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Praglia e Gorzente

1 - From Plain of Praglia to Monte Pennello

Updating:  5/2002
When the provincial road that climbs from Campomorone to the Plans of Praglia reachs the beginning of the highland (km 12 around from Campomorone; before the light descent begins; to the left there is a stele, then station pipe-line) it detaches to the left an evident road in descent. Observing the slopes of the mountain it is seen well the cut of the road that we will cross.
We go down neglecting to the right a deviation and continuing then in slope (trail sign E/1). A brief ramp brings to a pass (km 2,2; deviation to the left for Lencisa). We continue without to divert from the principal run. Overcoming some steep ramp alternated to treats in descent we arrive to an evident pass (km 5). From left the path arrives from S. Carlo of Cese, is gone down to the right to the Veleno.
We continue straight on the steep slope up to when, to the left, the path is met that goes to the bivouac (km 5,5).
Following the level path is quickly reached the bivouac.
Gradient: around 200 ms.
On saddle: 100%

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2 - Descent from Monte Pennello, via Passo del Veleno

Updating:  1999
From the peak we go down toward north up to the pass and we turn to the left here. Immediately two possibilities: or to integrally follow the trail sign FIE (red triangle) or to remain to the right on an evident mule-track. Difficulties are about the same.
In every case we go down a steep side to a small saddle, we go up again and we continue up to the last steep descent on the Passo del Veleno(km 3).
From the Pass three possible runs:
  1. to continue straight on, first in slope then in descent up to dirt road impending to the gallery of the Passo del Turchino (km 3).
  2. to turn to the left clearly, following the trail-sign red triangle, going down on path, initially not too much steep then with steps, up to the asphlt road near Giutte. To the left in descent for Acquasanta.
  3. to turn to the right and to find, with some difficulties, the path that goes down to S. Pietro of Masone.
Having followed the first run we follow to the left the road.
We go down and later about 300 ms we find to the right an evident dirt road. We pick it up and we follow it (trail sign FIE two red rings). It goes down to some houses where we meet the asphalt road.
We follow to the right the road in descent watching out for to divert to the left in a road that goes to almost opposite direction to that of origin. At the cross-road there are meadows. (Continuing straight on would be reached the SS of the Turchino).
After few meters, before reaching some houses, we turn to the right in a rough path that quickly goes down and it is turned into mule-track. The steep descent finishes on a horizontal path. The trail sign we left that goes to the left (for Acquasanta, unadvisable) and we go to the right reaching a house.
We steeply go down to a partially concrete road and we reach the asphalt one. We are by now in the first houses of Biscaccia. We keep on going down to cross the SS and therefore Voltri.
Gradient: 1000 ms.
On saddle: 95%
Observations: It is advisable the first of the three solutions.

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3 - Ascent from  Masone, via Pratorondanino

Updating: 5/2000
From Masone we go up the Vezzullo valley using the asphalt road that it begins near the petrol pump situated at the end of the country, toward the Turchino. Later around 2 kms we turn to the right on a bridge (system of signs).
We rise to a crossroads near some farmhouses (km 4). We go to the left here to descent to a ford. The road arrives near of the houses of Pratorondanino (km 7, cafe, restaurant, handling).
We continue, without reaching them, climbing to the right. With some slope and descent the road reaches the provincial one (km 10). We follow it to the right reaching Praglia(km 15).
Gradient: 550 ms.
On saddle: 100%
Observations: Good itinerary to reach the runs of the plateau of Praglia. Be attention to the numerous cars in the festive days.

