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The peak (m 1287) it can be reached by the asphalt roads departing from Varazze or from S.Pietro d'Orba or from Sassello.
The massif is characterized by a steep and arid southern slope, not too suitable for the bike.
The northern slope is more gentle, covered from great woods, but in winter a lot of snow there can be.

1 - Ascent from FAIE

The small country of Faie is attainable by car from Varazze or from Cogoleto. In bike it can be reached with two runs, besides those road, that I describe apart.
This run climbs the hotel of Round Lawn following an ample dirt road, entirely cycle. The run is unadvisable when warm. Attention to the (few) cars.
Updating:   1999
From the church of Faie we continue climbing on asphalt road. Not long after the road becomes dirt maintaining itself ample. It is continued climbing maintaining the left at the only fork. Then we follow the road without possibility of error up to the lawns near the hotel (km 9,5).
From here to the peak of the Beigua still slope but on asphalt road (km. 11).
Gradient: around 800 ms.
On saddle: 100%
Observations: It is also a good run in descent.

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2 - Ascent from Passo of the Faiallo

The Pass (m 1060) it is easily reached for asphalt road from the pass of the Turchino, attainable from Voltri or from Masone, or climbing from S. Pietro of Urbe.
Updating:  9/2000
Trail description.
From the pass we go down in direction of Vara for few meters taking on the left the road that brings to the evident building of the Hotel Faiallo. We cross the square to go down along a dirt road after a little while closed with a bar (trail sign AV). We continue reaching a great construction in the wood of beech trees (km 1).
From here two possibilities:
  1. follow to the left the trail signs of the Alta Via (AV) that go up in the wood reaching the watershed in around 15 mins. with non cycle run. Here we ascent a rough tract, then we coast along and we go down to a plain.
  2. continue over the house in the direction of arrival, in light descent, taking a path that begins to climb and goes in around 10 mins. to reach a wide dirt road. Also this tract is not cycle. We follow the dirt road that it cuts almost in plain the lawns up to reach a wood. Here we meet a fork where it is necessary to follow the dirt road in slope to go out of the wood on the clearings of the watershed. We skip to the right a deviation, that would directly bring near the shelter of the mount Argentea, and we reach the Alta Via track near an evident poster of the park. Here the preceding run arrives also.
We continue along the evident path of the Alta Via.
The path continues alternating more or less rough tracts up to reach the pass before the shelter (Loc. Cruxetta, km 4).
Without ascent to the shelter we continue in plain, then in slope and therefore in descent. We rise reaching the top of the Pozzo (bivouac, km 5.9). A rough descent goes to a saddle to which follows a tract in a little cycle slope; through a wood of pines we reach a plain; then a rough descent goes toward the Bric Resonau and out of the wood up to reach an evident intersection of paths (km 8).
We take the dirt road that it continues in plain toward right brief arriving to the hotel of Round Lawn (km 10).
We rise steeply to the left of the hotel, on asphalt road, up to the little church of peak (km 12.4).
The little church is slightly defile in comparison to the road and almost hidden in a forest of aerials.
Gradient: 400 ms.
On saddle: 80%
Observations: it is a run of base that allows numerous variations with ring closing on S.Pietro. It is practicable in contrary sense with similar difficulty. Problematic with strong wind.

