My name is Giorgio Godani, I live in Albisola Superiore, a small town near Savona on the Italian Riviera. I took my degree in Foreign Languages and Literatures at Genoa University disputing a thesis about the British novelist Bruce Marshall, humorist and best seller in the ‘60s.

I am interested in theatre and coordinated the early editions of the Liguria Dialect Theatre Show, now at the 24th edition, located at the theatre Leone in Albisola Capo.

Coordinator of the Language Centre of the local Civic Library 'A.G.Barrili' in Savona, for which I organized several meetings for teachers and Shows of the Didactic Book, I was also in the Consulting Committee of Problems and Experiences, OUP/La Nuova Italia, and bursar of a course at the University of Nottingham.

I was coordinator of the course DTFM/British Council held in Savona and speaker in several Teachers’ Refresher Courses organized by IRRSAE Liguria.

Recently I took care of the Web Pages of the Liceo Scientifico "O. Grassi" in Savona.