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Ledo Takas (on"Ad Arma" zine)

LIFEND Entwined Emotions Mcd ’02

These guys are obsessed by melancholy and drama of (metal) music, so
what they play the best way can be named as atmospheric metal. Indeed a
style that has been exploited for quite some time now, and in spite of
its diversity (from Type O’Negative climates to Arcturus insanity, all
of them have atmosphere prevailing in music), it gets worse and worse,
simply because there are too many bands trying to be that next big
thing, which indeed have nothing exceptional to offer. If you want to
know, I do enjoy some atmospheric music, but I’d rather stick to elder
time proven records than on those new kids on the block.
Italian crew of six musicians are indeed new kids on the block, since
this is their first team effort to record music, but well – seems like
they have been practicing their instruments for quite some years now,
and they know this and that in the studio, as what I hear on this
demonstration CD-r are really tight produced songs. The sound is heavy,
instruments are perfectly heard and mixed down there to have this metal
edge to it – in spite of female vocals, flutes, violins and all the
other memorabilia in addition. Well, vocalists bring this recording down
a bit: guy is totally wrong to use his “want to be black metal” weeping,
and then both guy and girl are not the strongest singers around. With
'singers' I mean they use clean voices. From time to time vocal lines
take over the rest of life ending music, so that stops me from saying
this is worthier than other atmospheric bands down there. But it’s not
bad after all.

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