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3 - Descent to Alpicella

Updating: 1999
From the small church of the peak we return on the road and we go down to west, toward the hotel. Just before to reach it, at the end of the short level tract, we turn to the right leaving the asphalt road. A rough descent it brings us on the saddle among the two tops of the Beigua; here we meet four roads.
We take that that is advance in plain slightly to the right respect to the direction of origin (trail sign AV).
We continue in descent reaching a saddle then we get over a rough slope.
At the following intersection we continue to the left and we reach a cross; we continue in descent leaving to the right the trail for Veirera (itinerary 6, trail sign FIE yellow square; km 2,3).
The dirt road goes down with alternate steep and rough tracts to others with small inclination and it is advance in the wood.
In correspondence of a saddle we leave to the right the trail that it goes down to Sassello (itinerary 7, trail sign FIE two yellow triangles) and we slightly rise for taking back the descent then.
Later around 350 ms of descent (around 700 ms from the saddle with intersection for Sassello) we meet a wide path arriving from left that it is necessary to take.
To here we have followed the trail signs of the Alta Via (AV). The intersection not seeing, we would continue up to reach the Colle del Giovo from where it is possible to reenter to Alpicella following the dirt road that start from S. Giustina.
Our path is not signalled and it is detached to the left in a point in descent for which it is necessary to do attention not to get over it; we are around to high 950 meters and to around 4 kms from the peak of the Beigua.
The wide path continues to half coast with light up-and-down as far as the ford on the stream Sansobbia, goes up again and continues to a plan with pines.
Here begins the descent that will continue nonstop on the run of the aqueduct that has origin in the zone of the ford.
We go down on the mule-track up to reach a fork where a dirt road it goes to the left (7 kms); here we continue straight on (the dirt road on the left continues up to reach the asphalt road Alpicella/Beigua; in case of difficulty it is therefore a possible shortcut).
Descent it continues on rough road, above all in the steep tracts; almost at the end it is necessary to watch out to divert to the left clearly, for a short ramp in slope, leaving the run of the aqueduct that is turned into a rough brooklet in the rent of the wood.
We reach a pass.
From the pass we steeply climb in the wood neglecting the forest road that goes to the right.
At the term of the slope begins an almost in plain tract followed by a steep rough descent that brings to a meadow saddle where the difficulties finish.
The descent it continues on the dirt road until we reach the intersection with the dirt road deriving from S. Giustina, we take to the left in descent, we neglect to the right a deviation and we continue on the dirt road that gradually goes down to the asphalt.
Here we go to the left to reach the intersection in proximity of the cemetery of Alpicella, taking to the left we steeply climb to the country (16 kms).
Gradient: in descent 850 ms.
On saddle: 90%
Observations: Varied trail for environments and difficulty. Some difficulty of orientation, but at the most you could happen arrive to Passo del Giovo.

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4 - Descent to  Colle del Giovo

The first tract it is in common with other itineraries.
Updating : 1999
Trail description .
From the small church we go down to west toward the hotel. Just before to reach it, at the end of the level tract, we turn to the right leaving the asphalt. A rough tract goes on the saddle among the two tops of the Beigua; here four roads depart.
We take that that goes slightly to the right in comparison to the direction of origin (trail sign AV).
To the following intersection we continue to the left up to reach a cross; we continue in descent leaving to the right the path for Veirera (itinerary 6, trail sign FIE yellow square).
The dirt road it goes down with alternate steep and rough tracts to others with small inclination until to advance in the wood.
In correspondence of a saddleback we leave to the right the path that goes down to Sassello (itinerary 7; trail sign FIE two yellow triangles) to slightly climb and to take back then the descent.
We continue without excessive problems along the trail signs up to reach a level square in the wood (km 7,5).
The trail sign continues right, a forest road gets to right and another it goes down to the left.
To do attention because similar cross we have also met before. In case of doubt it is better to continue straight on the trail signs.
The road that goes down to the left we take.
With beautiful descent on dirt road we reach a farmhouse (House of the Hydrangeas) and we continue straight on up to reach the government road.
Varying 1
Continuing straight on the trail signs to the km 7,5 is reached the road of the main itinerary to less than 1,5 kms from the Colle del Giovo.
Varying 2
After a little while (150 ms around) the House of the Hydrangeas to the left is detached a narrow, few evident road (gate, poster of prohibition of transit) that it goes down steep to a house. We cross straight on the courtyard going down for traces of passage in the lawn. We follow to the right the path that we cross and we quickly go down up to reach the stream.
We cross a metallic bridge and then go on the road that we follow to an intersection.
To the right it is gone to S.Giustina and to the left to Alpicella.
Varying 3
The narrow road of the variation two are now (9/1999) closed and fenced. To avoid problems we can reach the bridge going down to the left to the fork that precedes of few meters the House of the Hydrangeas.
Before reaching the stream we turn to the right where we find an old not cycle path that brings under the house of the preceding variation.
Varying 4
We follow to the left the road to the fork that precedes the House of the Hydrangeas, we come to ford the stream and we continue on the road as far as possible. We continue then on forest roads, not always evident, trying to lose high.
At the end we reach the deriving road from the metallic bridge.
Gradient: in descent 800 ms.
On saddle: 95%
Observations: trail in the wood. Some difficulties of orientation in the final part.
Crossed in inverse sense it is decidedly less cycle. In this toward to do attention because it is opportune to leave the trail sign when this begins to climb to the left (km 1,4 from the Giovo) and to continue instead on the road; just get over the House of the Hydrangeas to take the road in slope up to again reach the trail signs that they will be followed up to the term.

