Princess Diana's Death and the Unanswered Questions

Photo of Princess Diana

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Conspiracy Nation -- Vol. 10 Num. 98

("Quid coniuratio est?")

U.K., French, Journalists Confide:


This is Sherman Skolnick.


In the last few days I have interviewed, extensively, well-informed United Kingdom (UK), French, and other journalists. (And I promised never to use their names because of the nature of what was discussed.) They told me that many of the distinguished journalists in the United Kingdom are aware, from their own reliable sources in key places in the government and elsewhere, that British Intelligence had assassinated Princess Diana.

They went over details, of the specifics of how they, as journalists, from their sources (separate from me), know about the technical information on how the assassination was carried out.

But first of all, we have to discuss why the real story is not being told, in print, or on the radio, or on television, in the UK.

Not many know that in the UK they have the Official Secrets Act. By that Act, the London government has the power, throughout the UK, to order that certain subjects are absolutely forbidden to be discussed. Currently, the forbidden subject is any discussion of possible foul play in the death of Princess Diana and her intended husband Dodi Fayed.

Further than that, any discussion is forbidden about how the Official Secrets Act exactly works. When there is a subject that an editor, publisher, or station manager believes would be covered by the Official Secrets Act, they must immediately inform the London government. And if the London government issues what they call a "D Notice," then these media outlets throughout the UK are not only forbidden to go forward with any story that they're working on; but also, the D Notice serves as a potential seizure: it authorizes the UK, through their various operatives, to immediately seize and close down any printing plant that is in the process of printing such a story, any radio station, or any radio or TV transmitter. They are immediately seized by the London government, closed down, and the publisher, the editor, and the key personnel (including the writer of the story) are immediately put under arrest.

And the worst part of it is, the rest of the media is not even allowed to mention that these people have been arrested and their publishing and transmitting facilities seized. In other words, it is forbidden to discuss the D Notice and also forbidden to discuss the technical operation of the Official Secrets Act. So, there is censorship regarding the instruments of censorship.

The journalists I spoke with generally agree with what I found out from other sources about how Diana was assassinated. Apparently another car, a supposed "decoy car" which was to protect her, in fact carried agents of British Intelligence. It came up behind the Mercedes which Diana and the others were in and hit it in some way. And there was already an arrangement through others that a chemical slick was put on the roadway within the tunnel. Ahead of the slick, a heavy construction truck, on signal, backed into the tunnel and dropped or placed an obstruction of a very heavy nature in the roadway. So any which way it turned around, the Diana car could not have gotten away.

Thereafter, British Intelligence planted disinformation (and continues to do so) throughout the world. (For example, "The car came from a junkyard; it was formerly stolen; it's a defective car," "The driver was drunk," "The speedometer was stuck at 120; the car was going over 100 mph.") There's been a flood of these fake stories promoted worldwide by British Intelligence, in which the CIA has seen to it that the American press replicates these stories.

Leading journalists in the UK agree with stories by me and others that Diana was assassinated. And the simple reason for the murder is, British Intelligence is pledged to protect the monarchy. The monarchy was *not* going to have a new step-father for the heir to the throne, Prince William; they weren't going to have a Moslem.

Further than that, it comes out that Diana had already been given an engagement ring by Dodi Fayed. What has *not* come out is that she was 3-months pregnant.

So when you put that together, British Intelligence, under their rules, was "justified" in wiping these people out for the purposes of the monarchy, protection of the realm, and "national security."

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Aperi os tuum muto, et causis omnium filiorum qui pertranseunt.
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Conspiracy Nation -- Vol. 10 Num. 93

("Quid coniuratio est?")



by Sherman H. Skolnick


More and more, Paris is becoming a center of political assassinations.

ITEM: In July, 1996, Amschel Rothschild was murdered, just as he was about to become the new head of the Rothschild worldwide banking empire, tied to the Vatican. Most of the American press were silent: some said it was a heart attack; others, a suicide. He was found with a bathroom cord tied around his neck, connected to a towel rack. In checking it out, however, the Paris police discovered the rack came right off the wall! Hence, it was murder, not suicide.

Rothschilds and Rockefellers have engaged each other in bloody financial wars for many decades. Rothschild was murdered on the anniversary of the murder of John D. Rockefeller III, 1978. Recently, we repeated the exclusive details.

ITEM: February 1997: A long-time, major financial supporter of Albert Gore, Jr., was murdered in Paris: Pamela Harriman, U.S. Ambassador to France, widow of Averell Harriman of the major banking and railroad fortune. With her help, Gore had joined with top U.S. military leaders, who had fled to France, to arrest their Commander-in-Chief, Bill Clinton, for treason.