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4 - Come down to Voltaggio from the Gorzente Lakes

Updating: 11/2002
Trail description
From the House of the Direction we climb the path that coasts along it. We reach a road that follows the bank of the lake, then rises and finally go down to the dike.
We cross the dike on the communication trench on the north face.
At the end of the stairs we go down on the right on the steep mule-track.
We follow an ample path that coasts along the stream and leads without deviations to the provincial road Voltaggio-Capanne di Marcarolo. We follow it to the right for climbing to the Pass of the Hermits (attention, this tract is closed in winter with snow!) and to go down to Voltaggio.
Gradient: 400 ms.
On saddle: 99%
Observations: it is an useful itinerary to close circles on Voltaggio or Capanne di Marcarolo. It can be crossed in slope if the destination it is the turn of the lakes.

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5 - Discesa da Praglia a Lencisa

Aggiornamento: 1999
Non si tratta di un gran percorso, ma lo descrivo perchè è quello che consente la meno peggiore discesa su Pegli.
Si parte dalla selletta alla base del Proratado, dove la strada da Praglia per il Pennello sta per iniziare la prima rampetta.
Si scende a sinistra (segnavia FIE triangolo rosso) su stradina presto fortemente erosa. Si costeggia il Proratado. Quando la strada accenna ad andare decisamente a sud allontanadosi dalla montagna occorre seguire a sinistra il segnavia FIE. Può essere consigliabile salire sulla collinetta a destra del sentiero perchè la discesa è poi più agevole. In ogni caso si scende rapidamente fino ai castagni. Si prosegue con qualche tratto non ciclabile fino a raggiungere una netta insellatura con cappelletta (confine geologico tra il Gruppo di Voltri e la Zona Sestri/Voltaggio).
Si prosegue sul sentiero che risale a mezza costa per poi scendere ripido a Lencisa.
Dalla chiesetta è possibile scendere direttamente a destra per sentieri e tracce fino ai prati di Vaccarezza. Tra le case si incontra la strada.
Dislivello: 390 m.
Ciclabilità: 90%
Osservazioni: può essere utile per chiudere anelli su Lencisa.
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6 - Descent from Praglia to Masone

Updating:  8/2000
Proceeding on the road to Praglia, coming from Capanne of Marcarolo, we come in sight of the central part of the plateau with its cottages. To the right it is detached a dirt road in plain (100 meters before, to the left, a square with notice-board and a slum of a dog-loving Group).
We follow it, first in light descent, then on steep rough stretch, we cross a brook and we go up again to a saddle (km 2.8) where it takes again the descent.
Get over a very rough stretch we come in a wood of pines where the run becomes easy. On good dirt road we arrive to a great pasture (km 4.9). From here two possibilities:
  1. Continue on the principal run that, become paved road, it goes down to Masone (to around 6.5 kms).
  2. (Advisable) take to the left a forest road (chain) that it goes down steep up to the floor of the valley. In this stretch they are present numerous blind deviations.
    At the first intersection (km 5.5) we turn to the right reaching a road that is followed to the left. To the intersection we divert to the right and still to the right to that following.
    We go out in a lawn with the ruins of a farmhouse (km 6.9). Going to the right a fork is met. We can go down to ford the stream Stura and to quickly gain the paved road.
    Instead, going to the right, we coast along the stream on a recent dirt road. Before facing a steep slope we leave the road (km 7.5) and we follow to the left the path that it races high some meters on the stream to a farmhouse. We cross the lawn to reach the road (km 7.9) to 4.5 kms from Masone.
Gradient: 500 ms.
On saddle: 100% except some passages. In slope around 500 non cycle ms.

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7 - Traversata dal Passo della Bocchetta al Gorzente

