In the below image there's the screen capture of the client
applet. You can see that in the Netscape browser there are two windows:
The Cosmo player VRML plugin that shows the animation virtual ambient
The client Applet for communicating with the server
The Applet is composed by this component:
A main window list that shows what the server had transmitted to the client
A send command line where you can send commands to the server
A RTT check button for activate or no the calculate of the Round Trip Time
Tree input box where you can change some physical parameter (These
are active only in browser that supports AWT 1.1, else you must use the command
The available commands specific for this ambient are:
ADDFILE name name_of_file
This command read and execute the simulation specified by the name_of_file
.sim file
Delete the name simulation
FISICAL number value
Change some physical characteristics according to number of:
1: Change box mass to value
2: Change box dimension to value
3: Change bar length to value
The general available commands are:
HELP command
Show the description of command command or the list of available command
Close connection with the server
List the connected users
NAME name
Change you actual name to name
These commands are created for adding, deleting, or modifying some VRML object.
They are internally used by other commands us ADDFILE and DELFILE but the
user can however use them.
Università degli studi di Padova/Ladseb CNR di Padova