ITEM: Various western intelligence agencies arranged to assassinate Princess Diana, in Paris. She was killed on a sacred section called Pont l'Alma -- from that is derived the word "Pontiff," that is, "Pope." The ancient section is where most every royal family in Europe comes from. According to legend, a person killed there goes straight to Heaven, as a representative of Jesus.

According to unreleased witness reports, a vehicle (on purpose) tapped or hit the rear of Diana's Mercedes, one of the heavily-built models, reportedly made bomb- and bullet-resistant. A slick had already been spread ahead of her car, which then hit an intentional, heavy obstruction planted in the tunnel roadway. The second car had intelligence agents from the super-secret Committee of Twenty-Six, headquartered in Bristol, England, made up of covert operatives of the United States and the United Kingdom, skilled in murder disguised as auto accident. Informed of this in advance, French Intelligence took a "hands off" posture and delayed the arrival of the Paris police to the murder scene. The local authorities in Paris reportedly have "smoking gun" video evidence made by "Paparazzi" on motorbikes (that is, celebrity-chasing photographers), reportedly showing the political assassination details. French authorities have proof to blackmail Bill Clinton, both on the murder of Diana as well as the cover-up of the missile attack on the Paris-bound TWA Flight 800, in which 60 French nationals perished, including 8 of the French Secret Police.

Diana and her intended Arab husband were set to shift billions of dollars from the West, to banks in Germany and Austria. The princess was crushed between the East and the West: between the Pope and the failing, degenerate British monarchy, the House of Windsor. Newsfakers here and overseas continue to call it a so-called "auto accident." Stay tuned.

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Aperi os tuum muto, et causis omnium filiorum qui pertranseunt.
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Photo of Lady Di

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Conspiracy Nation -- Vol. 10 Num. 95

("Quid coniuratio est?")



by "Ru Mills"


[Here is Ru Mills' account of the death of Princess Diana. "Ru Mills" is a pseudonym; formerly she published the "Rumor Mill News." Consider all of what follows, unless specifically noted otherwise, as "according to Ru Mills."]

Princess Diana and her soon-to-be husband, Dodi Fayed, were fatally injured in the Pont de l'Alma tunnel. The site is ancient, dating back to the time of the Merovingian kings (ca. 500 - 751 A.D.), and before. In pre-Christian times, the Pont de l'Alma was a pagan sacrificial site. Note that in the pagan connotation, at least, sacrifice is not to be confused with murder: the sacrificial victim had to be a willing participant.

In the time of the Merovingian kings, the Pont de l'Alma was an underground chamber. Founder of the Merovingian dynasty was Merovaeus, said to be descended from the union of a sea creature and a French queen. Merovaeus followed the pagan cult of Diana. In Middle English, "soul" (Alma) has as etymology "descended from the sea." "Pont," has as a Latin root "pontifex," meaning a Roman high priest. (See also pons, pontis -- bridge; passage.) "Alma" comes from the Latin "almus," meaning nourishing. One translation of Pont de l'Alma would be "bridge of the soul." Another would be "passage of nourishment." All true European royalty is descended from the Merovingians, which are believed to be descendants of Jesus Christ.

During the Merovingian era, if two kings had a dispute over property, it was settled in combat at Pont de l'Alma. According to legend, anyone killed there goes straight to Heaven and sits at the right hand of God, watching over all his foe was to do. The person killed in combat was actually considered to be the "winner," since he became God's eyes on earth and even could manipulate events.

The current British royal family are imposters. The House of Windsor is a fraud. But the lineage of Lady Diana Spencer goes back to Charles II of the House of Stewart. The House of Stewart is of *true* royal blood. Diana's sons, William and Harry, have 3-quarters true nobility in their blood.

Princess Diana was in a powerful position. Two main factions vied for control over her: (1) the New World Order faction, founded on an alliance between King William III (Bank of England, modern system of finance, and "national debt" all beginning during his reign) and later, the Rothschilds, and (2) the true nobility of Europe.

*Within* the New World Order faction, there are smaller, warring factions, exemplified by Rothschilds vs. Rockefellers. The plan of the New World Order faction was to marry Lady Diana to an American. Even though Bill Clinton has bastard roots in the Rockefeller clan, he is rejected by them and is aligned with the Rothschilds. Bill Clinton was the designated future husband for Lady Diana, with Hillary Clinton to be eliminated through divorce or even murder. The Rockefellers were furious; in no way would they allow a marriage between Bill Clinton and Lady Diana. In Great Britain, Prince William would be on the throne by age 25; if Prince Charles did not abdicate, he would be assassinated. Then, Prince Harry and the living Lady Diana would have moved to the U.S. Harry would become a U.S. citizen and go into politics, becoming perhaps a U.S. Senator. By then, whoever controlled the two boys -- Prince William and Prince Harry -- would control the world.

