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l fondamento della teoria del significato è racchiuso nella seguente frase:
                                        "Un messaggio acquista un significato quando non contiene più informazione".

n un primo momento tale proposizione lascia interdetti. Poi, a riflessione avvenuta, appare evidente. Infatti un'informazione, da quando è afferrata e compresa, da quando cioè riveste per noi tutto il significato, cessa di portarci una notizia.
Quindi, tutti i fenomeni in rapporto con questa legge, possono essere previsti poiché si sono trasferiti dal campo dell'informazione a quello del
sapere: Hanno acquistato un valore di significato. E' ovvio che quello che si vuol comunicare è sempre connesso ad una intenzione di un emittente, cioè a dire che l'emittente invia al ricevente un messaggio che può essere di qualsiasi tipo. E' poi il ricevente che ha il compito di interpretarlo come era nell'intenzione dell'emittente acquisendone il giusto significato. E' quindi di fondamentale importanza che tutti quei segni e quei simboli portatori di un preciso significato, a seconda del pensiero o dei fatti che si vogliono comunicare, siano inequivocabili, abbiano cioè lo stesso significato per tutti.
Quindi, ricapitolando: abbiamo dei messaggi, trasmessi da un emittente, che portano un'informazione che viene memorizzata dal ricevente,
acquistando un significato.
Secondo alcuni illustri studiosi, la memoria non consiste in una semplice registrazione, ma in manipolazioni matematiche eseguite dal cervello che ricalcola, secondo le leggi naturali dell'Universo, il passato partendo dal presente.
Quei "sentimenti classici" secondo la psicologia banale, quali l'odio, l'amore, il dolore, la nostalgia, ridere, piangere ed altri, sarebbero il risultato di calcoli effettuati nel cervello e catalogati a seconda del significato preponderante che esso ha acquistato durante la nostra evoluzione. Sarebbe a dire che quelle azioni ricorrenti nella nostra vita quotidiana richiedono l'esistenza di una coscienza. Perché  infatti, un avvenimento ci lascia indifferenti mentre un altro scatena in noi una miriade di sensazioni? Quali sono quindi i meccanismi mentali che ci fanno apprezzare qualcosa invece che un'altra? E, soprattutto, quale attività nel nostro cervello fa sì che tutte le informazioni incamerate vengano poste nei "files" dell'esperienza conscia? Oggi, tutti concordano nell'affermare che il cervello è sede dei processi di conoscenza ma nessuno è ancora riuscito a capire la dinamica che conduce alla presa di coscienza.
"La coscienza è un fenomeno naturale che saremo in grado di comprendere meglio quando capiremo sufficientemente come funziona il cervello", afferma John Searle, docente di filosofia all'UCLA della Berkeley University. Pochi sono i segreti relativi alla sua struttura ma molto ancora da scoprire sul suo funzionamento e sull'elaborazione di quei dati e di quei processi che portano al raggiungimento di una totale coscienza.
Per il filosofo americano Daniel Dennett " Le capacità mentali sono un modo di essere, ma non possono essere considerate un'esclusiva della materia biologica" Ciò vuol dire che per creare la mente, la materia deve concretamente soddisfare due requisiti: reagire in tempi compatibili al continuo mutamento dell'ambiente esterno e avere un'ampia libertà di disseminare i centri di trasmissione delle informazioni. Quello che la fa diventare umana è la sua storia, cioè il frutto della sua evoluzione. La coscienza è il prodotto dell'evoluzione della materia. Possiamo dire che questo è l'approccio basilare di definizione filosofica all'interrogativo "Cos'è la coscienza?"
