Assessment of soil quality with combined pedological, numerical and geostatistical approaches
A deep knowledge of soil and its qualities is essential for any methodological approach in the agri-environmental field.
On this assumption, we're testing sampling strategies and numerical and geostatistical methodologies for the analysis of data which
could be used to estimate and to map soil processes, features and typologies of agri-environmental interest.
Investigated approaches are be applied to the following subjects:
soil suitability evaluation for agri-forestry quality products, with particular regard to truffle and wine;
definition of sampling methods which are efficient in terms of the relationships between the precision of estimates and investigation costs;
identification and mapping of sensitive and vulnerable areas, and of areas polluted with organic and inorganic contaminants which might be reclaimed
Natural resources favouring fertility and the protection of soil quality
The agri-environmental function of organic matter in the dynamics of immobilization and release of nutrients and contaminants is an integral part of a sustainable approach to agricultural practices.
The study of the interactions between the biotic component and soil humic substances on the one hand, and nutrients and contaminants on the other is an important research subject which includes:
chemical and physical characterization of organic components, with particular regard to metal complexation processes on a kinetic and thermodynamic basis;
nutritional and environmental functions of organic compoments related to the availability of nutrients and contaminants in soil and to their biological availability in the soil/plant relationship.
Exogenous fertilizing substances
The use of biomasses and quality compost in agriculture represents a sustainable strategy for the resources, and represents a valid alternative to the use of organic substances, which are hardly renewable.
In this respect Gorizia Research Unit focused on:
evaluation criteria on the quality of compost and optimization of composting techniques;
methods for the use of biomasses to be added to the soil, with particular regard to the assessment of energetic balance in order to
promote a sustainable development of agriculture and of the environment;
characterization of the fertilizing efficiency of last-generation organic products, with particular regard to products having a biostimulating action.
New analytical methods for soils, fertilizers and sediments
This is one of the traditional research fields of Gorizia Research Unit. At the moment the Unit is studying and developing analytical methods for the chemical, physical and biological characterization of soil, fertilizers, biomasses and active principles with a pesticide action.