Home Su Ellis Island parole di nostalgia Genealogy      



World of genealogy allows you to find out things lost in time that you had never imagined , also concerning people much close to you.
I've been building my genealogical tree for many years, but new element in my search was just internet: by pc I was able to find out lots of news I wasn't able to find out by my ancient relatives' testimoniances.

I remember once more time the Ellis Island site, useful for your searching about your relatives who emigrated to the States:

Emigration is a phenomenon that touched many populations, and the marvellous work  " Ellis Island" by Giovanni Sollima written by Roberto Alajmo, performed some weeks ago in Palermo, makes us think about the common matrix of past and present experiences.

But do you want to know what Ellis Island- obligatory halt for our emigrants at the end of 1800- was under the historical point of view?
If you want to know it, click here!