But in her last visit to the White House, circa January 1997, Lady Diana informed Mr. Bill Clinton that in no way, shape, or form would she *ever* marry him. (While in America, Lady Diana also met with John Kennedy, Jr.) Diana chose, instead, to marry for love. (Jackie Kennedy married Aristotle Onassis for power; he could protect her.)

Dodi Fayed, beloved of Lady Diana, is a cousin of Adnan Khashoggi, a CIA asset involved in sales of arms to Iran -- he and Oliver North. Adnan Khashoggi is part of the Saudi royal family. Through marrying Dodi Fayed, Diana would have been marrying into the Saudi royal family. She might have had to convert to Islam.

British intelligence (MI-6) arranged the deaths of Lady Diana and Dodi Fayed. It was imperative that the Saudi royal family not have control over Diana. The driver of the ill-fated Mercedes was a "Manchurian candidate" (brainwashed tool), with connections to the French military. How did so much alcohol get into his system? Amounts suggested in mass media reports are truly staggering -- so much alcohol that the driver would have had to been carried to the car. The way it happened was, the driver was made to swallow special slowly-digestible balloons containing high-potency alcohol. While he drove, the balloons were slowly digested and he became dangerous behind the wheel.

But even within British intelligence there are factions. A rogue faction in MI-6, powerless to prevent the assassination, arranged for the deaths of Lady Diana and Dodi Fayed to happen at Pont de l'Alma. Cleverly, it was known that a death at that historic location would not only "send a signal"; it would eventually lead to the creation of a "Saint Diana." In Roman paganism, Diana is "Queen of Heaven," a triple-goddess. "Al-mah," in mideast language, means "moon goddess." One aspect of the Roman triple-goddess is the "lunar virgin." The *al-mahs* served as maidens of Diana, the lunar virgin. In France, the Cult of Diana was so powerful that it wasn't until the Middle Ages until the French gave up worship of the pagan goddess. The *true* Knights Templar (not to be confused with imposters) are sworn to protect the Merovingian blood -- i.e., that of the *true* royals, such as Lady Diana. Before too long, Project Blue Beam holographic imaging will be used to create "miraculous appearances" of Lady Diana. Children at various locations will be randomly selected to witness "saintly apparitions." These children will receive a "message" from "Diana." Some of the children will claim that "Diana" has given them healing powers -- and what is more, these children *will* be able to "heal." Locations of these "miraculous appearances" will become known as places of healing and sacred shrines. "Saint Diana's" two children, William and Harry, will become akin to two living Jesus Christs, walking the earth. It will be the start of "the new religion." Who controls the new religion controls the world.

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Aperi os tuum muto, et causis omnium filiorum qui pertranseunt.
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Photo of Princess Di

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                                       DIANA - THE SAUDI CONNECTION






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MER - Washington - 2 Sept:

At American University in Washington, D.C., there is a very large building with the name ADNAN KHASHOGGI writ large for all to see. Former Arab League Ambassador Clovis Maksoud has his office nearby. It's also quite an embarrassment however.

Once praised as an international businessman, Khashoggi is now known to have been an international arms salesman and a swindler working closely with the Saudi Royal family as an intermediary. Criminal indictments and law suits galore are now associated with his name. AU took his money before the crash, and remains stuck with his name, though rumors abound the university has been looking for some other wealthy patron to make a new deal with.

The family fortune of Emad Mohamed "Dodi" el-Fayed can be traced not to Egypt, but rather to the two sources of Muslim cash and unbridled corruption in our era - the Saudi royal family and the Sultan of Brunei.

Indeed, the main reason Dodi's father has been unable to obtain British citizenship and wasn't even sure he'd be able to bury his son in England, can be traced back to his very shady business dealings where he repeatedly lied about the source of his funds and on whose behalf he was acting.

The connection to the Saudi royal family is through Dodi's mother, the sister of Adnan Khashoggi.

And irony of ironies, much of the money that has built the Mohamed Fayed empire and that however indirectly contributed to the death of the Princess of Wales, so known in recent days for her anti-land-mines and humanitarian efforts, began as commissions and profits from arms sales.


MID-EAST REALITIES is published a number of times weekly on the Internet. Email to INFOMER@MIDDLEEAST.ORG to receive MER regularly. For information about the weekly MER-TV program email to INFOMERTV@MIDDLEEAST.ORG.


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The First Diana
Conspiracy Site

Was a shadowy plot afoot
to kill Princess Diana?

Was the memory of the goddess known as Diana possibly the result ancient encounters with a Spiritual Hierarchy of Ascended and Cosmic Beings?


Princess Diana WWW Ring

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