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5 - Ascent from  Sassello, via Palo

Aggiornamento: 1998
Si parte dalla piazza della chiesa salendo per la strada a sinistra, si prosegue fino ad un ampio spiazzo nei pini. Qui la strada diviene sterrata e continua a salire meno ripida. Si prosegue poi pianeggiando fino a che la strada termina in uno spiazzo dove si lavora il legname (km 6).
Si attraversa il piazzale scendendo in paese all'incrocio con la provinciale.
Si va a destra sulla provinciale che occorre seguire a lungo.
Si arriva ad un evidente incrocio nei pressi di alcune case (loc. La Carta, km 9.7) dove si devia a destra sulla salita asfaltata che conduce ad Alberola (km 13).
Superata Alberola si sale ancora leggermente, poi si pianeggia e si prosegue in leggera discesa per circa 800 m, prestando attenzione alla stretta strada asfaltata che sale a destra per Veirera che occorre seguire.
Attraversato il paesino si prende a destra una strada (km 14.6) che inizialmente sale per iniziare subito a scendere, lasciando il segnavia. Dopo poche decine di metri occorre prendere la sterrata poco evidente che sale a sinistra, iniziando esattamente dove la discesa ha termine (km 14.9).
La si segue ripidamente, a spinta per circa 700 m, fino ad un tratto pianeggiante dove si ritrova il segnavia. Si prosegue in salita fino ad uscire dal bosco (all'unico incrocio salire a sinistra, sul segnavia).
All'incrocio con l'alta via (km 20) si sale a sinistra superando un tratto con gradini antierosione. Al termine si devia a destra in discesa. Non vi sono altre deviazioni fino alla sella tra le due cime del Beigua. Qui si va a destra per raggiungere l'asfalto ed in breve la cima (km 22.5).
Dislivello: circa 900 m.
Ciclabilitą: 95%
Osservazioni:  Il tratto in salita dopo Veirera č comunque non ciclabile in salita, sia seguendo questo tracciato, sia seguendo i segnavia.
Variante: Dal piazzale prima di Palo, dove si lavora il legname, si sale a destra su ripida forestale (segnavia FIE due linee gialle). Si sale per strade forestali fino a superare un guado. Il tratto successivo č attualmente (1999) ostruito dagli alberi abbattuti.

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6 - Come down from mount Beigua toSassello, via Palo

The first tract is in common with other itineraries.
Updating: 8/2001
Trail description.
From the small church we go down to west toward the hotel. Just before to reach it, at the end of the level tract, we divert to the right abandoning the asphalt road. A rough descent leads on the saddle among the two tops of the Beigua; here start four roads.
We take the level road that goes slightly to the right in comparison to the direction of origin (trail sign AV).
We go down in the woods reaching a saddle, we slightly ascent, then we go down reaching a cross. We cross less than 100 meters and we meet a fork (km 2,3).
To the left the path goes down to the Pass of the Giovo (itinerary 4, AV).
We go to the right.
The path (trail sign FIE doubles yellow line) has a rough tract, then it improves and it quickly goes down in the wood.
We follow up the trail sign to come to a short ledge with great trees. Here the path it goes down to the right with a narrow and rough tract.
On the contrary we continue straight on the forest road that goes down steep and it arrives to cross a wider one. We turn to the right and in few meters arrive to the houses of Veirera (km 7,5).
We turn to the left and we arrive to a few evident lavatoio (=fountain used to wash or for live-stock) placed to the left in the road.
On the left goes down the itinerary 12 .
From the lavatoio we continue straight on, we leave the road and we turn to the left passing near a house, we climb a dirt ramp (trail sign FIE doubles yellow line) reaching a shoulder (km 7,9) where the descent begins.
The descent is rather steep and rough and it has covered from sprigs. We easily enough go down however following the trail sign FIE squared yellow to a intersection (km 8,8).
Here the path FIE leaves the forest road and goes down to the right (you see Varying 1 ). We leave the path and we continue straight on staying on the road.
We arrive to an intersection (km 9,7) where we turn to the left and then to the right at the following intersection, always on the main road.
We reach a wide crossroad (km 9,9) where we turn to the right. The comfortable forest road arrives to the square where lumber is worked next to the cemetery of Palo (km 11,3).
There is to the left the wide gravel road that brings to Sassello in 6 kms (itinerary 5 on the contrary)
Gradient: in descent 900 ms
On saddle: 100%
Varying 1 : we can integrally cross the run of the layout FIE. It is now polished up by the trees dejected but covered by dangerous sprigs.

