Measured CH4 absorption lines at room temperature

by A. Lucchesini

Lists of methane absorption lines directly observed and measured by using different types of laser diodes and the I2 lines as references:

at 784 nm: see "Diode laser overtone spectroscopy of methane at 780 nm" (Adobe Acrobat®: 356 kB);

at 840 nm, where the listed lines come from our paper: J. Quant. Spectrosc. Radiat. Transfer 103(1), 209-216 (2007);

at 860 nm, where the lines come from our paper: Appl. Opt. 32(27), 5211–5216 (1993), and the wavenumbers are taken from [2] H. Vedder and R. Mecke, "Das Rotationsschwingungsspectrum des Methans," Z. Phys. 86, 137-156 (1933).