Pubblicazione come autore principale o coautore di 82 lavori a stampa e 44 riassunti così suddivisi: 32 articoli su riviste scientifiche internazionali con revisori, 5 articoli su riviste nazionali, 3 capitoli di libri, 23 articoli e 27 riassunti su atti di convegni internazionali, 19 articoli e 17 riassunti su atti di convegni internazionali.
Principali pubblicazioni
Riciclo sostenibile dei residui organici
- Mondini C., Chiumenti F., da Borso F., , Leita L., De Nobili M. 1996. Changes during processing in the organic matter of composted and air-dried poultry manure. Bioresource Technology 55: 243-249.
- Mondini C., Sanchez-Manedero M.A., Leita L., Bragato G., De Nobili M. 1997. Carbon and ninhydrin-reactive nitrogen of the microbial biomass in rewetted compost samples. Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis 28: 113-122.
- Mondini C., Contin M., Leita L., De Nobil M. 2002. Response of microbial biomass to air-drying and rewetting in soils and compost. Geoderma 105: 111-124.
- Mondini C., Dell'Abate M.T., Leita L., Benedetti A. 2003. An integrated chemical, thermal and microbiological approach to compost stability evaluation. Journal of Environmental Quality 32: 2379-2386.
- Sanchez Monedero M.A., Stentiford E., Mondini C. 2003. Biofiltration at composting facilities: effectiveness for bioaerosol control. Environmental Science and Technology 37: 4299-4303.
- Mondini C., Insam H. 2003. Community level physiological profiling as tool to evaluate compost maturity: a kinetic approach. European Journal of Soil Biology 39: 141-148.
- Mondini C., Fornasier F., Sinicco T. 2004. Enzymatic activity as a parameter for the characterisation of the composting process. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 36: 1587-1594.
- Mondini C., Insam H. 2005. Effect of inoculum standardization on CLPP patterns of compost samples. Compost Science and Utilization 13: 27-33.
- Klammer S., Mondini C., Insam H. 2005. Microbial community fingerprints of composts stored under different conditions. Annals of Microbiology 55:299-305.
- Mondini C., Sanchez-Monedero M.A., Sinicco T., Leita L. 2006. Evaluation of extracted organic carbon and microbial biomass as stability parameters in ligno-cellulosic waste composts. Journal of Environmental Quality, 35:2313-2320.
- Mondini C., Cayuela M.L., Sinicco T., Cordaro F., Roig A., Sánchez-Monedero M.A. 2006. Evaluation of greenhouse gas emissions and carbon sink capacity of amended soils under laboratory conditions. Soil Biology and Biochemistry DOI:10.1016/j.soilbio.2006.12.013
- Leita L., De Nobili M., Mondini C., Muhlbachova G., Marchiol L., Bragato G., Contin M. 1999. Influence of inorganic and organic fertilization on soil microbial biomass, metabolic quotient and heavy metal bioavailability. Biology and Fertility of Soil 28: 371-376.
- Mondini C., Cantone P., Marchiol L., Franco I., Figliolia A. Leita L. 1999. Relationship of available nutrients with organic matter and microbial biomass in MSW compost in amended soil. In: (Anac D., Martin-Prevel P. eds.) Improved Crop Quality by Nutrient Management. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, The Netherlands, pp 305-308.
- De Nobili M., Contin M., Mondini C., Brookes P.C. 2001. Soil microbial biomass is triggered into activity by trace amount of substrates. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 33: 1163-1170.
- Sanchez Monedero M.A., Mondini C., De Nobili M., Leita L., Roig A. 2004. Land application of biosolids. Soil response to different stabilization degree of the treated organic matter. Waste Management 24: 325-332.
- Mondini C., Cayuela M.L., Sanchez-Monedero M.A., Roig A., Brookes P.C. 2006. Soil microbial biomass activation by trace amounts of readily available substrate. Biology and Fertility of Soils 42:542-549.
- Leita L., De Nobili M., Muhlbachova G., Mondini C., Marchiol L., Zerbi G. 1995. Bioavailability and effects of heavy metals on soil microbial biomass survival during laboratory incubation. Biology and Fertility of Soils 19: 103-108.
- Leita L., Ceccon P., Marucchini C., Mondini C. 1995. Behaviour of metolachlor and terbutylazine in cultivated field lysimeters. Z. Pflanzernahr. Bodenk. 159: 177-182.
- Franco I., Vischetti C., M.T. Baca, M. De Nobili, Mondini C., Leita L. 1997. Adsorption of Linuron and Metamitron on soil and peats at two different decomposition stages. Journal of Soil Contamination 6: 307-315.
- Leita L., Muhlbachova G., Mondini C., Marchiol L. and De Nobili M. 1997. Soil microbial biomass as a marker of heavy metal contamination and bioavailability. In: (D. Rosen et al. Eds) Modern Agriculture and the Environment, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, The Netherlands, pp. 449-457.
- Leita L., Mondini C., De Nobili M., Simoni A., Sequi P. 1998. Heavy metal content in xylem sap (Vitis vinifera) from mining and smelting areas. Environmental Monitoring and Assesment 50: 189-200.
- Contin M., Mondini C., Leita L., De Nobili M. 2006. Toxic metals fixation in mine tailings by repeated addition of iron(II)sulphate. Fresenius Environmental Bulletin, Vol. 15, N. 9b, 1142-1145.