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1 - Ascent from Monesi to mount Saccarello

Updating: 6/2001
We depart from the square set to the entry of Monesi for who arrives from S.Bernardo.
We direct to the houses and we cross the country in light descent. We arrive to a fork where we go to the left, in slope.
We arrive to the square from where it begins to climb a hold asphalt road.
When the asphalt finishes the bed it is done dirt with long lines in concrete. We go up in the wood, then among the pastures. We enter province of Cuneo (km 5,5).
Slope it continues constant and we arrive to an intersection (km 7,3) where we continue to the left, in slope.
We arrive so to a second intersection (km 9,4) where we go to the left and we face a long diagonal.
We pass near a panning saddle and we continue facing the last windings that they conduct really in peak (km 11,5).
Gradient: 900 ms.
On saddle: 100%
Observations: From the tallest peak of the Liguria beautiful panorama toward the Alps Marittime.
Note: the road that climbs from Monesi to the square where the run begins it is currently interrupted from a great landslide. It is passed in bike with trouble. We can climb reaching Piaggia and turning to the left before entering country; in this case to add around 1 kms to the distances.

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2 - Come down from mount Saccarello to S.Bernardo

Updating: 6/2001
From the peak we go down a pair of winings, then go to the right reach the arrival of a skilift, few meters under to the great statue of the Savior.
We continue in descent and we reach a pass over which we slightly go up again.
We go down reaching the shelter Sanremo (km 1,5; closed, keys to Monesi). From the shelter we continue in crest slightly going up again and then we go down to the ample depression of the Pass Garlenda (km 2,9).
We begin a tract in slope that crosses the northern slope of the Frontè mountain and it finishes to a narrow pass (km 4).
We turn to the right here and we go up toward the Frontè mountain (attention not to follow the trail signs that continue straight on for the pass Frontè).
The road turns to the left, it crosses in plain the east slant of the Frontè and then goes down.
We go to descent and we quickly lose height to arrive above the gallery of the Pass of the Garezzo (km 7).
We go down on the underlying road and we go to descent in east direction.
Faithfully following this ample road (attention to the cars) we reach the asphalt and the houses of S.Bernardo of Mendatica (km 15,2).
Gradient: 1050 ms.
On saddle: 100%

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3 - Run from Monesi to Colle dei Signori

Updating: 6/2001
We depart from the square set to the entry of Monesi for who arrives from S.Bernardo.
We direct to the houses and we cross the country in light descent. We arrive to a fork where we go to the left, in slope.
We arrive to the square from where it begins to climb a hold asphalt road.
When the asphalt finishes the bed it is done dirt with long lines in concrete. We go up in the wood, then among the pastures. We enter province of Cuneo (km 5,5).
Slope it continues constant and we arrive to an intersection (km 7,3) where we continue to the right and we pass in front of the margaria Loxe.
It now begins a long run that allows us to cross the great forests of the Navette. In the first part we meet a pair of slopes, then the run goes in light slope.
At the km 20 the slope is made steep and rough and we go up passing under few meters to the Pass of the Selle Vecchie (km 21,2).
We continue in slope overcoming the east crest of the Cima of Pertega (km 23); still in slope we reach the maximum height (km 24).
In descent we cross the road partially carved in the rock and we quickly reach the Pass of the Lake of the Lords (km 25,8). In low to the right we see the shelter Don Barbera (closed, keys in Houses Nava).
From the Colle we continue straight on in descent in French territory. In light slope we reach the Plain Ambrogi (km 28). Here we begin to steeply climb for overcoming the shoulder of the Schevolais (km 29).
The road slightly goes down, then it goes up again and it finally begins to decidedly go down for reaching, with a slope, the Colle della Boaria (km 33,2).
We get over the border and, in slope, we get over a spectacular winding then a rocky tract and we go down to the Colle della Perla (km 35), that leave to the left.
We face the long slope that finishes to the Colletto Campanino (km 38). Here it begins the descent that brings us to the arrival of a skilift. Continuing the descent it is necessary to remain on the left so to reach the visible station of arrival of the chair-lift (km 39,6).
We continue the descent revolving the station, we get over the stream and we shortly go up again for then going down to the border.
get over the bar we continue on the road. Arrived to a fork we decide whether to go to the right if we want to go down to Limone, or to climb to the left for passing from the Forte Centrale and the Colle di Tenda (km 43).
Gradient: in slope 1450 ms; in descent 700 ms.
On saddle:  100%
Observations:   Great and beautiful crossing. Snow is present up to half June, but it represents an danger only when it covers the road in exposed tracts (Colle della Perla-Colle della Boaria; Colle dei Signori-Colle delle Vecchie).
For the description in contrary sense you see here .
Note: the road that climbs from Monesi to the square where the run begins it is currently interrupted from a great landslide. It is passed in bike with trouble. We can climb reaching Piaggia and turning to the left before entering country; in this case to add around 1 kms to the distances.