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7 - Descent to Sassello, via Bandia

The first tract it is in common with other itineraries. The path it has been just (1999) cleared and arranged.
Updating: 12/1999
From the small church we go down to west toward the hotel. Just before to reach it, at the end of the level tract, we turn to the right lefting the asphalt. A rough descent leads on the saddle among the two tops of the Beigua; here four roads are crossed.
We take that that advances in plain, slightly to the right respect to the direction of origin (trail sign AV).
We go down in the woods reaching a saddle, slightly rise, then we go down to the left reaching a cross. Runs less than 100 meters we meet a fork (km 2,3).
We continue in descent leaving to the right the path to Veirera (itinerary 6, trail sign FIE: yellow square).
The dirt road goes down with steep and rough tracts alternated to others easy then it forwards in the wood.
In correspondence of a saddle, where the AV goes straight on a light slope, we turn to the right clearly, in descent in the wood of beech trees (trail sign FIE: double yellow triangle).
We do down on path exactly following the signalled run and we reach quickly enough a house in the middle of the wood (house Bandia, km 6). Immediately after the house we meet a crossroads where it is necessary to take the road in descent to the right. The road goes down, first softly then steeply, to a ford (km 6,6). We continue slowly losing height to reach the Colle Bergnon, absorbed among great beech trees.
The mule-track it continues with tracts in descent, also steep, and leads to a (km 10,8) few visible fork. From here two possibilities:
  1. We go down to the left quickly arriving to a farmhouse where we meet the asphalt road, to here trail sign FIE, not visible at the cross. At the farmhouse we left the trail sign and we go down on asphalt road up to the government one in the place Badani (km 11.5). To the right to Sassello.
  2. (advisable) we rise to the right the brief ramp and we continue in descent in the wood. We get over some forks, always going to descent, and we arrive near a house (km 12). We still go down meeting the asphalt road that we follow up to the houses on the government one.
    Before reaching it we turn to the right, oneway on the contrary, in a narrow road. We arrive to a bridge over which rise on pavč up to the square of the church.
Gradient: in descent 900 ms.
On saddle: 98%
Observations: it is the most complete run to know the group. United to the slope from the Pass of the Faiallo it represents a great and binding trip. Some difficulties of orientation in the wood, follow you the trail sign.
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8 - Ascent to Passo of GAVA

Updating: 5/2000
From Arenzano we cross the Aurelia almost to the Colletta. Here we turn to the right to the hospital continuing among the houses. Attention to take to the left a steep slope (km 2).
The road continues in slope, we avoid a right deviation and we always maintain the main road. We arrive to a house with ample square (loc. Agueta, km 3,5) and we continue (to the right itinerary 10 ).
We reach place Curlo where we neglect the path that rises to the left. After a winding the road becomes dirt and rises steep. We reach a bar (km 4,5, Forest House to the left) that we climb over continuing then with windings up to reach a lawn with various paths (km 6,8, lawn Liseu).
We still get over a steep tract up to the shelter Beppillo, then the road becomes less steep and forwards it in the valley. We arrive to a spring and with two last windings rise at the Pass (km 9).
There aren't cycle possibility of prosecution. We would be able to climb over the Tardia Pass (mule-track that rises to the right) and to join us to the dirt road that goes down to the quarry of Vesima and Arenzano.
Gradient: in 750 ms.
On saddle: 100%
Observations: proper for the brief winter days. With the north wind the pass is beaten from the wind.
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9 - Loop of Pass of Muraglione

A brief trip for the short winter days. Here I describe it as a ring but it is able to have been climbed in both the directions to reach Faie that it is to little hundreds of meters from the Pass.
Updating: 1999
From the entry of Varazze, side Genoa, we go for some hundred meters toward the center of the country and we begin to ascent passing in front of the church of S.Domenico. After few we divert in plain to the left up to reach an intersection (here we can arrive also climbing from the town taking the following crossroad after that of S.Domenico). We steeply rise up to arrive in sight of a viaduct with poster of prohibition of access. At this point we take a road to the right. There are no other difficulties of orientation.
We ascent crossing over the highway and reaching some condominiums. Immediately before the houses we find to the left a road closed by a chain. We take it up and we follow it till to arrive to a pass (km 4,2). To the right the road climb to the near and panoramic church of the Guardia (advisable deviation).
We turn to the left decidedly (dejected trees on the path, 1999) on a level path.
The itinerary continues up-and-down to another pass (km 5). We neglect the numerous deviations that go down to left and right, we continue straight on the only existing ascent. Few steep meters by foot and it restarts up-and-down. Later around a kilometer we cross a tarmacked road, we go to the right for few meters, cross and take back the slope. We immediately reach the build of the aqueduct. We leave the road and laughed for two hundred meters behind the build by foot.
After another kilometer we arrive to a steep descent (neglect the path to right) that it ends to the Pass of the Muraglione (km 8).
The tarmacked road of forehead climbs to Faie, to the left it goes down to Varazze, to the right it goes to the hermitage of the Desert and Sciarborasca.
We return back for about ten meters taking the level path. We also follow it when it starts to go down. We continue always maintaining ourself tall on the right hydrographic slope of the stream. The path finishes on a forest road (km 9,9) that we take to the right, in slope. We arrive to a pass, we continue in descent that shortly after it becomes tarmacked.
We reach the Aurelia and, to the right, Varazze (km 20).
Gradient: m 400.
on saddle: 98%
Observations: practicable itinerary in the two senses. In opposite sense it is slightly less cycle. There are numerous intersections, but the run is logical.

