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Here below you will find some images that can help you learning most used terms:
Blade parts
And here are some of the most classic blade shapes:
Manual of Handling, Etiquette, and Care of the Japanese Sword
Traditionally the Japanese sword has been considered a most important treasure by the Japanese people. The etiquette regarding the handling of swords was very strict. The rules were such that women were not allowed to handle swords with their bare hands, but used the sleeves of their kimono to carry them. And some Samurai even went so far as to forbid women from entering the room when they were cleaning their sword. Some Samurai hung mosquito nets and they cleaned swords under the netting. This was found to be the only dust-free place. Also the Samurai would hold a piece of paper in his mouth, not only in cleaning but in looking at swords as well. The thought was that this kept one's breath and moisture off of the blade. Albert Yamanaka felt that the paper in the mouth served no purpose, since if he closes his mouth then he must breath through his nose and in close inspection of swords hot air from the nostrils will fall on the blade and defeat the purpose of having the paper in his mouth. A certain amount of respect is due a sword as an object of art and of history regardless of the viewer's heritage. However, swords must also be treated with utmost precaution to avoid injury to both the handler or to anyone close by. The sword blade must be protected from rust. Also the sword's saya (scabbard), and fittings must be protected from scratches and other damage.
1. Etiquette for the Japanese Sword
In feudal Japan, bumping the sword's saya while passing
one another or stepping over a sword while it was placed on the
floor would be cause enough to start a fight. As admirers of the
Japanese sword some elements of sword etiquette should be adopted
to facilitate the safe and courteous handling of these respected
1. One problem that did not exist in old Japan was the
transportation of swords by automobile. If, during an accident, a
fishing rod can pierce a car seat, think of what a sword blade
can do! Always pack swords perpendicular to the normal line of
2. Permission to examine a sword is always requested from the
owner first.
3. Since some lacquer work is precious, the saya is held
only with a gloved hand, a cloth or rice paper. Only the tsuka
(hilt) is touched with the bare hand. A good habit to get into is
to always carry some form of protection for saya handling
whenever you may have opportunities to view swords.
4. Upon receiving the sword, you should show your respect by
bowing to it. Remember, swords are more than pieces of metal and
have a religious significance attached by some people. Whether or
not you subscribe to this belief, you should honor the feelings
of the sword owner and the efforts of the swordmaker. After
properly receiving the sword, the first items to be admired are
the koshirae (sword furniture or fittings) or the
calligraphy on the shira saya (plain wooden scabbards and
hilts), if any is there.
5. Permission should be asked again in order to withdraw the
blade from the saya. If permission is granted, the saya
should be held in the middle with the ha (cutting edge)
upwards in the left hand. The blade is then slowly unsheathed by
riding the mune (blade back) on the saya, taking
care not to let the polished surfaces come into contact with any
part of the saya. Whether drawing out a tachi or katana,
one must hold the cutting edge up and grasp the saya from
underneath in the left hand in a forward holding position. Then,
hold the hilt from above with the right hand.
6. When handing a sword to someone you should continually keep
the ha toward yourself.
7. When handing the sword to someone else, it is always held with
the kissaki (point) upward and the ha toward the
first holder with one hand close to the fuchi (front
pommel) and the other supporting the kashira (rear pommel).
This leaves enough room on the tsuka (hilt) for the other
person to securely grasp the sword. You, the first holder, should
also wiggle/jiggle the sword slightly as an indication that you,
the first holder, are about to release your grasp. Upon receiving
the sword, the new holder/viewer immediately turns the ha
toward their body.
8. Definite precautions should be taken to prevent breathing on
the polished surfaces of the blade. The blade may be held in
either hand after the saya is carefully put down. If the
sword has a fuduka (sword bag) , the saya should
remain in it and the top of the bag end is folded over. This will
protect the lacquered saya or a nice shira saya.
Since the scabbard is rather tightly fit at the koiguchi (opening)
where the habaki (collar) is fit, the initial pull must be
very carefully made so that only the habaki's length gets
drawn out.. Giving a sudden powerful pull may not only impair the
opening of the saya but also might result in an
uncontrollable jerk leading to injury. Holding the blade still,
pull it entirely out of the saya very slowly making
certain the cutting edge never faces down or sideways.
