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HM Portal (Italy)

LIFEND: Entwined Emotions

Gothic is a strange genre: rich of influences (firts of all, Black), has became famous just in these years by acts like Tristania and, in the italian scene, Macbeth. Good band now to add to these big names are Lifend, another italian band that share all the gothic features: two singers, a male and a female, using of instruments not always played like piano and strings, and a Black-style drumming. But I have to underline some things that give loss points to this record, however good. First of all, a not excellent production, too low and with wrong volumes: this give less potency to the more powerful parts and less pathos to the more romantic ones. The growl male parts are few (excellent the clean parts!). Arrangements are very good and the tracks, even if of long durability, are never boring.
So a big hail to Lifend, new italian Gothic band, not far from success...

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