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10 - Descent form Gava to Arenzano

Aggiornamento:  5/2000
Percorso. Dal passo della Gava si scende sul versante meridionale lungo una evidente sterrata. Al primo tornante si lascia a sinistra il sentiero per il passo Gavetta (possibile variante difficile) e si scende fino ad una sorgente.
Si scende, trascurando a destra la variante uno, lungo la piacevole sterrata. Si raggiunge un piccolo ricovero (km 2) dove la discesa si fa più ripida e si raggiunge un prato.
Si continua ancora sulla strada, ma prestando attenzione a destra, infatti quando si incontra un traliccio dell'alta tensione (km 3,5) occorre svoltare a destra. Si scende su sentiero che presto diviene sterrata con un tratto ripido e dissestato e poi ancora sentiero.
Si arriva su una stradina (km 4, da destra arriva la variante uno). La discesa prosegue più mite e conduce ad un bivio (passo Gua, km 5, a destra variante due).
Si scende a sinistra arrivando rapidamente all'asfalto in località Agueta (km 6,5).
Si sale a sinistra per dieci metri e si devia a destra su una strada campestre. Dopo 300 metri si va diritti mentre la stradina sale a sinistra. Segue una discesa dissestata ma divertente fino ad incrociare un sentiero FIE che si trascura andando a sinistra (frecce bianche).
Si continua a scendere con tornanti e lunghi traversi fino a sbucare sull'asfalto sopra al Santuario di Arenzano (km 9,5). Si va in discesa raggiungendo la strada antistante la chiesa e di lì il centro (km 10,5).
Dislivello: m 750.
Ciclabilitą: 100%
Osservazioni:  Descrivo sommariamente due delle possibili varianti:
variante uno
Dalla piazzola che precede di una trentina di metri la sorgente sottostante al passo della Gava parte un sentierino che scende nel prato. Lo si segue fino a che si congiunge con l'itinerario principale.
variante due
Dal passo Gua si va a destra per un centinaio di metri fino ad imboccare una ripida discesa un po' per bosco e un po' per prati. Si passa nei pressi di una piccola costruzione e si raggiunge la strada di un acquedotto. Si va a sinistra fino a sboccare sull'asfalto. Seguendo a ritroso l'itinerario 8 si arriva a Terralba.

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12 - Descent from Beigua to Sassello, via Veirera

Updating:  8/2001
From the small church we go down to west toward the hotel. Just before to reach it, at the end of the level tract, we divert to the right leaving the asphalt road. A rough descent brings us on the saddle among the two tops of the Beigua; here four roads depart.
We take that that goes to the right slightly respect to the direction of origin (trail sign AV).
We go down in the woods reaching a saddle, we slightly rise, then we go down to the left reaching a cross. Less than 100 meters and we meet a fork (km 2,3).
To the left the path goes down to Colle del Giovo (itinerary 4, AV).
We go to the right.
The path (trail sign FIE: doubles yellow tract) presents a rough tract initially, then it improves and it quickly goes down in the wood.
We constantly follow, on mule-track, the trail sign up to come to a brief ledge with great trees to the left. Here the path goes down to the right with a narrow and roough tract.
We continue straight on the forest road that goes down steep until to cross a wide road. We turn to the right and in few meters we arrive to the houses of Veirera (km 7,5).
To here in common with the itinerary 6.
To Veirera we meet a wash-basin. To the left a forest road goes down to Sassello (trail sign FIE squared yellow). We take it.
Later around 200 meters we go straight on while the trail sign goes to the right.
We arrive to a fork where we take the right road and we find again the trail sign.
We go down on forest road arriving to a few evident, but groundamental, crossroad (km 9). We follow the trail sign neglecting both the road that it goes to the right that that goes to the left.
From here we faithfully follow the trail sign in the numerous intersections. We come to ford a stream in place Bastia (km 12,5) and, with easy path, reaches the asphalt road and the center of Sassello (km 13.5).
Gradient: 910 ms.
On saddle: 98%
Observations: it is a run in the thick of the forest with strong difficulty of orientation. You avoid to go down straight on without path because the valley finishes on jumps of rock.

