How hard it was, here below and with the material and the temporal crowding out the spiritual and the eternal, to love one's neighbour, how hard and yet how necessary.

The whole country's falling to pieces because Christians have failed to practice charity, and not a little because priests haven't shown the way

from Father Malachy's Miracle, 1931

He started off to tell the priest about all the women he had known in Buenos Aires and Hong Kong and said that he had liked the women in Hong Kong best but Father Smith said he thought they had better to go through the commandments from the beginning and see how many he had broken because after all it was a bigger mortal sin to have forgotten to love God all one's life than to have known tawdry Jezebel in foreign ports.

from All Glorious Within, 1944


Walking between two whores along mucky docks he was for the first time in his life living apostolically.

She had lied for him and been silent for him and had dared to be tortured for him. She had never understood about God. She had never understood his understading God. Yet not understanding she had understood God better than he, because she had been truer to the lesser loyalty of her love for himself than he to the greater of his love for God.

from The Fair Bride, 1953

                   The Girl from Lubeck,1962

This story proposes again the eternal conflict between East and West in satiric and very amusing situations, following a typical English humour pattern discovered again in recent films. In it we can find a love story between the elderly protagonist and a mysterious, fascinating, nice and unreliable girl from Lubeck, to thicken the dramatic vicissitudes of the speaker. The secret of the success is in doling out comic elements and affable comprehension of human frailties and silly things of the world. Every reader feels to be taken in the joke:  he is not disappointed, but amused and moved.

If you are interested, have a look of the thesis (in Italian) and get in touch with me.