L'approccio scientifico al mistero della mente è logicamente improntato su osservazioni condotte con tutti quegli strumenti elettronici che analizzano l'attività cerebrale. Si è così scoperto che la coscienza risiede nell'encefalo ma che, mistero dei misteri, non è un punto fisico e non è localizzabile in un preciso punto. Studiosi in materia hanno dimostrato che il processo della coscienza interessa diverse parti del cervello che interagiscono tra loro usando il talamo come centro di raccolta e di smistamento di tutte quelle informazioni captate dai sensi e che vengono poi trasmesse a gruppi di cellule specializzate nella percezione dei diversi stimoli. Il talamo scompone quindi i dati trasmessi dai sensi in tanti "Bits" e li alloca in tanti "files" a seconda se i dati ricevuti appartengono ai sensi visivi, ai sensi emotivi, ai sensi di dolore, di gioia, di fame, e così via. Ecco così che tutto il cervello è coinvolto nel processo della percezione consapevole. In queste condizioni la teoria del significato, corretta se necessario da nozioni puramente biologiche, linguistiche e scientifiche, quasi a ripercorrere in un moto circolare ma impercettibilmente a spirale i vari cicli che ci hanno permesso di essere quel che siamo, aggiungendo di volta in volta altre informazioni, ha migliorato l'intelligenza, approfondito la nostra conoscenza di tutto quello che ci circonda e, soprattutto, di noi stessi e la consapevolezza di cui Noi "unità carbonio" siamo i depositari.
Assumendo quindi che noi esseri umani ci siamo evoluti durante quasi tre milioni di anni, sviluppando la nostra intelligenza da una lunga linea di meno complesse forme di vita, abbiamo dimostrato, secondo la nostra "scala" del Tempo come l'intendiamo noi, un esitante progresso nell'ottenere una conoscenza, studiare e capire le proprietà atomiche di TUTTO quello che ci circonda incluse, naturalmente quelle di cui è formato il nostro corpo e la nostra mente.
I nuovi concetti sono pochi e accettarli, richiede del tempo. Tant'è che lo sviluppo della nostra intelligenza, che altro non é che un intensificato
apprezzamento della realtà che ci circonda, è stato graduale. Fortunatamente, una volta incominciato, sembra che esso si sia sviluppato secondo un movimento a "spirale", lento ad incominciare ma raccogliendo "momentum", fino a chè oggi l'intelligenza è balzata a livelli innegabilmente
Di regola, una nuova idea o concetto passa attraverso tre fasi: Prima è dichiarata impossibile. Poi, man mano che i fatti e i risultati di ricerche si accumulano, la sua interpretazione è detta di essere errata. Ma alla fine si ode un coro che,, con squisita sdolcinatezza, esclama:"L'abbiamo sempre saputo".
Un esempio classico è quello che OGGI noi sappiamo sulle meteoriti o sulle comete. Fin dai tempi dell'età della pietra pezzi di metallo caduti dal cielo venivano preservati e adorati da popoli "evoluti", come manifestazione di poteri e forze soprannaturali. Meteoriti ferrose furono conservate nel tempio di Efeso, nell'Asia Minore" ai tempi dell'Antica Grecia e a Medina, in Arabia, secoli prima della venuta di Maometto. Quando si cercò di organizzare questa conoscenza su basi scientifiche, la logica dell'uomo di allora decretò che l'idea di queste pietre che cadevano dal cielo doveva essere refutata, su delle - per così dire - basi logiche che, siccome non ci sono pietre nel cielo nessuna poteva caderne. Oggi ci beffiamo di questi ragionamenti, ma non dimentichiamo che il vero sapere si apprende lentamente e che la nostra capacità di assimilare avviene sempre più lentamente.
