bulky, swaddled in an aura of flimsy import.' -- 'This movie is about guys sitting around in meetings, trying to out-spy each other.' -- 'A mess, but it's a rousing mess, with ample humor and action to satisfy the discerning dullard within.' -- 'It really is Redford's show
About.com: Spy Game
Review by Ivana Redwine and DVD information.
I liked Brad Pitt's performance as well, and director Tony Scott has put together some visually dazzling action sequences
Another worthwhile feature on the DVD consists of five deleted scenes and four alternate versions of existing scenes, all with commentary by director Tony Scott
The DVD also has a three-minute featurette titled Script-to-Storyboard Process where Scott shows and discusses sketches he draws of scenes before shooting them
There are also two full-length audio commentary tracks, one by Scott and the other by producers Marc Abraham and Douglas Wick
The commentary by Scott is pretty good, though there's quite a bit of redundancy with other special features
Selected Special Features on the DVD: Clandestine Ops Audio Commentary by Director Tony Scott Audio Commentary by Producers Marc Abraham and Douglas Wick Deleted Scenes with Director Commentary Script-to-Storyboard Process Featuring the Director Theatrical Trailer DVD-ROM Features Related Reviews Related Resources • • • • • • • • • From, Your Guide to
Jimmy Garrison
Memorial website tribute to Garrison from the Garrison family, has a history, an
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Mooviees: Man on Fire
Images, trailer, reviews, cast list, synopsis and financial figures.
Running Time 2 hours, 26 minutes Country , Studio New Regency Pictures, Regency Enterprises, Scott Free Productions Other Titles • Man on Fire (2004) Movie Photos Sign up for our Newsletter! Movie news in your email: Your Name: Your E-Mail Address: Sign Up Genre: , Revenge, Murder, Kidnapping, Serial Killer, Outlaws, Hostage, Police, Suspense, Blackmail, Love, Religion, Gore, Tragedy Tagline: A Promise To Protect
--James Berardinelli (ReelViews) Denzel Washington hacks off a guy's fingers one by one and treats another guy to an explosive suppository -- and he's the hero! --Stephanie Zacharek (Salon) Tony Scott's 'Man on Fire' employs superb craftsmanship and a powerful Denzel Washington performance in an attempt to elevate genre material above its natural level, but it fails
--Roger Ebert (Chicago Sun-Times) This movie, a 21/2-hour endurance test by Tony Scott, doesn't just exploit the premise that kidnappers are scum who deserve Old Testament punishment
B+ --Craig Younkin (Lee's Movie Info) An overstuffed, pricey, and smashingly gorgeous bag for a variety pack of clichés, Man on Fire represents director Tony Scott taking somewhat of a step backwards after fun, spry thrillers Spy Game and Enemy of the State; but damn if he doesnt try his hardest to make it all mean something
Actualité du cinéma en France et aux Etats-Unis : sorties, prévisions, rumeurs,
MovieMaze.de: Spy Game
Trailer, Poster, Infos und eine positive Kritik von Thomas Brendel.
Byars), Todd Boyce (Robert Aiken), Michael Paul Chan (Vincent Vy Ngo), Garrick Hagon (Cy Wilson), Andrew Grainger (Andrew Unger), Bill Buell (Fred Kappler), Colin Stinton (Henry Pollard), Ted Maynard (CIA Administrator), Tom Hodgkins (CIA Sicherheitsbeamter) Regie: Tony Scott Drehbuch: Michael Frost Beckner, David Arata Inhalt Wir schreiben das Jahr 1991: CIA-Agent Tom Bishop wird bei der Ausführung einer nicht genehmigten Befreiungsaktion in einem chinesischen Gefängnis festgenommen und zur Todesstrafe verurteilt
Shopping-Box Kritik Vier Jahre nach seiner letzten Arbeit Enemy of the State spräsentiert Tony Scott einen Film, der diesem sowohl thematisch als auch stilistisch recht ähnlich ist
Regisseur Tony Scott inszenierte den fast schon klassichen Stoff mit den von ihm gewohnten Stilmittlen, spielte sich nicht nur mit der Erzählstruktur sondern auch mit Filmgeschwindigkeit, Farbfiltern, Einstellungen, Kamerafahrten und Einblendung, wobei ein durchwegs gelungener und unterhaltsamer Agententhriller entstand
Pat Metheny in Real Video
Video girato durante una sessione di prove del Pat Metheny Trio a La Salumeria
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