In the first years of the 14th century the power of the Savoy increased more and more:

  • In 1416 Amedeo VIII  obtained from the Emperor the title of Duke.

  • In 1418 The Savoy  came by the territories of the Acaja thanks to an hereditary question

  • In 1432 The Marquis of Monferrato submitted himself to the Savoy

The Savoy Duchy thus included most of  Piedmont. The Castle of Ivrea was the house of the Dukes of Savoy only for short periods during the year, but Countess Jolanda regularly attended it (regent of the Duchy from 1472 to 1478) and she enriched it with frescos (no longer existing today). In 1474 the wedding of the young Duke Filiberto (Nine Years old) with Bianca Maria Sforza, the daughter of a Lord of Milan, was celebrated at the castle.

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