L'uomo è sempre stato un "illustre credulone", per sfortuna il maggiore delle volte, non su basi logiche e, forse più sfortunatamente per lui, la realtà non rispecchia le sue credenze. Infatti, "la Natura, la Vita, l'Universo continuano indisturbati ad esistere, senza tener conto dei credi dell'Uomo". Molti di noi abbiamo quasi una fanciullesca credenza che ci sia una risposta a qualsiasi domanda e, più erroneamente crediamo che ci sia soltanto una risposta ad ogni singolo problema. Ma la vita è enormemente complessa e complicata, l'universo è infinito. Il numero degli Universi potrebbe essere infinito. In tal modo anche il numero delle possibili risposte a tanti quesiti potrebbe essere infinito. Il mistero, ovvero ciò che non può essere affrontato razionalmente è una delle modalità che ha sempre affascinato il nostro pensiero. E' come se avessimo una sorta di eredità biologica che ci porta ad essere attratti più da tutto quello che non conosciamo che da quello che abbiamo già compreso. Per nostra fortuna, poiché è proprio questa eredità genetica che ha fatto sì che la scienza sia riuscita ad ottenere tanti successi. E lì che gli scienziati hanno trovato gli stimoli per sfidare il mistero e trovare spiegazioni razionali dove prima l'uomo si accontentava di stabilire relazioni magiche.
La scienza, definita come la ricerca del sapere, procede attraverso tre maggiori stadi: il "Cosa?", il "Come?, e il "Perché?".
Ciò vuol dire che come prima cosa si affronta lo stadio di raccolta che porta ad un sistema di classificazione. Secondo, un periodo di esperimenti,
replicati, osservati e studiati con lo scopo di formulare delle teorie su come quei fatti dovrebbero essere organizzati. Infine, inevitabilmente ci
chiederemo: Perché? In altre parole, tu non puoi affermare che un qualcosa è un fatto fino a chè non puoi dimostrarlo: Non puoi dimostrarlo finchè non l'hai collaudato. Non puoi collaudarlo fino a chè non sai cosa vuoi collaudare. Non puoi collaudare niente finquando non hai trovato cosa collaudare. E non puoi trovare niente finchè non saprai che cosa stai cercando. Insomma, la ricerca del sapere incomincia con "l'immaginazione", segue quindi "la ricerca" che da luogo ad "un'indagine" sulla quale delle "ipotesi" possono essere formulate. Dalle ipotesi sorgono "le teorie" che a oro volta devono essere sperimentate - cioè a dire, riduplicate per esperimento - prima di essere accertate. Solo allora può un fatto o un insieme di fatti essere accettato con un certo grado di sicurezza.
Credo sia importante tenere sempre presente, durante la nostra quotidiana esistenza, che l'Umanità, come il resto della vita organica, esiste sulla Terra per i bisogni e i fini della Terra. Se si vuol pensare all'evoluzione dell'Uomo come ad una graduale conquista della natura, si è completamente, a mio giudizio, fuori strada. In Vivere, in Morire, in Evolversi, in Degenerare, l'Uomo egualmente serve ai fini della Natura. Credo sia necessario assimilare questo principio: L'Umanità non potrà mai fuggire dalle Leggi della Natura. Anche se combattessimo contro di Essa, non faremmo altro che agire in conformità ad Essa. L'evoluzione, il miglioramento economico ed intellettuale di grandi masse, fortunatamente per noi sembra sia uno dei suoi fini. L'uomo possiede un'innata capacità e potere di evolversi. Non è che l'evoluzione di tutta l'Umanità, cioè a dire lo sviluppo di proprietà che l'uomo possiede, sia necessaria agli scopi della Terra o del mondo planetario in generale? Basti pensare a vaste zone di territorio abitato da popolazioni che prima vivevano nell'indigenza più totale. Ne esistono ancora, ma gradualmente anche loro raggiungeranno un livello tale degno di essere definito "umano".
Einstein diceva che "la cosa più incomprensibile dell'universo è il fatto che sia comprensibile". Perché il cosmo è conoscibile dalla mente umana?
Forse perché è stato creato da esseri con un'intelligenza molto più competente ma con una mente sostanzialmente simile alla nostra.
Questa ricerca è quindi un esempio evidente come l'uomo, attraverso il bisogno di comunicare ad altri, avvenimenti, fatti, teorie, esperimenti e
quant'altro concepito, immaginato o osservato durante le sue varie fasi di sviluppo evolutivo sia riuscito a realizzare, dai primi rudimenti di incisioni rupestri alle moderne tecnologie di comunicazione, di memorizzazione e di trasmissione di dati che oggi tutti, chi più chi meno, utilizziamo.