9. When you are examining a blade, you may support it with a
piece of cloth or rice paper. Under no circumstances is the blade
ever to be touched with bare hands or fingers. The acidic natural
oils can cause rusting of the blade. Some people advocate the
wearing of white gloves when handling a blade. This is a good
10. Courtesy dictates that derogatory comments are not to be made,
and kizu (defects, if any) are not pointed out unless the
owner specifically asks the viewer to discuss the kizu in
the blade. When a blade is placed back in the saya (scabbard),
its case must be held by the left hand and the hilt by the right
hand as in the pulling-out process. The tip of the sharp edge
facing up must first rest gently on the opening of the saya.
Again, holding the blade still, slide the blade along the channel
into the saya. When the habaki (collar) reaches the
opening of the case, a firm push is necessary to completely seat
the blade in the saya. As before, the cutting edge must
not face down or sideways.
11. When returning a sword from viewing , you must always keep
the cutting edge toward yourself with the kissaki (point)
upward. The tsuka (hilt) is presented so that it is easy
for the receiver to grasp.
2. Precautions to be taken in handling
the Nipponto
How to draw a sword out of the scabbard and put it back
1. All swords, whether encased in shira saya or koshirae
(formal mountings), need to be kept in their sword bags. The kojiri
(head of the scabbard) must go into the bag first to avoid the
possibility of an accidental fall of the blade into the bag while
you are holding the saya.
2. To carry a sword, the saya (scabbard) must be held with
the right hand. The tsuka (hilt) must be held higher than
the blade and saya. This measure will prevent dangerous
3. Whenever one draws a mounted sword out of its bag or scabbard,
make sure the position of the tsuka (hilt) does not go
lower than the saya.
4. In Japan the registration card should either be tied to the saya
or sewn onto the sword bag. The sword owner in Japan has a legal
obligation to keep a sword and its registration card together.
III. Method of Maintenance The major purpose of sword care is to
ensure that the steel surface does not oxidize or rust. Therefore,
it is necessary to thoroughly remove the stale oil and replace it
entirely with new oil. To properly care for a sword, specialized
tools are needed and a proscribed series of steps should be
3. Method of manitenance
A. Tools
1. Mekugi-nuki: A tool to remove the mekugi (bamboo peg ) holding
the blade in the hilt. It is usually made of brass or bamboo.
2. Uchiko: The most finely ground claystone powder (between 30 -
35 grams and about 8000 grits, with powdered deer horn for bulk),
used for cleaning the blade surface. The uchiko is first, wrapped
in Japanese hand-made paper called Yoshino-gami, then rewrapped
by cotton or silk cloth, it comes through the wrapping materials
when patted on the blade surface.
3. Nuguigami: High quality thick Japanese paper. It must be
thoroughly wrinkled to soften and remove coarse and dusty
particles and is used for wiping the blade surface. There are two
reasons for the wiping function; one for preliminary removal of
old oil; and two for removal of the powder. When using flannel,
the fabric must be washed, destarched in water, then dried.
4. Abura: A rust preventive oil called choji a chamomile-like
flower oil much like clove oil.
5. Abura-nuguishi: Paper used to spread oil over the blade
surface. A piece of wiping paper or flannel will do.
B. Method of sword care
1. Place the mounted blade on a secure area and push the peg out
in preparation for removing the hilt.
2. Pull the blade out of the saya.
3. To remove the hilt, hold the hilt at the kashira end
with the left hand so that the mune is resting in the palm
of your hand. Keep the blade in a slightly angled upright
position. Use the right fist to hit the left wrist lightly a few
times. When the nakago (tang) becomes slightly loosened in
the hilt, repeat until the nakago comes out of the hilt by
itself. When there is enough room to grasp the tang, the blade
may be pulled out of the hilt with the right hand. Be careful not
to hit the left wrist too hard with the right hand as there is a
danger that blades with short tangs like tanto might
bounce out of the hilt entirely. Therefore, the initial impact
must be light, just to check how tightly the tang is fixed in the
hilt. Then, the force of subsequent blows must be adjusted
accordingly. When the blade is taken out of the hilt, the peg
removed from the hilt should be replaced in the tsuka to
avoid accidental loss.
