Kappers from Harderwijk (The Netherlands)

The Fishgate or Lighthouse in Harderwijk
(click on the picture for more info)

In the small fishers town Harderwijk in The Netherlands we find since 1700 a number of people with the surname Kappers. We do not know yet the origin of this surname. A geneagram has been constructed. Some people are still not present in the geneagram and they are listed below. (1)

Philippus Kappers, born 1749

Frederik Kappers, born about 1775

Antonia Kappers, born about 1750

Christina Elisabeth Kappers, born 1933

Other people with the surname Kappers that lived in Harderwijk:

- lived before 1811
- born or died between 1811 and 1892
- married between 1811 and 1930
- address list Harderwijk 1908
Some genealogic research has been carried out in Harderwijk that includes people with the Kappers surname and it has been published on the internet
Homepage Kappers site