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The coast from the mount Fasce to Ruta presents steep and few proper to be climbed with the bike.
I describe itineraries always in descent. It's obvious that ascents are possible, but they are a little cycle and they ask a notable engagement.

1 - Cross Uscio - Ruta

Updating: 1999
Reached the church of Uscio we continue in slope for few hundred of meters; to the right it is detached a secondary road in slope (indication for Home Arnaldi). We pick it up following it up to when it finishes among the buildings of the Nursing-home Arnaldi.
From the square we go up some meter for a staircase, following the trail signs FIE (red XX).
We reach so a road that we immediately leave taking a wide path that coasts along some buildings for then to enter the wood (trail sign).
We comfortably continue in plain to a bridge that step over a road (Pass Spinarola, km 2,5).
The path continues in slope (to the left the two red XX are left and it is continued with two red circles) more rough and then goes down to a pass (indications FIE).
We always continue to half coast without remarkable gradients but alternating rough tracts to others flowing and crossing some small saddles.
We cross the saddle where the deviation is for the Sanctuary Madonna di Caravaggio (km 8) and we arrive to a saddle where we cross a dirt road that it goes down to the right toward Recco.
We neglect it continuing on the path to half coast that it begins to steeply go down; it still follows a saddleback then level tracts alternated to descents and finally descent on staircases to wide steps to the old church of Ruta (km 11,5).
The paved road toward on the right brings to Ruta.
Gradient: in descent 400 ms, in slope 300 ms.
On saddle: 85%
Observations: to be attention to the steep scarp under to the path, especially in the first tract.
From Ruta it can be joined us to the runs of the Mountain of Portofino (Vetta-Pietre Strette-Portofino or Vetta-S.Rocco-Camogli).

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2 - Descent from Houses Cornua Pass to Sori

Updating: 1/2003
From the inn we go down in direction of Uscio. Around 500 meters after, hardly passed the chapel on mount Cornua, we leave the tarmac and turn to the right. We overcome some stairs then we continue without too difficulties, except that for some big step.
We reach a fork. To the left goes the itinerary 3 (trail sign FIE: two vertical lines).
We continue to the right in steep descent (segnavia FIE: Red X). We are going down on a stone paved mule-track.
The layout is always rather ample and allows to also overcome in saddle the steeper tracts.
The difficult part ends just before a country (km 2,4). We easily continue entering Capreno that we cross on narrow concrete paths avoiding of losing high.
After the last houses the mule-track it proceeds in light slope and it continues without great gradients. We overcome a tabernacle and we quickly go down to the few houses of Rupanego (km 4,4) where we meet in a steep road in concrete. We turn to the right (to the left varying for S.Bartolomeo) and we go down on the tarmac.
Without other problems we follow the road in constant descent up to the bottom of the valley (km 6,7). Sori is to the left at around 800 meters.
Gradient: 600 ms.
On saddle: 95%
Observations: in slope it is easy up to shortly after Capreno, then it becomes not cycle and fatiguing (cycle less than 80%).
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3 - Descent from Pass Case Cornua to Sori, via S.Apollinare

Updating: 1/2003
From the inn we go down in direction of Uscio. Around 500 meters later, hardly passed the chapel on mount Cornua, we leave the tarmac and turn to the right. We overcome some stairs then we continue without too difficulties, except that for some high step.
We reach a fork. To the right goes crossed 2 (trail sign FIE: red X).
We continue on the left. The path is rather narrow but not presents great gradients and it is clean.
We reach a meadow saddle then ascent to overcoming a hill. The whole run maintains itself near the ridge revolving the tops and connecting the passes.
A stretch in descent brings us to a chapel on whose church square rises a tall pylon with a statue of the Savior (km 4,8).
Here it begins the difficult descent. We go down a first very steep stretch to which it follows a brief plan. The descent now develops in the wood of holm-oaks, very steep.
We arrive to a wall of stone where go to the right reaching a road (km 5,7). We go down to the left quickly arriving to the church of S.Apollinare (km 5,9). Here the road arrives from Sori.
We go down on the narrow road that it's beside the church. The run is effortless, first on concrete then on pavement. We meet a stretch to long stairs, then the staircase becomes steep but still easy, finally it becomes steep and problematic.
The long stairway finishes on the Aurelia (km 6,9). Turning to the right we overcome the bridge and then we can go down in country.
Gradient: 630 m.
On saddle: 96%
Observations: in slope it is necessary to reach S.Apollinare following the tarmacked road. The following stretch is very fatiguing; (cycle less than 80%).

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4 - Discesa da valico Case Cornua a Bogliasco

Aggiornamento: 1/2003
Dall'osteria andiamo verso ponente in salita sulla strada provinciale. Dopo circa 3,2 km troviamo a sinistra un ampio piazzale, in corrispondenza di un colle. A sinistra del guard rail scende un sentiero (FIE: doppio quadrato rosso). Inizio (km 0).
Prendiamo questo sentiero che si presenta ripido, stretto e difficile. Attraversiamo a mezza costa il versante del monte ed arriviamo ad un valico (km 1,7) dove incontriamo il sentiero che proviene da sinistra (FIE linea e punto rosso).
Proseguiamo diritti in leggera salita, poi riprendiamo a scendere. Dopo 300 metri incontriamo un bivio dove andiamo a sinistra (a destra prosegue il segnavia FIE; variante). Raggiungiamo una prima sella.
Su sentiero stretto arriviamo ad una seconda (km 3) e proseguiamo con pił facilitą per arrivare ad un valico ed incrocio di sentieri (km 3,4). Trascuriamo sia il sentiero che sale alla chiesa di S.Croce che quello che scende a sinistra per Teriasca; scendiamo a destra.
Il percorso porta ad un incrocio dove trascuriamo il sentiero pianeggiante di sinistra e continuiamo la discesa. Su mulattiera pił larga ma sempre ripida ci avviciniamo al paese.
Il fondo si fa buono e diventa un comodo selciato che termina nella piazza di S.Bernardo (km 4,9).
Bogliasco č a circa 3 km seguendo la strada asfaltata in discesa.
Dislivello: 740 m.
Ciclabilitą: 98 %
Variante 4.1:
eguale fino al bivio di km 2. Qui scendiamo a destra su sentiero stretto e ripido (segnavia Fie: linea punto). Superiamo tratti dissestati ed altri invasi dalla bassa vegetazione (ginestre e rovi). Il sentiero va in leggera salita ed arriva ad intersecare quello principale nella discesa finale (km 3,8). Disturbato dalla vegetazione e meno panoramico non č consigliabile.

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