nostalgia's words
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Here there is a marvellous poem  taken from  the  libretto of  the work  " Ellis Island "


Far from my country
far my country from me
distance is sorrow
I know the sorrow
but I can't tell it through words
don't live like
the thousand-years tree that I've left does
words don't flow
like flows and pulses
in the veins of the world
the river that I've left.
Words don't jump lightely
like gazelle does on the mountains that I've left.
Words don't smell like most
beautiful flowers of the world do,
flowers I' ve left.
Only that one who has much love can love
Only that one who has much nostalgia can dream.
Distance is
I know the but
I can't tell it through words.
Words can't describe the paradise that I've lost.
( " Nostalgia ", poem by Hevi Dilara )