                                                                          By:   Giusmar Cassaro,   M.A.




From: alberto.cardin

To: Nancy Lieder

Sent: Sunday, August 15, 2004 1:56 AM

Subject: Sun to zenit 04.08.14


Impressive view of the sun to zenit yesterday from Generoso mount in CH.  Original color not filter only shutter and diaphragm, ciao  alberto

Reply from Nancy

What is fascinating is that Giurmar sent me photos today also, and I had been spending the last couple nights thinking about the July 4, 2003 CC in Wisconsin which showed the ZT triangle twice, and often thought this might mean PX would pierce the Ecliptic to the LEFT of the Earth, not in front of it as to the RIGHT. It would seem your photo shows and extra presence at 10 o'clock, 10-11 maybe, in that quadrant, and the 6 pointed flare normal for the Sun is not regular at that point either. Giusmar's photos also show the Fire Dragon too far to the left, and will compare to past photos from months ago.

I believe it has moved, and recent CC's indicate at theEcliptic and blocking the Sun's influence is very very close!



      The SOHO image below was donloaded by one of our members. Look at 8 o'clock! The image on the right has just been enhanced and cropped. It clearly shows a main Persona sorrounded or followed by many Moons and debris. Can someone tell us what they are??? This was on Jul. 27th, 2004.




        Come potete constatare, la prima foto, inviatami da Alberto e  scattata da un astronomo dilettante, mostra chiaramente più di un corpo celeste. In particolar modo, si osservi il piccolo globo arancione che é stato, a distanza di  più di un mese, fotografato anche dal satellite geostazionario SSL. Il suo approccio procede da Sud. Si può infatti nitidamente vedere il continente australe. A voi le eventuali osservazioni!

        The first image was sent to me by Alberto and taken by an amateur astronomer. It clearly shows celestial bodies. One in particular - the orange looking globe in the first image has been captured, almost a month later  by a geostationery satellite, as can be seen in the second iimage and approaching from South (The Australian Continent is clearly outlined). You may draw your own conclusions!!!!




                                         For a plausible  explanation and more info and images on this topic, please link



Evidenti segni celesti, precursori di un cambiamento globale?
Evident signs from the sky, precursor of a global changing?

Below: Taken on Jun. 19th, 2004 at around 07:00 am


                                                          Below:  Taken on Jun. 30, 2004 at 06:50 am


                                                                  Below: Taken on Jul. 7th, 2004 at around 07:00 am                



                                                                           Below: Taken on Jul. 9th, 2004 at around 06:24 am


                                                                   Below: Taken on Jul. 10th, 2004 at around 08:49 am


                                                                   Below: Taken on Jul. 22nd, 2004 at around 11:00 am


                                                           IL NOSTRO SISTEMA SOLARE SI TRASFORMA

                                             Our Solar System is Changing - From a Russian Perspective
                                                   From a report by Mary Rose Gray (dated 11 Mar 2004)

The atmospheres of the planets are changing...
Dr. Dmitriev's work "Planetophysical State Of The Earth And Life" (see his four papers at ) shows that the planets themselves are changing. They
are undergoing changes in their atmospheres.

For example the Martian atmosphere is getting sizeably thicker than it was before. The Mars observer probe in 1997 lost
one of its mirrors, which caused it to crash, because the atmosphere was about twice as dense as they calculated, and
basically the wind on that little mirror was so high that it blew it right off the device.

Earth's moon is growing an atmosphere...
Also, the moon is growing an atmosphere that's made up of a compound Dmitriev refers to as ''Natrium.'' Dmitriev says
that, around the moon, there is this 6,000-kilometer-deep layer of Natrium that wasn't there before.

And we're having this kind of change in Earth's atmosphere in the upper levels, where HO2 gas is forming that wasn't
there before; it simply did not exist in the quantity that it does now. It's not related to global warming and it's not related
to CFCs or fluorocarbon emissions or any of that stuff. It's just showing up.

Magnetic fields and brightness of the planets are changing. The planets are experiencing sizeable changes in their
overall brightness. Venus, for example, is showing us marked increases in its overall brightness. Jupiter has gotten to
have such a high energetic charge that there is actually a visible tube of ionizing radiation that's formed between its
moon, Io. You can actually see the luminous energy tube in photographs that have been taken more recently..

