The Battlefield (or BF) is 3 x 5 squares.
PH | ||||
PH |
On the shorter side there is your Mothership (your Base), which is considered as ground target. The Mothership is NOT considered part of the Battlefield.
The 3 squares of the Mothership share a common of 5 HP.
The goal in this game is to destroy enemy Mothership.
PH is the Player's Hand. This is a zone where the Player keeps his card, not necessarily in his hands.
DZ is the Discarding Zone. You may also call it Destruction Zone or Death Zone, if You want. This is a zone where go all the cards which are excluded from the Battlefield and are not meant to return to PH.
Every Player in his round can start with battle phase, then he ends with construction phase. The game opens with a construction phase, since Players can do nothing without Units.
The Construction phase:
At the end of the round, Player has at his disposal 3 construction points that enable him to bring on the battlefield Units, Equipments and Pilots for a total value of 3. If a construction point won't be utilized it will be lost. If a Player choose to build nothing at all he will get 1 energist.
Your own Units will be constructed only in the three squares near your own Mothership. Pilots and equipments can be assigned to every Unit already standing in the battlefield, no matter how far they are from the Mothership.
Units' marks
(value 1, 2, 3)
The Units are recognizable because under the picture there are Health Points and Movements (some Units in the opposite corner have features such as FLYING which will be described later). Some Units are able to transform: you can tell this because the picture area is smaller and there are two images.
On a transforming Unit, Health Points and Movements of the first form (the image in the left, which represents ground/robot mode) are on the left below the matching image. Below this there is a box with the moves the first form is able to perform. Health Points and Movements of the second form (the image in the right, which usually represents flying/fighter mode) are in bottom right, and below there is the box with the second form's moves. In bottom left are placed the features of the second form.
In the way I conceived the game, to point out that you transform a Unit you turn it 90° counter-clock way, similar to a TAP motion in Magic.
Pilots' marks
(value 1, 2, 3)
The Pilots are recognizable because under the picture there is written something which is neither Health Points nor Movements, but a Pilot bonus.
A pilot has two moves which can be used as if they were written on the Unit card.
Weapon Equipments' marks
(value 1, 2, 3)
Equipments have written nothing under the picture. The difference between the three types of Equipment is found out only in the mark itself. Weapon Equipments have a sword as a mark.
Support Equipments' marks
(value 1, 2, 3)
Support Equipments have a shield as a mark.
Misc Equipments' marks
(value 1, 2, 3)
Lastly, Misc Equipments have a shield and a sword as a mark.
It should be remembered that in a single square can stay:
A Unit with value 1 cannot have any Equipments or Pilots, but can team with up to 2 Units with value 1 or 1 Unit with value 2.
A Unit with value 2 can have 1 Pilot and 1 (S) Support Equipment, and can team with 1 Unit with value 1.
A unit with value 3 can have 1 Pilot, 1 (S) Support Equipment and 1 (W) Weapon Equipment. Cannot team.
(E) Equipment is Misc Equipment. Can count either as a (W) or as a (S), so even a Unit with value 2 can equip it. A Unit with value 3 however can not equip 2 (E) Misc Equipment.
Then there are some special class of Units which have an own system:
BIG Units have this mark
BIG Units are Units of value 3 which can not have nor a Pilot nor an Equipment. These Units can not even sidestep. Each Player can have only 1 BIG Unit on the BF at the same time.
MID Units have this mark
MID Units are similar to BIG Units. They can not sidestep and have Equipments, but they can have a Pilot. Each Player can have only 1 MID Unit on the BF at the time. A Player can have both a BIG and a MID at the same time.
SPECIAL Units have this mark
SPECIAL Units are Units which can not have Pilots or Equipments, but each Player can have as many SPECIALs as he can. A SPECIAL Unit can be of value 2 or 3.
If you were to build Units and you realize that the three squares near your Mothership are blocked by your own Units or by enemy Units, you won't build, but you can try to place Equipments and/or Pilots, or you can look if in one of the tree squares there is a Unit with value 2 and team it with a Unit with value 1 or vice versa.
Maximum Units teaming value for a square is, as seen, 3. Some cards can increase teaming value. If this value was increased and then reduced, Units cannot longer move together and they must part at the first opportunity.
Units which can transform will always start out in ground/robot mode.
If they will, your own Units can even came back to your base. To do this, they must stand in a square near your base. Returning to your base doesn't cost anything (ie AP). All HPs will be restored and Units, Equipments and Pilots will comes back to their own players. However, Units, Equipments and Pilots that return to the base (even using special moves) cannot come back in the battlefield in the same round, and Player must spent other construction points to bring them back.
