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LIFEND - Shattering: Reality

Second piece of work by those Italians. Things this time seem much better. I have to admit that compared to their previous work "Entwined Emotions" they sound 100% better! Lifend play complicated death / black, well I can't call it progressive, with many twists and turns along the way! Their sound is so diverse from time to time that it requires your full attention in order to follow the listening. Take for example the "cut" in the second song "With All Fears", right after the blastbeat you get a really easy listening part! Cool! The CD contains three new long tracks. It also contains the bands previous work. As an additional bonus you get a mov file with a life performance the band gave at 18/05/02 (quite professionally I must admit, with a lot of cameras). As with their previous work the band must focus on the brutal vocals since they sound a bit weak. The production is far more better. With no doubts the signs of improvement are more than obvious. Check them out. Michael Dalakos

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