And the planets are having a change in their fields. The magnetic fields are becoming stronger. Jupiter's magnetic field
has more than doubled. Uranus's magnetic field is changing. Neptune's magnetic field is increasing. These planets are
becoming brighter. Their magnetic field strength is getting higher. Their atmospheric qualities are changing.

Uranus and Neptune appear to have had recent pole shifts. When the Voyager 2 space probe flew past Uranus and
Neptune, the apparent north and south magnetic poles were sizeably offset from where the rotational pole was. In one
case, it was 50 degrees off, and in the other case the difference was around 40 degrees, both of which are pretty big

The overall changes could essentially be broken down into three categories: Energy field changes, luminosity changes,
and atmospheric changes.

Overall volcanic activity has increased 500 percent since 1975 On the Earth, we're seeing the changes even more
completely. For example, Michael Mandeville has done research that has shown that the overall volcanic activity on the
Earth since 1875 has increased by roughly 500 percent. The overall earthquake activity has increased by 400 percent
just since 1973.

Natural disasters increased 410 percent between 1963 and 1993. Dr. Dmitriev did a very elaborate calculation of natural
disasters. He showed that if you compare the years 1963 through 1993, the overall amount of natural disasters of all
different kinds - whether you are talking hurricanes, typhoons, mud slides, tidal waves, you name it - have increased by
410 percent.

The Sun's magnetic field increased by 230 percent since 1901...
There's a study by Dr. Mike Lockwood from Rutherford Appleton National Laboratories in California, who has been
investigating the Sun. He has discovered that since 1901, the overall magnetic field of the Sun has become 230 percent
stronger than it was before.

More than just Earth Changes...
So, all in all, what we're seeing is a lot more than just what they call Earth Changes. Some people get into the idea that
there is an interaction between the Earth and the Sun that's going on here. Very, very few people are aware of the work
that is being done in the Russian National Academy of Sciences in Siberia, specifically in Novosibirsk, where they are
doing this research. They've come to the conclusion that the only possible thing that could be causing this energetic
change all throughout the Solar System is that we are moving into an area of energy that is different - that is higher.

The glowing plasma at the leading edge of our Solar System has recently increased 1000 percent.

Now, check this out. The Sun itself has a magnetic field, of course, and that magnetic field creates an egg around the
Solar System, which is known as the heliosphere. The heliosphere is shaped like a teardrop, with the long and thin end
of the drop pointing in the opposite direction from the direction that we're travelling. It's just like a comet, where the tail
is always pointing away from the Sun.

The Russians have looked at the leading edge of this heliosphere, and they have observed glowing, excited plasma
energy there. This plasma energy used to be 10 astronomical units deep (an astronomical unit is the distance from the
Earth to the Sun, 93,000,000 miles). So ten astronomical units represents the normal thickness of this glowing energy
that we used to see at the front end of the Solar System.

Today, that glowing plasma has gone to 100 astronomical units deep. Although Dmitriev's paper does not give an exact
timeline, we can assume that this increase happened in the same 1963 to 1993 period as the increase he found in
natural disasters. Whenever it happened, that's a 1,000 percent increase in the overall brightness of the energy at the
front end of the Solar System.

And this means that the Solar System itself is moving into an area where the energy is more highly charged. That
higher-charged energy is in turn exciting the plasma and causing more of it to form, so you see more luminosity, more
brightness. This energy is then flowing into the Sun, which in turn emits the energy and spreads it out along its
equatorial plane, which is called the Ecliptic.

This in turn is saturating interplanetary space, which causes the solar emissions to travel more quickly and charge up
the energy on the planets.

And this is conscious energy that is changing how the planet works, how it functions, and what kind of life it supports.
The harmonics of the DNA spiral itself are altering. That's the real, hidden cause of spontaneous mass evolutions in
previous epochs of time.

All this is happening all at the same time, and it's all working up to a crescendo where there is going to be a sudden shift.