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13 - Ascent to Gallows Peak from Celle

Updating:  10/2001
From the station of Celle Ligure we take the road that climbs to the left, looking at the station (trail sign FIE: three red little balls, that it will accompany us for the whole run).
The road climbs steep for 500 meters, then it almost proceeds in plain arriving to the little church of SS. Giacomo and Phillip. We go straight on passing beside a notable house-tower.
A short steep slope leads at the end of the asphalt road (km 1,5). The slope continues on good dirt road to a point where the road it finishes and it begins a steep and no cycle path. After 100 meters the path goes to the right and begins a narrow single-track that climb a pass (km 2,4).
We go down meeting a better path on which we continue to another pass (km 2,7) which crossed we find a steep and brief descent.
We continue up to reach an intersection with charts. We are in place Il Poggio (km 3,3). We can go down to the left following the signalled path, or to climb for some meter up to reach the real knoll. We could directly be gone down, but the path finishes in a private courtyard. In every case we reach the church of Sanda (km 3,7).
Beside the church it climbs a recently paved trail that it brings to the cemetery where we find again the provincial road. We cross the road entering a minor road that brings to the yard of construction of some buildings.
We go to the right and we revolve the houses in construction. Behind to them we find again the path opened among two walls of concrete (km 4,1).
The following tract is no cycle because of the ruined ground. We arrive to a cistern of the aqueduct and then to a wide square (km 4,5). Here we find again the asphalt road and we follow it going to the left.
We reach the provincial road that we follow in slope (km 4,8). We arrive to cross a small road that climbs to the right (street Bric delle Forche; km 6). We follow it neglecting all the deviations.
We arrive to cross an evident road that climbs to the left (signals for Bric Don Bosco; km 6,6) and we turn. A slope leads us to a square and a last slope it leads us to the little church in peak (km 7,2).
Gradient: 500 ms.
On saddle: 95%
Observations: A lot of asphalt, but on narrow roads without traffic. Short run suitable for the court winter days. The numerous narrow roads of the zone allow other variations.

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14 - Descent from Gallows Peak to Varazze

Updating:  10/2001
From the peak of the Bric (Gallows Peak or Don Bosco) we go down following the same trail of slope up to the intersection (km 0,6).
We turn to the left and we follow the narrow asphalt road that it conducts to a wide square (km 0,9) where we continue on the principal road, now dirt, to the right.
Alternating descents and slopes we get over the highest point and then we go down to arrive to a deserted house (trail sign FIE: triangle red; km 2,5).
Here it finishes the easy tract. We pass in front of the house and we turn to the right, going down to the threshold of the wood.
At the end of the lawn the path enters the wood with difficult passages. To a narrow square among the pines we go to the left, we get over a binding tract and we arrive on a narrow road (km 3,8).
Without other difficulties we continue to the left and we reach the asphalt road (km 4,2). We continue on the steep asphalt road reaching the church of Cantalupo (km 5,3).
Here we leave the road and we take the mule-track beside the church; we arrive to an intersection where we go to the left. On concrete ground we arrive on a wide road that we follow in descent, by now to the doors of Varazze (km 5,7). Following in descent one of the roads we go down to the Aurelia (km 7,5).
Gradient: 500 ms.
On saddle: 100%

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15 - Climb from Celle to Gallows Peak, via Ferrari

Updating: 10/2001
We reach the church of S.Michele, behind the station.
To the left of the church climbs a narrow road (trail sign FIE: line and two red points) that we follow to cross a more wide road that we follow to the right. We leave the last houses and we arrive to a small church (both directly with a mule-track, both following the road (km 1).
We continue and we reach the point in which the road finishes. Here we continue straight on the path of the aqueduct, with steep and rough tracts .
A little bit in saddle and a little bit by foot we arrive in a less steep zone and we reach a road (km 2,3).
We comfortably continue on asphalt and we reach the provincial road (km 3,2) that we follow to the right, in slope.
In common with the itinerary 13 we follow the provincial up to the intersection with street of Gallows where we turn to the right. We arrive to cross an evident road that climbs to the left (signals for Bric Don Bosco; km 5,2) and we turn. A slope brings us to a square and a last slope finishes to the small church in peak (km 5,8).
Gradient: 450 ms.
On saddle: 96%
Observations: The numerous narrow roads that intersects the hills behind Celle they allow numerous intersections and variations.