The Battle phase:
Every player has at his disposal in his round 6 APs (Action Point), of which a maximum of 5 are utilizable by 1 single Unit.The Movements:
(the FLYING mark for Units moving in the aerial plane)
First of all it must be said that there are no differencies on the movements between the ground plane and the aerial plane. Most of Units are ground-dwellers because it is useful for hitting enemy base, many Units can transform from ground mode to aerial mode and some Units are only aerial-dwellers. These last Units cannot use an Equipment that prevents them from FLYING.
For every square in which the Units move, they spend 1 AP.
Units teamed in the same square (even on different planes) can travelling together (even on different planes) spending a total of only 1 AP for each square in which they move.
A Unit can travel for a maximum number of squares which is written in his card under the voice M.
Some Units can transform, and they have a form in which they are faster. In this case maximum movement capacity is that of the form in which they started moving. Once exhausted maximum movement a Unit can still transform and attack.
Note: every transformation requires 1 AP. A Unit can transform twice in the same round, but can not move any more after the second transformation.
A Unit can use a special move (ability) to increase its movement, but this applies only for the mode the move was performed.
Units on different planes don't interfere with each others' movement, except when they stop in a square where is not allowed. They can move through ally Units, but if they are on the same plane those must sidestep paying 1 AP (same AP price even for teamed Units). They cannot move through enemy Units on the same plane.
There is also a move called switch: two ally Units (even teamed Units) can exchange their mutual positions paying a total of 2 AP. To use this move both Units must be able to reach their destinations, without having already exhausted their movements. Besides the final arrangement must be legal with teaming rules.
Special moves:
Whether they come from the card of the Unit, from his Equipments or from the Pilots, the moves a Unit can perform must respect a maximum total of 5 AP per round (movements included).Attacks are basically moves that do damage.
A Unit can perform only one attack per round. A Unit can move before an attack but cannot move or transform after having attacked.
Secondary attacks are basically moves that do damage, also.
Every Units can use as many secondary attacks it has per round, but can not repeat the same secondary attack in the same round. A Unit cannot move or transform after having performed a secondary attack. A Unit can use only secondary attacks in its round, but if it uses both an attack and a secondary attack in the same round, the former must be used before than the latter.
Secondary attacks also count as attacks. A Unit who is unable to attack could not use even secondary attacks.
Abilities can have many purposes.
A Unit can use as many abilities it has per round, but can not repeat the same ability in the same round.
Abilities can be performed in every mode, but they work only in the mode they were used. Abilities can be used even after having attacked or moved.
Some abilities can be used as a damage modifier. This will be explained below.
Interruptions can be used in the enemy round (but can be used even in current Player's round), and have priority on his actions. They can be used when the enemy has yet attacked before applying damage.
Interruptions count as abilities.
Some moves can require besides usual AP even the payment of some energists, as many as the symbols * after AP.
Besides damage, every effect of the various moves vanishes in the Player's next round, if it's not expressely pointed out otherwise.
The attacks:
The range of attacks is signaled with different indications.FT This type of attacks hit a near square on the same plane, and does the same damage to every Unit placed in target square. Cannot be used in aerial plane.
FT Attacks have also another characteristic: when the same Unit is attacked with more than one FT attack, even if the single attack as an attack count singlely, the damage is summed before being applied.
(the AQUATIC mark)
The rare characteristic AQUATIC allows to be not harmed by FT attacks, but even AQUATIC does not work in aerial plane.
CC This type of attacks hit in a near square on the same plane.
R This type of attacks can hit even far squares. The exact range of this attack varies depending on the particular attack used, and is pointed out near the letter R. R1 is conceptually identical to CC, but is different for the modifiers. R2 denotes that the attack can hit a target 2 squares away. With R2 you cannot hit a Unit that is at range R1, you must have a R12 range to do this. Diagonal lines of fire are considered 2 squares away. With ranged attacks you can hit also enemy Units on different planes, but the range is reduced by 1 (for example with R1 you cannot hit enemy on different planes).
To hit an enemy with a ranged attack the line of fire must be clear.
The center of the square with the Unit who attacks must connect with the center of the square with the Unit attacked without any obstructions. Example: a diagonal R2 won't have any obstructions.
Units or teamed Units can pay 1 AP to sidestep and thus remain on the same square without obstruct any more, but every attack need a new sidestep every time.
Enemy Units cannot sidestep, if they obstruct the line of fire (even in a square which cannot be hit by the attack) the attack cannot be performed. Example: a Unit has an attack with range R23. This Unit cannot use this attack if another Unit is in the nearest square.