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4 - Come down from Colle dei Signori to Carnino

Updating:  6/2001
From the Pass we go down toward the visible shelter Don Barbera (closed, keys in Case Nava).
Without reaching the shelter we turn to the right following the dirt road that it goes down with windings.
We arrive on the plain that we entirely cross. At the end we go down for a brief steep and rough tract and we arrive on the plain below.
At the term of this second ledge the path becomes difficulty and it crosses the hold throat of the Fascette.
We face a short slope, then a point a little bit exposed and the path becomes easy for a good tract.
A brief descent stairway begins the new steep tract.
Alternating steep but easy tracts to some scabrous passage the path reaches the lawns that it precedes Carnino.
After two steep windings we arrive to a fork where go to the left, crossing a brook. We continue in descent up to get over a stream. The path becomes road and it conducts to Carnino where we find the asphalt.
Gradient: 750 ms.
On saddle: 80%
Observations: I have remained in doubt whether to insert this description because it is clearly an itinerary more difficulty of that that brings to the Pass and, besides, it conducts to notable distance from Monesi. From the Pass it seems to me preferable to return to Monesi crossing to bashful the itinerary 3.

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5 - Other descents from mount Saccarello

5A - From the pass Garlenda to Monesi

From the pass Garlenda can directly be gone down to Monesi.
We go down on the few visible trace that goes down before the ruins. We laboriously go down, almost always hand bike, and we cross the head of the valley.
Descent continues steep and it conducts on the pastures (km 0,7). We follow the traces of the livestock that become road near a drinking trough and we reach the margheria Panizzi (km 2,1).
We go down with the road of service and we reach the asphalt (km 3,6). We continue the descent and we reach Monesi (km 5,3).
Gradient: 730 ms.
On saddle: 80%
Observations: Unadvisable.

5b - From the Pass Frontè to Monesi

Following the itinerary 2 we reach the narrow pass where the road turns to the right.
Instead of climbing to the right we continue straight on following the trail sign AV and we reach some ruins and the Pass of the Frontè.
We leave path and trail sign and we go to slope on the dorsal of the Cima Garlenda. We continue in crest going down to the Cima Omo where we find a trail sign (two red little balls).
We go down on the path that follows the maximum inclination. The path is to tracts a little visible, but it is essential not to lose it. Arrivals to a narrow pass we go to the left, decidedly in the wood and we arrive to a fork.
Here it is opportune to go to the left and we reach so a zone of open pastures among the woods.
We go down on the maximum inclination and we reach the margheria Garlenda (km 3). From the margheria we go down with the road of service and we arrive to the road for Monesi (km 6).
We turn to the left and we reach Monesi in a kilometer.
Gradient: 780 ms.
On saddle: 60%
Observations: Unadvisable.

5c - From the Pass Frontè to S.Bernardo

Following the itinerary 2 we reach the narrow pass where the road turns to the right.
Instead of climbing to the right we continue straight on following the trail sign AV and we reach some ruins and the Pass of the Frontè.
We go down from the opposite part following the signals AV. The path is not very steep but it is narrow and rough.
We reach the pastures. We leave the path when it goes to the left and we go down on the pastures for traces until to reach the great margheria Frontè.
With the road of service in few hundred meters we arrive on the road of the Pass of the Garezzo that we follow to the left.
Gradient: 810 ms.
On saddle: 80%
Observations: It can integrally be followed also the signalled path AV; suffering is great but there is not possibility to lose themselves in case of scarce visibility. It is arrived on the same road of the Garezzo to around 3 kms from S.Bernardo.