In other words, we will get to the point where we are so far into the new level of energy that there will be a sudden
expansion of the basic harmonic wavelengths that the Sun emits as it radiates energy out of itself. This increase in
energy emission will change the basic nature of all matter in the Solar System. The planets are pushed slightly farther
away from the Sun and the atoms and molecules that make them up actually expand in terms of their physical size.

Mary Rose Gray



  Link to more images here  Giusmar's webshots

  and here:

The leading scientific reports on the coming Transformation of our solar system
from the Millennium Group webpage


ISHTAR ANTARES                               



he Underground Kingdom of Light - 1 | Journey Into The Resistance Movement - 2 | Galatic Wars - 3 | Vision 2012 - 5


Universe, which is now outside this solar system already free from the anomaly of darkness, is governed by different physical laws than in vicinity of Earth. Basic subatomic particles that transmit information there are not photons but tachyons. Tachyons are subatomic particles that have almost infinite speed and therefore enormous energy and are carriers of the thirteenth ray. Photonic universe is limited with the speed of light and is under the influence of anomaly of darkness, contracting into one single spot - planet Earth. With the speed of light as the maximal possible speed of information transmission the picture of the universe that beings receive is inevitably distorted. Therefore people on Earth cannot easily get a clear picture about what is really going on in this universe.

Between tachyonic and photonic universe the Ascended masters have set a tachyonic membrane which transmits subtle signals from liberated universe into photonic form that human eyes and scientific instruments can perceive. Certain tachyons nevertheless reach Earth and bring realizations about higher dimensions and distant worlds to spiritually developed individuals. Certain quartz crystals, certain opals and specifically treated glass can act as tachyon containers and thus increase concentration of tachyons on the physical plane.

There are many energetic membranes around Earth that demark areas of different stages of purification. Closer to Earth we are, more physical and energetic pollution and anomaly is present. The first of those membranes is about 214 thousand miles above Earth surface just inside lunar orbit and demarks the border between interplanetary space of the solar system and sublunar space close to Earth. At 137 miles altitude there is a membrane which demarks a border between sublunar cosmic space and upper Earth atmosphere. This is the lowest point of orbits for almost all artificial satellites. There is also a matrix which creates an energy field of twelve zodiacal signs that represent the foundation of astrology since Atlantis. The last membrane is 8.6 miles above the surface and marks the upper edge of influence of the New World Order. This altituide is determined with maximal altitude of commercial aircraft flights. Higher altitudes are almost unreachable for an average individual except for huge amounts of money.

Universe which is liberated from anomaly of darkness is an area of pure light, love and harmony. Its evolution is guided by the Ascended masters in alignment with the Galactic codex. Galactic codex is in line with inner sense of every being which has known the higher reality. All beings in the liberated universe act with their free will in alignment with the Galactic codex which regulates all their relationships so that they never lead to conflicts. Galactic codex enables every being in the universe with the right for divine grace, which is given to evolving beings by the Ascended masters based on power that the masters have over matter which is freed from anomaly of darkness. Every being in the universe has a right for physical abundance and unlimited spiritual growth which is crowned with the Ascension. Every being in the universe has a right for freedom of movement and a right to be informed about everything in the universe. Every being in the universe has a right to merge with any other being according to closeness of both souls since every being in the liberated universe has chosen Oneness unconditionally with his free will. The One is the future of the universe which leads the evolution of the universe into Oneness with reverse time/space loops. The One is universe as it will evolve in the next cosmic cycle and can be seen as a rainbow structure of amazing beauty by the seer.

In the unliberated sector of the universe the Galactic codex regulates activities of the Galactic confederation in saving humanity. Non-intervention of Galactic confederation is a misinformation, which is being spread by the dark forces. The truth is that the Galactic confederation must be very careful with its actions since the dark forces have taken Earthlings as hostages. The Galactic codex requires fast and effective intervention of the light forces on Earth since many galactic laws are obviously broken by the dark forces, for example with wars, violence, artificially created poverty, hunger, diseases, lack of freedom, censorship of information…This means that Galactic confederation will take over the area of infringement and restore galactic legality regardless of local laws that are currently active on Earth. At a certain point this means that each individual that will refer to the Galactic codex with his free will will experience an intervention of the Galactic confederation in his life. When the critical maass of people will make that choice, great social changes will occur. Galactic codex gives a right to every living being for a protection against any negativity from any other living being. Beings of darkness that will choose not to stop spreading negativity when they will be given loving guidance and assistance in spiritual growth will be disintegrated in the Galactic central sun and changed into the basic elemental essence. All other beings will be accepted into the harmonious reality of the liberated universe.