Aggiornamento: 1998
The itinerary begins on the national road of the Passo della Bocchetta, side Voltaggio, at around 7 kms from this country.
Here we meet a dirt road that leaves the national one going to the right (poster Forest regional, lumber's deposit in a square, km 0).
We cross the stream and we climb following the road; we arrive to a house of the Forest and immediately later to a fork (km 1,8) where we turn to the left.
A steep tract of around 700 ms conducts to a zone in plain; we continue in the wood with some slope as far as arrive to cross the mule-track that it originates from the Passo della Bocchetta (km 4,2).
We turn right climbing until near a first great pylon (km 5,5). Here we have to go to the left on a path to half coast that we follow with some difficulties (trail sign FIE E/1). We reach a first saddle and we continue. The path proceeds to half coast and then it goes down to an ample pass.
We continue in plain up to the slopes of the M. Taccone where it begins a ramp to be faced by foot. Then follow alternate cycle tracts to ramps until to a shoulder over the mount Taccone (km 9,5).
We continue to the right and after some hundred meters we arrive to a saddle. Alternative.
To the right it continues the itinerary 8 to Voltaggio.
We go down to the left continuing to half coast up to reach a plain (in the near a shelter it is situated).
To the left a unevere mule-track goes down. We follow it with difficulty up to his term on a wide dirt road (Pass of Lawn Leo). To the left we would go to Praglia, we go down to the right instead until to the lake.
Dislivello: in slope 300 ms, in descent 450 ms
On saddle: 80%
Observations: it is possible to go down to Cravasco from the narrow pass that follows the descent from the slopes of mount Leco. It is also possible to go down to Isoverde on steep mule-tracks from the level tract after the descent from mount Taccone (all difficult solutions).

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8 - Loop of the Lakes of the Gorzente

Updating: 5/2001
From the provincial road that connects Campomorone with the Plans of Praglia it climbs, to the right, a small road.
We are to less than 9 kms from the center of Campomorone; to the left we are to the height of the great cross that surmounts the mount Pesucco.
The narrow road climbs very steep, it crosses the Alta Via and it continues going down to the Pass of Lawn Leone where we leave the trail signs.
We continue almost in plain arriving to a square and to a bar (km 2,8).
Fifty meters before we go down to the left on a road where we turn to the left immediately and we continue in descent on a mule-track, then path, that finishes in a lawn.
get over the lawn the path returns well evident and it conducts to a ford after which we find a good mule-track (km 3,2).
We follow the mule-track that passes aloft on the underlying Long Lake. We reach the ford on the brook Ciappuzzi and we turn to the right at the following fork. We also ford the brook Lischeo and we go down along the shore.
A rough tract finishes in shore to the lake.
We coast along the lake on comfortable path as far as to arrive in sight of the dike (km 5,8). Here we face a non cycle slope of around 300 meters to which follows a tract in plain and then a steep and a little bit exposed descent that it finishes on a road (km 6,6).
We go to the left on a comfortable road that a brief gallery crosses and finally climbs to the dike of the Lake Badana (km 8,2).
Without crossing the dike we continue on the path that coasts along the lake up to his extremity (km 10).
We return back with the same run. We notice to the left the signalings for the Lake Bruno (km 12,5; varying) but we don't follow them and we continue on the road.
We meet a fork (km 13,5) where we go down to the left arriving on the bank of the lake (be attention: when the level of the lake is very high the run that follows it is not practicable).
We follow to the left the whole bank of the lake, we get over a bridge and then a brief ramp that brings us on the crowning of the small dike. We cross it and we continue to reach the great dike (km 14,8). Since now the crowning is closed it doesn't stay whether to return back on the same run.
Staying on the bank we reach the bridge that it get over the tributary of the lake Bruno. We cross the bridge, we get over the ramp that follows and we turns to the right.
The slope finishes in front of the Church. We continue on the ample road that coasts along the Long Lake and then has some steep slopes that lead to the bar (km 18,3).
From here we follow to bashful the itinerary of arrival up to find again the asphalt road(km 21).
Gradient: 500 ms in slope and 500 in descent.
On saddle: 97%
Observations: This is only one of the possible runs.
Varying 1:
When the bank of the Lake Bruno isn't practicable and we want to reach the dike however it is necessary to follow the trail signs in the point in which they leave the road, at the km 12,5 in this itinerary (around 1,5 kms after the bridge). The tract that follows is little cycle and leads to the crowning of the small dike.