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6 - From the river Tanaro to the Colla S.Bernardo

Updating: April 2002.
Description .
From Bridge of Nava we follow the road that coasts along the Tanaro in direction of Viozene.
We rise up to reach a great area equipped with benches for pic-nic (Fountain of the Snake, km 0).
Here we leave the provincial road and we cross the bridge entering Liguria.
The dirt road rises and turn to enter the valley of the stream Tanarello that it coasts along on high, partly dug in the rock.
We reach a bridge (km 1,2) that we leave to the left. Always coasting along the stream we reach a fork (km 3,2) where go crossing to the left a tributary on a bridge.
To the following fork (km 3,6) we neglect the road that rises to the right and we continue along the stream. We reach a ford where it has term the easy part of the run.
Crossed the brook we slightly rise, then go down to the beautiful bridge Tanarello (km 4,9). Intersection of paths.
get over the bridge we turn to the left reaching a ford. After the ford we turn to the right facing a steep and ruined mule-track.
After some hundred meters the inclination decreases and we can return in saddle.
We reach the depurator of the country where it waits us for a last steep slope what it finishes on the provincial road (km 6,7) among the houses of S.Bernardo of Mendatica.
Gradient: 275 ms.
On saddle: 92%.
Observations: I insert here this itinerary that doesn't properly belong to the mount Saccarello.

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7 - Tour around the mount Saccarello

Updating: May 2002.
Description .
In St. Bernard of Mendatica we take the asphalt road direction toward Monesi. We reach the houses of this country placed on the road (Monesi of Mendatica) and we continue in light descent.
We meet a fork with a wide road that rises to the left : following it we arrive in short to the buildings of Monesi of Triora from where departed the ski-lift (km 5). Currently this road is interrupted by a landslide for which, to the intersection, we have to continue toward Piaggia and here to turn to the left.
We continue on the only road in slope, in common with the itinerary 3 and the itinerary 1. The slope is initially on asphalt road then the ground it becomes in concrete.
We cross a brook entering province of Cuneo and we continue until we meet the fork where the itinerary 3 go to the right to direction of Limone (km 10,7).
We turn to the left (French indications for VTT, velo tout terrain that is MTB) and we continue in slope.
Some windings bring us to the fork (km 12,6) where the itinerary 1 continue straight on to the Saccarello mountain. We turn to the right.
A not long slope brings us to the Passo Tanarello (border; km 13,3).
Under us it is well visible the ex military road that goes down (the country in the valley it is La Brigue). We go down on this road that has two easy windings, then becomes strongly ruined and it forces to proceed with precaution.
The ruined part finishes to a winding where we meet the asphalt.
We go down two asphalt windings then the road it returns dirt but under best conditions .
We go to the right to the only fork and we quickly arrive to a saddle where we cross numerous paths (km 18,9).
To the left in low we see the road that we have to cross and that we can reach going down for a path.
In alternative (advisable) we continue straight on, in slope, and we reach the Passo of Collardente (km 19,2).
We turn to the left and we go down for reaching the road.
We turn to the left still and we go to light descent. We pass under the shelter Fornara and we reach the entrance of a gallery (km 21,1).
The crossing of the gallery is impossible if we don't have a plant of well efficient illumination: it is really dark, not rectilinear and to the ground there are rocks and slipped rocks.
It's advisable to follow the path that races to the outside, enough wide but to cross with caution.
Continuing our descent we reach the lowest point and we start the long slope (km 24,8).
We leave to the right the road that goes down to Triora and we get overs a ridge: the road continues to climb with constant inclination and reaches the short gallery of the Garezzo (km 28,9).
Beyond the gallery it begins the easy descent, in common with the itinerary 2, that it brings us to S.Bernardo (km 35,5).
Gradient: 1200 ms.
On saddle: 100%.
Observations: this run could be crossed in inverse sense, but then it would present a little cycle tract climbing the Passo Tanarello.

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8 - Ascent from Molini of Triora to the Balcone of Marta

Updating: May 2002.
A little downstream of the country of Molini of Triora we take the road that it goes down to cross the river. The asphalt road rises longly and it reaches the Pass Langan where it crosses the road that rises from Pigna.
We continue until we reach the shelters of the Colla Melosa (km 15,7); until here also by car.
We continue to climb on the road that is still asphalted for some hundred meters.
With some long beams and some windings we gain height passing under the shelter Grai. We get over the precipices of the oriental slope and we reach the Pass Bertrand (km 26,8) that we leave to the left.
The road continues ample and comfortable. We reach a fork where we go to the left (km 27,9).
We go down to an ample pass placed at the base of the Cima of Marta. We stay to the left and we coast along the ruins of numerous barrackses (km 28,7).
A road closed by a bar rises to the left. We take it up and softly climb cutting the slopes of the Cima.
We go down to the pass that separates the Cima from the Balcony of Marta and we start to climb (km 31).
Some windings bring us in peak; military works and panorama (km 32,5).
Gradient: 1700 ms.
On saddle: 100%.
Observations: I have described the itinerary with departure from Molini to be able to connect it with the others two great dirt roads of the zone (Triora - Pass of the Guardia and Realdo - Bassa of Sanson).

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