Kappers from Harderwijk (The Netherlands)

The Fish Gate or Lighthouse

On top of the Fish Gate (Vischpoort) in Harderwijk was the light house that guided the ships on the sea that arrived up to the coast of Harderwijk. Today the sea (Zuiderzee) has been transformed into a lake (IJsselmeer) and there are no professional fishing activities any more in Harderwijk. Nevertheless the Fish Gate remains the symbol of the past and present Harderwijk. The photo on top of this page has been taken at the beginning of the 20th century(1).

Source: The Gelderland Library, image number 21818
Library Arnhem, Koningstraat 26, 6811 DG Arnhem, tel. 026-3543161, email: deGelderlandBibliotheek@biblioarnhem.nl
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