Kappers - Harderwijk

address list 1908

This page contains the names of people with the surname Kappers that are listed in the address list of Harderwijk (The Netherlands) in the year 1908 (1).
We do not know or we are not sure yet about the parents or children of the persons listed on this page, otherwise they are classified elsewhere on this site.
Address list Harderwijk 1908
Name and family name
Profession (in Dutch)
A. Kappers
Farmer (landbouwer)
Groote Haverstraat 164
B. Kappers
City messenger (stadsomroeper)
Luttekepoortstraat 117
F. Kappers
Gardener (tuinman)
Kleine Grindweg 18
F. Kappers
Farmer of vegetables (groentekweker)
Kleine Grindweg 21
Source: http://home.planet.nl/~herderewich/hdw1908.htm, Oudheidkundige vereniging "Herderewich"