Each individual can contribute towards better circumstances on Earth by supporting the Galactic codex with her/his decision, will and actions. If he supports his/her right for free exit and reentry from/to planet Earth, his/her right to be informed, her/his right for spiritual and physical abundance and his/her right for contact with advanced extraterrestrial civillizations, he/she assists in destroying the implant grid which was created among people in Atlantis in the head area. This implant grid has created the quarantine. If an individual supports her/his right for free flow of love and sexuality he/she assists in destroying the implant grid in the abdomen area which was also created in the time of Atlantis.This implant grid has destroyed almost all man/woman relationships since Atlantis. By destroying this implant grid we can create harmonious relationships and abundance on Earth. The system of New World Order is based on control of sexual and emotional energy. There are many beings of darkness on the astral plane that are controlling and destroying relationships by the use of magical rituals and sophisticated spiritual technology. So people on Earth follow the System too much and there are not enough rebels and revolutionaries that would break the staus quo and become the driving force of evolution.

Despite the apparent lethargy there will be a breakthrough which is best described with a physical phenomenon, called the phase transition. This happens when a certain physical system receives a critical amount of energy and suddenly its structure changes drastically. Change of liquid water into vapour by a certain temperature is an example. Such phase transition will happen to society structure on Earth when the Resistance movement will gain enough power to penetrate ot the surface and give humanity assistance in technology, healing, information etc. This will cause a stock market crash and fall of the unjust System. Use of nanotechnology, materialization chambers and free energy will mean abundance and well being for everybody. The Pleiadians will reveal themselves to humanity and will show the way towards a Greater reality. With their tachyon technology of light they will create anchors for entry into the higher dimension which will cause the arrival of the Ascended masters. The Ascended masters will carry out the plan of three Ascension waves and the Evacuation of mankind in the time span of a few years. At the time of Evacuation the Earth will undergo its physical transformation and become a planet of light. At that moment all cosmic anomaly of darkness will vanish completely and New Atlantis will be born on Earth, a civillization of light, oneness and harmony. This will most likely happen until 21st December 2012.

                         Source:  ISHTAR ANTARES                                                                                   Link:        



                                                                                                         SHORT  STORY-FICTION

                                                                                                        By  Giusmar Cassaro

It is amazing how things sometimes work in their own way and how they can plunge an innocent bystander into unbelievable minutes of anguish!  
Fear was in fact  what Shamwalea felt in front of this unreal scene which all of a sudden materialised in front of her astonished eyes!

I’ll go back to some years ago  and I’ll try to give you a chronological report of what actually happened to her.

In the first place you would most certainly like to know who Shamwalea is, wouldn’t you?
Well, well! I am just here to satisfy your curiosity!
She is a pretty 27 year old African girl who arrived in Sicily among thousands of other boat people leaving their northern African countries. She was
found one sunny day  floating in the sea along the coast of southern Sicily, and saved.  A Navy helicopter had followed the boat for quite a while, until
it capsized and all the occupants  plunged into the water. There were about forty of them, mostly women and children.  Fortunately, two Coast Guard
vessels were already nearby and all of them were brought on board safely.

