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Review on Beyond Webzine

"Entwined Emotions"

The first audition of this demo left me skeptical, not to say stone cold. The second time around, I started to feel a little more at ease but I had to listen to “Entwined Emotions” a couple more times before I could find my way through it. Usually, when it doesn’t catch me right away, it means there’s a problem on the musical level but this time, I realize that (afterwards of course) the interesting things in Lifend’s music are connected to its less accessible character... Paradoxical? Not a lot: as many people indeed get turned on as off by extremes. So, the bizarre impression one gets when discovering the Gothic Death/Black of our Italian friends slowly transfigures into a more or less pronounced attraction one feels toward this rather special melodies. The My Dying Bride touch doesn’t go unnoticed but on the whole it is clear that this work, which I appreciate a lot, is very personal. Alberto’s once torn, once clean vocals are what they are: classical but efficient. As for Sara’s, they sometimes cruelly lack justness or self-confidence, although it should be mentioned that her singing fits the music just fine most of the time owing to her very particular timbre... Something like a mixture of Sinead O’Connor and Marianne Faithful, which may seem weird initially but actually is pleasantly surprising. I hope they won’t stop at this for the potential is there... undoubtedly! RNO

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