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9 - Turn of the Lake Badana

Updating: 9/2002
We depart from the Chapel of the Assunta, on the provincial road between Capanne di Marcarolo and Praglia.
We take the road that coasts along the little church and goes down in the middle of the lawns. At the first house we leave the road and go to the right crossing the courtyard (trail sign FIE: two yellow rhombs).
The road becomes mule-track that it advances with little gradient but rather rough ground.
We arrive the Pass of the Moor (km 2,8) situated on the ridge that separates the lake Badana from the Long Lake.
The path, open and panoramic, it proceeds on the ridge and also has a not cycle climb.
Reached the tallest point (km 3,8) we begin the steep descent that finishes to the dike of the Lake Badana (km 5,8).
We turn to the left and we coast along the whole lake up to reach the southern extremity (km 7,5).
We cross the bridge and we go to the right at the first intersection, fording the stream.
We turn to the left and we follow the narrow path that shortly after it transforms in narrow road and it passes near a farmhouse (km 7,8).
The road continues easy but then introduces a steep slope that brings to the summit of a hillock. We overcome a light descent and then we go to slope meeting in a greater road where we find other trail signs (km 8,7).
We turn to the left and we integrally follow the road that brings to the lawns of Superior Huts where we find the tarmacked road. Following it to the left we return to the Chapel (km 10,5).
Gradient: 220 ms in slope and in descent.
On saddle: 98%
Observations: easily linkable with the other itineraries of the lakes.

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Altre possibilita'

  1. (sconsigliabile) Si può scendere a S. Carlo di Cese dall'insellatura da dove parte il sentiero del Veleno. La prima parte è abbastanza ciclabile mentre la parte nel bosco è difficile.(segnavia FIE due barre rosse)
  2. S. Carlo di Cese può essere raggiunto scendendo dal sentiero che parte dalla base del Proratado. All'incrocio si lascia a sinistra il percorso 6 e si prosegue per la sterrata, si percorre in parte il tracciato dell'ossigenodotto, poi lo si lascia per scendere ripidamente nel bosco fino alle case Grillo. Qui si incontra l'asfalto.(segnavia FIE croce rossa)
  3. (sconsigliabile) Dal monte Pennello si può scendere a Pegli lungo la mulattiera ormai molto rovinata. Dalla vetta si ritorna sulla sterrata e si va a sinistra attraversando l'altopiano. Si comincia a scendere fino ad un punto in cui occorre deviare a sinistra (segnavia E/1)
  4. (sconsigliabile) La discesa lungo il metanodotto verso Acquasanta si svolge sul sentierino che costeggia a sinistra le opere di contenimento. Se siete bravi potreste tentare la discesa diretta incontrando continui salti di circa 50 cm.
  5. Da Pratorondanino è possibile scendere a Campo Ligure. Dallo spiazzo antistante l'ingresso si prende la strada verso sinistra. Si attraversa un primo prato, poi un secondo e si incontra un sentiero. Si scende per un tratto sconnesso ed il sentiero si trasforma in strada. Dopo poco si lascia la strada per prendere un sentiero a destra (segnavia FIE due linee gialle orizzontali). Si scende nel bosco fino ad una casa e si prosegue più facilmente fino al paese.
  6. Da Pratorondanino è possibile scendere a Masone evitando la strada automobilistica.
    Dallo spiazzo antistante l'ingresso si prende la strada verso sinistra. Si attraversa un primo prato, poi un secondo e si incontra un largo sentiero. Si scende per un tratto sconnesso ed il sentiero si trasforma in strada sterrata raggiundendo un'ampia sella erbosa (km 1).
    Si prosegue diritti passando nei pressi di una cascina superata la quale la strada inizia a scendere ripidamente. Si raggiunge un incrocio dove si continua a scendere a destra arrivando all'asfalto in fondovalle (km 5). In breve si arriva al ponte che si attraversa per salire a Pratorondanino. (consigliabile).

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