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16 - Ascent from Piani di Celle to Gallows Peak

Updating: 10/2001
From the station of Celle we go toward the sea and we reach the promenade. We follow it to the left and we reach the fraction Piani to around 1,2 km.
We enter among the houses (street Genoa, then street Florence) and we reach the church of S.Maria Assunta (beginning, km 0).
We continue straight on and we get over a parking lot starting to climb with some windings. At the end of the slope we meet a road that we follow to the right, in light descent, arriving to a wider road (km 1,3) where we meet the trail sign FIE (two red squares).
We turn to the left here and we climb on this road; we reach a hill and we slightly go down arriving to an intersection. We neglect the road to the left for Costa and we go straight on the steep narrow road.
We arrive so at the end of the asphalt where we join us with the deriving signalings from Coast. We go straight on and we arrive to a fork (km 2,8) where we turn to the right, in light descent.
On good road we reach the shoulder where a small church is (loc. Cross; km 3,5).
We go to the left to slope and the road it has term near a gate. To the right rise a path. We climb with difficulty because of the rough and steep ground.
After the steep slope the path continues in coast, then ascent meeting the dirt road crossed by the itinerary 14 (km 4,3).
We go to the left and we reach the ample square where we find the asphalt road (km 4,8). We follow the asphalt road watching out after the begin of the descent to the narrow road that goes to the right (km 5,1).
A slope of 600 meters handed to the panoramic square and then to the church (km 5,7).
Gradient: 450 ms.
On saddle: 94%

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17 - From Mioglia to Sassello

Updating: 10/2002
From Mioglia we follow the road in direction of Pontinvrea and Pass of Giovo. Get over the houses of Casone we meet a road that turns to the right, indications MTB and Beach of Mioglia). We turn.
The road goes down then rises, it gets over some isolated houses, to the intersection we go to right and we reach the term of the tarmac. Soon after we reach the more elevated point (km 4,5).
We leave the narrow road with MTB trademarks and we continue on the right following the wide road that goes down.
The road almost always maintains a descending course, it reaches high the valley of the stream Erro and continues to go down approaching itself to the river.
We reach a lawn (km 8,1) where other three roads cross. We turn to the right and we reach the ford of Erro.
Crossed the stream we for a bit then we go down to an intersection. We turn to the right and we cross the stream on a bridge.
We continue in slope reaching a beautiful and great deserted construction (km 8,6).
Just after the house we leave the wide metalled road that continues and we enters in a narrow dirt road that coasts along the river.
Initially in plain, then in slope we continue up to the first houses, we turn to the right and we reach Sassello (km 11).
Gradient: 230 ms.
On saddle: 100%
Observations: practicable also in contrary sense, with some more difficulties.
B.A. the ford can be impossible when the level of the river is tall. In this case at the crossroads before the ford we go straight on. After 200 meters we go out on a beach. Here two possibilities (generally):
- cross near the confluence of the two streams, can be necessary some meter to swimming, but the tide is mild. On the other bank we find a road to follow to the right.
- cross to the left extremity of the beach. Here the level is lower, but on the opposite shore there is a forest of willows and it is opportune the steep rocky scarp climb to reach the overhanging road. Following to the right we reach an intersection where we go straight on arriving near the great house.
Varying 17.1: From the great house of the km 8,6 are able to continue straight on the mainl road that becomes tarmacked, ascent to a beautiful valley, gets over a farmhouse and then it goes down to the sporting field of Sassello (km 2,5).