All this happened almost three years ago. Now she lives in a cosy and tidy rented flat  in a small town in the province of  Agrigento and she is quite
happy about it. She works as a coffee attendant in “La Putia di lu Zi Tanu” (a Coffee Shop) during the mornings, serving “caffè espresso”, “cornetti”
and “cappuccino”, and helping families in cleaning their homes in the afternoons.
And it was in one of this usual mornings, while she was going to work,  that  it all happened.  It was around four o’clock. Roads were wet as it had
been raining the whole night and it was still cloudy. She had to cross a country path before entering the main road leading into town.  Suddenly,
while she was walking, she was flashed   by an impressive stroke of lightning.  She waited for the thunder but no sound was heard.  Then she felt
as though a strong telepathic force was trying to stop her. She did stop, in fact! She turned around slowly, her heart beating in fear. She saw a bright
reddish creature inside a metallic looking diamond shaped  object, at about forty metres from her. She felt fear and anguish for her life.  She didn’t
have time to think further because a beam of red light  from inside of what looked like a space craft, hit her on the forehead. In that precise moment,
she felt as though her body  was dipped in warm water.  She suddenly felt calm, relaxed, in communion with the  Earth and with the entire Universe.
For a sparkle of time she understood the mystery of life and death, of time and space! She saw herself projected into another dimension, a
dimension of harmony and beauty,  of living light creatures of whom she was part. Love and wisdom filled her mind!

This is a dialogue which took place one evening inside a local Pub in town  between               
Shamwalea and Giusmar, while enjoying a pint of Stout Guinness!

G: Hello, can I have a chat with you. My name is Giusmar. What is yours?                                      

S: I am Shamwalea.                                                                                                                         

G: That’s a pretty name, just like yourself!
S: Thanks.
G: Would you join me for a pint of Guinness?
S: Oh yes, indeed!
G: Ok.  Can I ask you where you come from?
S: I come from Senegal.                                                                                                                                     

G: I see! How did you get here? Would you like to talk about it?
S: Yes, why not. I arrived here about three years ago. I travelled on a boat for several days before reaching the coast of Sicily. Unfortunately, the boat
which was bringing us here capsized and myself and the other people with me, mostly women and children, were saved by your Coast Guard
vessels. I must be very thankful to them. They saved my life.
Now I live in a rented flat and I work as a coffee attendant and as a house cleaner.
G: Oh, you must have been through a lot of suffering then! But it doesn’t seem so! You look so beautiful as though you were sprinkling light.
Something awesome must have happened to you. Am I right in assuming this?
S: Yes, you are right!
G: Would you like to share with me whatever happened to you?
S: All right, then!
G: Look, that table is free. Let’s go and sit there. Ok, that’s better. Have a sip of your Guinness and then start sharing your story with me!
S: You are very kind. I like you, you know?
G: I am glad you say so, because I very much like you  too!
S: Good! Well, it all happened few days ago. It was about four o’clock in the morning and I was walking to my working place. It had been raining all
night and the streets were still wet and the sky still cloudy. While walking I was flashed by a lightning. I was waiting to hear the thunder but no sound
could be heard. I started to be a little apprehensive, you know. It was strange,  don’t you think?
G: Oh yes, definitely!
S: Then I felt some sort of a strange force impeding me to go any further. I had to stop, and when I turned around my heart stopped and then started
galloping inside my chest for what I saw: A bright red creature inside a metallic looking diamond shaped object!
G: Wow, how frightening! It sounds like you had an encounter with an alien ship. Did some strange looking creature walked toward s you?
S: No.
G: What happened then?
S: A beam of red light hit my forehead and,  before realising if I was dead,  I felt warmth all inside my body. For a sparkle of time I could feel the
meaning of life and dead, of space and time. I felt love and harmony inside and all around me. It was as though I were in communion with the Earth
and the entire Universe.
G: This is absolutely fantastic. It’s unbelievable!
S: It is all true.  Then my thoughts were projected into another dimension: I could see living light creatures in a world of love and harmony. It is not so
easy to explain in words the sensations which I felt in that particular lapse of time, you know!
G: I perfectly understand what you mean.  And I strongly believe each single word of your story. Cheers!
S: Cheers!
G: Can I give you a kiss,  my loving creature?
S: Oh yes! I would really love it!  SMACK!
G: How sweet! Go on with your story then!
S: Well, there isn’t much more to say, really. In a matter of seconds this metallic looking object just disappeared. It didn’t fly away, you know. It just
G: Oh gosh! Just like that?
S: Just like that!

To be continued……………


