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LIFEND: Entwined Emotions

This Italian act performs some kind of gloomy and obscure cross between doom and death metal, whilst the atmosphere they force is for sure strictly depressive. They started as Lifend in 1999 and this is the first demo. "Entwined Emotions" is melodic doom / death metal with both male and female voices, violins, fine arrangements and good musicianship. Loads of sad melodies, beauty V/S beast vocals, acoustic passages, keyboards and so on are the leit-motiv of the whole album, the songs aren't so similar to each other, with many different passages, so this mean they don't become boring at all. No boredom here indeed, but... let’s say sometimes they’re "structurally incomplete", or something like that. Anyway, Lifend delivers fine sound quality and good performance. There’s quite a lot of diversity on offer throughout the whole demo, as said, and this can surely appeal several listeners. Within this genre I'd say they have huge potential, as they're very good songwriters with a good feel for melodies.



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