4. If the blade is mounted in a full koshirae, other
attachments such as tsuba (sword hand guard) and seppa
(spacers) on both sides of the tsuba in addition to the habaki
(collar) must be removed. When the habaki is fit too
tightly to remove, it can be loosened by hitting it lightly with
a wooden hammer on the mune (back) of the habaki
after covering the habaki with a cloth for protection.
5. The wiping process requires two pieces of paper. The initial
one removes the old oil and dust, which is called preliminary
cleaning. First place the cleaning paper on the mune (back)
and fold it into halves toward the ha (edge). Then, hold
the paper covered blade from above the back so that the thumb and
the forefinger grip each side of the cutting section from above
the paper. Hardly any force is needed to wipe the blade upward,
one way, starting from the base. When the cleaning paper reaches
the point, be particularly careful in wiping lightly. No pressure
or friction must be put on the point. When expertise is attained,
the wiping action can also be both ways, up and down. Lack of
experience could cause the cutting of paper or even fingers and
thus it must be strictly avoided.
6. In case the oil cannot be removed with ease, cotton or gauze
soaked in benzene (finger nail polish remover) or pure alcohol (like
Everclear) may be used in the same wiping manner as described
7. The powdering starts from the base toward the tip on the
obverse in a light, uniform patting motion to cover the blade
surface. Then turn the blade over and start patting from the
point downward toward the base.
8. Then, use the other sheet of paper to wipe the powder off the
blade surface in the same manner as described in (5) in this
section. If oil remains, some more powdering and wiping is
9. When the surface is thoroughly clean, check for the presence
of rust, flaws and other damages. Then without putting back the tsuka,
habaki and other attachments, the blade alone must be
placed back in the saya. It should be noted that the two
kinds of wiping paper used in this process must not be
interchanged and should have distinct purposes preliminary and
10. The re-oiling with a piece of paper, or destarched flannel,
folded in size 3cm x 6cm and soaked in fresh oil completes a
round of sword care. When the paper is ready, the sword is to be
drawn out of the saya again. After placing it in the left
hand, put the oiling paper on the mune (back) to do the
same movement as described in the wiping process. To make sure
the blade surface is thoroughly covered with oil, repeat the same
procedure a few times. Just as in the wiping, the handling of the
sword as well as the oiling paper must be most carefully done.
The paper should contain the right amount of oil so that no
excess oil will over flow and harm the inside of the saya.
The oil must be spread thinly and evenly.
11. It is a good idea to apply a very small amount of oil to the
surface of the nakago (tang) with the fingers and then
wipe it off. This might be done once a year. However an excessive
amount of oil must also be avoided here. The black iron oxide (rust)
needs to stay black. It is used to determine the age of the blade.
12. Put the habaki back and encase the blade tentatively
in the saya. Remove the peg from the hilt, draw the blade
out of the saya, hold it in the right hand in an almost
upright position, pick up the hilt with the left hand, and put
the tang back in the hilt. Keep holding the blade in the hilt
lightly with the palm of the right hand so that the tang settles
firmly in the hilt. When the tang is fixed in its perfect
position, replace the peg. Pass the blade to the right hand, pick
up the saya and slide the blade into it observing the
manner described in Section II. Needless to say, the other parts
like seppa and tsuba of fully mounted swords must
also be returned to their respective places before the hilt is
put on the tang, noting that the seppa and tsuba
normally only go on one way.
13. The methods for handling and caring for other forms of blades
such as yari (spears) and naginata (halberds) are
the same. Yari must be handled especially carefully;
otherwise injury may occur. Also, the ken (a daggers of
double edged type) are very dangerous. Sword care tools musts be
kept perfectly clean, for dust stuck on the wiping cloth or
oiling paper could cause scratches on the steel surface.
Protecting these surfaces which have been most finely polished
through the graded processes involving more than ten kinds of
claystones of different fineness and hardness is critical.
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