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18 - Discesa diretta dal Beigua ad Alpicella

Aggiornamento: 12/2002
Dalla vetta scendiamo sulla strada asfaltata ed andiamo a ponente, verso l’albergo. Poco prima di raggiungerlo, al termine del tratto pianeggiante, deviamo a destra abbandonando l'asfalto. Una discesa sconnessa porta sulla sella tra le due cime del Beigua (km 0,7); qui si dipartono cinque strade.
Prendiamo la seconda strada da sinistra e scendiamo velocemente all'asfalto, svoltiamo a destra e proseguiamo la discesa.
Quando incontriamo il segnale FIE triangolo rosso che lascia la strada per scendere a sinistra lo seguiamo (km 1,4).
Siamo su una stradina che si restringe a sentiero che scende ripido tra i faggi. In questo modo raggiungiamo un pascolo dove incrociamo una sterrata (km 2).
Svoltiamo a destra ed abbandoniamo la strada dopo alcune decine di metri. La discesa presenta ora alcuni tratti dissestati e non sempre è ciclabile. Un tratto pianeggiante ci porta a superare un intaglio (km 3,3) oltre il quale riprende la ripida discesa.
Arriviamo ad una spalla erbosa (km 4,5) dove il sentiero FIE svolta decisamente a destra. Lo abbandoniamo per scendere sulla sterrata a sinistra.
Raggiungiamo un incrocio dove andiamo a destra e subito dopo a sinistra ed arriviamo ad incrociare la stradella che proviene dalla strada megalitica. Poco dopo entriamo sull'asfalto (km 5,5).
Non resta che seguire la discesa asfaltata che conduce ad Alpicella (km 8).
Dislivello: 880 m.
Ciclabilitą: 95%
Osservazioni: non utilizzabile in salita.
Variante 18.1: dalla sella erbosa possiamo anche seguire integralmente il sentiero FIE. Superato un tratto ripido e dissestato entriamo su una strada con fondo in cemento. La seguiamo fino al tornante dove andiamo diritti sulla mulattiera che scende quasi ad Alpicella (km 2,5).
Variante 18.2: (al momento è impraticabile) ad un tornante della strada asfaltata (km 6,4) lasciamo andiamo diritti sulla sterrata in leggera salita. Agli incroci teniamo sempre il sentiero centrale ed arriviamo ad un rudere. Passiamo con difficoltà presso la casa e scendiamo ad un rivo (km 6,8).
Scendiamo a sinistra costeggiando il rivo che invade anche il sentiero, dopo 100 metri di ripida discesa andiamo a destra sulla mulattiera pianeggiante.
Questa strada portava ad Alpicella. Al momento è interrotta da una grande frana, insuperabile.

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Other runs

The runs here described certainly are not the only possible. I describe summarily other possibilities.
  1. From the country of Vara it is possible to climb to the watershed in proximity of building shelter of mount Argentea with a beautiful dirt road, entirely cycle. From the country of Vara Inferior we take the road to place Dan (or Dano). After having get over the bridge we divert to the left on a wide dirt road, closed by bar (bridge). We follow it without diverting. Aloft we meet a fork in the wood. To the left we would go to the Faiallo (itinerary 2, varying 2 contrarily) to the right we climb the ridge.
  2. From the peak of the Beigua it is possible to directly go down to Alpicella. We go down toward Varazze on the road for around 1 kms; here we leave it taking a narrow dirt road that it goes down to the left (few evident, trail sign). Integrally following the trail sign FIE triangle red we reach the country. Cycle in descent about 70%.
  3. To Alpicella we can arrive diverting from the descent for Faie. In proximity of a winding toward left, at the end of the steep part of the descent, in proximity of a wood of pines, we meet the trail sign FIE red cross that climbs. On the place they are present great stones plunged in the ground; it is in fact a place of neolithic cult. Here start to the right an evident path paved by great stones. We go down and we arrive to cross a dirt road which quickly goes down to the country.
  4. It is possible to go down to Piampaludo with the path that starts from the watershed in the tract Rama/Prato Rotondo, in the near small iron cross on a rock (trail sign FIE yellow cross). We follow the difficult path that goes down through the lawns and then in the wood. In low the path meet another one and it becomes more cycle. We arrive on the asphalt in the near of a farmhouse. We follow the road in slope to reach the country.
  5. The path that winds below the shelter houses Leveasso (now shelter Father Rino) it is practicable in descent after the first steep tract. It becomes mule-track, then road of the aqueduct and leads to Lerca.
  6. Also the path that connects the southern slopes of Argentea with the Passo of the Gava is partially cycle, with attention to the exposed tracts. It crosses one of the wildest zones of the group.
  7. S.Giustina and Alpicella are joined from a beautiful trail. From S. Giustina we leave the government road taking the road that begins of forehead to a restaurant (to the left for the one whom goes down). Turn on the left at the first fork and go in plain near the river. We follow it without problems to the lawns near Alpicella where the itinerary 3 we meet. From Alpicella we follow the road that begins near the cemetery, we cross the bridge and, after a little while we take the road that climbs to the right.

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