The line of fire must stay clear even when you want to hit Units on differents planes. However, aerial Units don't interfere when the target is a ground Unit, and ground Units don't interfere when the target is an aerial Unit.
With an attack R3 sometimes it can happen that there are even two obstructing Units. Both these Units must sidestep or the attack won't be performed.
A Targets will be only aerial Units, whether the attacker will be ground-dweller of aerial-dweller. There is no penality on the range of the attack.
G Targets will be only ground Units, whether the attacker will be ground-dweller of aerial-dweller. There is no penality on the range of the attack.
A and G are considered R variants, but their modifiers don't apply to R, while the opposite is true. Modifiers on both A and R can sum if the damage come from an A attack, the same goes for G and R.
(the STEALTH mark)
With ranged attacks STEALTH can come into play. STEALTH prevent Units from being attacked by a Unit which is more than 1 square away (i.e. Units on different planes cannot hit themselves if they are STEALTH). The only way to hit a Unit with STEALTH from distance is to remove STEALTH by using proper abilities. A Unit can receive STEALTH from more than one source, still STEALTH is needed to be removed only once.
The type of attacks affect even the type of damages.
The number after HP point out how many damages a Unit can take before being destroyed. If the damages are not enough to kill a Unit in one round, they remain as tokens until the Unit is repaired (at least partially). When a Unit exhausts his HPs it is destroyed, and its Pilot and Equipments are destroyed as well, and they cannot come back to the Player until the end of game.
Some Pilots add some HPs to their Units. If the Pilots are killed, the HPs they added vanish, and if the total of damage taken is enough the Unit will be automatically destroyed.
If the HPs were added by an Equipment, when this will be discarded or destroyed (when a Player discard something it is as he destroyed it by his own will), the Equipment will take with itself some damage (no more than the HPs added by the Equipment).
Note: whenever a Unit is destroyed, regardless of its value, his Player gain 1 energist. This is the main source of energists for the Players. Pilots or Equipments lost don't allow a Player to gain energists at all.
Some abilities work as damage modifier. This modifiers are pointed out as +1D, +1CC, +2R, etc. It means that the damage of your own attacks will be increased as the modifier states, but only if the type of attacks match.
If it's written +1D it means that this modifier will work for all type of attacks, even if they are secondary attacks; +1R works only for R attacks. Remind that +1R means that the damage is increased, not the range of the attack.
Even negative modifiers exist; these modifiers are distinguished from the others because the type of damage is written before the number. These modifiers mean that your own Unit will receive less damage from that type of attack. Negative modifiers apply on every damage taken in that round, without being decreased after the first. Note: Some attacks have no type of damage listed. In these cases, every generic modifier will affect them.
Even if the damage is canceled by a modifier, effects (such as HOLD) still came into play. To avoid effects the attack must be expressely evaded.
If a negative modifier is referred to enemy Units, the number will be written before the type of damage. This modifier is meant to reduce the damage done by a Unit with its attacks.
Then there are the multiple attacks. These attacks can be identified from the damage they do, which is "number x number". The first number is the damage of the single hit, the second number is how many hits the attack has. Modifiers apply on each hits. Positive modifiers can transform multiple attacks in devastating ones, but even negative modifiers affect them greatly.
Multiple attacks can be addressed to different enemy Units, but each group of hits count as a single attack to the Unit attacked. The Player who uses a multiple attack choose immediately the targets he wants to attack. He is allowed to address all the hits to a single Unit. Only after that the damages apply.
The difference between a multiple attack and an attack/secondary attack combo is that the first can be evaded more easily because it counts as a single attack, the latter instead counts as two attacks..
(the HOLD mark)
Some attacks also have the effect HOLD. The HOLD prevent a Unit affected from attacking in the Player's next round. This effect vanishes in the subsequent round after that. The HOLD doesn't prevent a Unit from moving, sidestepping or trasforming.
teamed Units can suffer from damage in a different way. The Player is allowed to spread damages on his teamed Unit. He can choose to give all damage to a single Unit (if this Unit has enough HPs to cover the whole damage) or he can choose to not kill any Units at all. Player though is not allowed to spread damage if teamed Units are on different planes, or if the attack could harm all Units in the square (i.e. FT attacks).
In the same way, Player can choose which Unit (on the same plane) will be affected from an effect, unless the attack could affect even teamed Units.
teamed Units on the same plane can even share their abilities, such as the STEALTH. If a Unit has some moves which modify damage taken, these will be applied first and then the Player will choose which Units wil take the remaining damages. If a Unit cannot be hit, the same goes for teamed Units, but only if they are on the same plane.