Albert Einstein

To the Society "A Guaranteed Subsistence for All" 


Berlin, 12. 12. 18 

I too believe Popper's suggestion that a secured minimum level of existence for every citizen is the most important social goal we can strive for. 
But I can by no means agree with the idea of a "nourishment army" because I am convinced such a thing would produce highly uneconomical results. 
Everybody should, in case of disability or unemployment, have the right to get, from public soup kitchens, the absolutely essential things one needs to live. 
I am convinced that the strife for an improved existence by means of earning a wage, combined with the disdain people have toward  non-workers, are sufficiently strong motivational forces to guarantee a healthy development of economic life. 
Experience seems to show that dire need and bitter sorrow act to paralyze rather than promote work. 

A. Einstein


Tratto da: The collected papers of Albert Einstein
(trad. dal tedesco di Albert Engel)
Volume 7
Princeton University Press

