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a thousand words
Just a post to say that I'm back in Italy and home safely. Already these last two days have been busy and rough--getting back to normal here always takes me some time, and of course there is the jet lag to recover from.
To Italy Without Delay
Tomorrow I'm heading home. Can time have passed more quickly? Wasn't it the case that I just set down my luggage in my brother's kitchen on a Friday evening to come face to face of my new niece Miriam? Wasn't that just a moment ago?
Obsession du Jour: Ballando con le Stelle
Obsession du Jour: Ballando con le Stelle. Ah the wonders of good ol' cable TV. It's really is amazing how we get Italian TV shows in my little corner of the third world. I normally have ZERO tolerance when it comes to watching shows
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School House Rock
Just a quick post from this side of the ocean! While Antonello and I are back in the United States getting ready for tomorrow's big Thanksgiving day (and baby Miriam's baptism!), Corrie is enjoying a big day of her own: the first day of
Love and Food
One more post between then and nowI'm almost caught up! -Corrie 11 November 2006 "I've never had a trip where I wanted to remember every single meal," Bowden said as we drove to Milano and took notes over the last 10 days of pasta,
Still packing, but almost ready
I can't believe it's almost tomorrow. We have had the busiest, fullest, most wonderful couple of months in recent memory here, and tomorrow is even a bigger jump, as we are headed back to the states for Thanksgiving, to meet baby Miriam
Sugo delle Zie
I'm still playing catch-up with blog posts, typing onto the screen the posts I've been scribbling into a little, well-traveled notebook. Thanks for your patience as I make progress toward real time again! :-) 19 October 2006 My Aunt
News! News! News!
Several bits of exciting news to pass along 1. I am alive. I could start yet ANOTHER blog entry with the standard apology for not having written in so long, but you all know the drill by now: best of intentions and yet not a single
Hello World!
Early early this morning, back in America, a wonderful little life was brought into the world--my new niece Miriam! Congratulations to my brother and his wife, and welcome to little Miriam! We cannot wait to meet you!

Oroscopo - Libero
Un saluto dalle stelle e da Alan! Giorno dopo giorno potrai interrogare le stelle per saperne di piú sull'Amore, la Forma, il Lavoro e l'umore
Rai.it - Ballando con le stelle
inserisci il testo da ricercare: Vai alla home page del portale RAI · Ballando con le stelle · Clicca qui Clicca qui
ballando con le stelle 2006
Clicca qui Clicca qui TV · RADIO · NEWS · COMMUNITY · JUNIOR · TECHE · MAPPA SITI · PROGRAMMI A-Z · Vai al portale Rai · edizione 2005 | edizione 2004
Approfondimenti: Le Stelle
Le stelle si trovano a distanze immense dal nostro sistema solare, cosi' ci appaiono Le stelle ci appaiono sulla sfera celeste raggruppate in insiemi,
Stelle della Terra: pietre dure e cristalli per cristalloterapia
Cristalli e pietre dure per cristalloterapia . Corsi e trattamenti cristalloterapici. Proprietà metafisiche dei cristalli Vendita per corrispondenza di
Caffe Delle Stelle
Caffe Delle Stelle. italian restaurant. Home Page. Map. Lunch Highlights. Dinner Highlights. Wine. Feedback.
Le stelle Messier 12 - ecplanet.ch - Sabato 25.11.2006 - Index
Sappiamo che occorre molto tempo prima che la luce dalle stelle distan Le magnetar sono speciali stelle di neutroni con elevatissime propriet
Stelle variabili
Premessa. Stelle variabili · Classificazione delle stelle variabili Elementi di spettroscopia stellare · L'energia delle stelle
La morte delle stelle
Anche le stelle nascono e muoiono. L'importanza della massa Le stelle di neutroni. Stelle dense come nuclei atomici
Le 12 stelle - Settimanale online a cura della Rappresentanza a
Le “12 Stelle” hanno lanciato sul numero del 15 febbario scorso un’inchiesta tra i suoi lettori per nominare la “Personalità Sportiva europea 2006”, stelle: stella | albergo 4 stelle copenhagen | stella | albergo 4 stelle copenhagen | stelle
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