Guides : FRAPPE

Last-minute gift idea: Frappe Nation
I act as though I was born to frappe-ness, but of course I didn’t learn about it till relatively late in life. I’m sure it was Peter who first made me a frappe, and I can’t remember if it was before or after I moved to Astoria.
Henry Frappe lobée de loin
Author: Sefi77 Tags: Henry Pes country:FR user-category:videogames Posted: 22 December 2006
Frappe' the Greek
Frappe' is nothing more than an iced instant coffee. But is it just that or there're other things about it that make it unique? Frappe' took its name as tons of culinary terms from the French verb "frapper" that means to hit, strike.
The History of Greek-Style Frappe
According to popular legend, the Greek-style frappé was invented in September 1957 at the annual Thessaloniki International Fair in the convention center of Greece's second largest city
Absinthe Frappe
Time Magazine, 3rd September 1934 ""Absinthe frappe" is really an absinthe julep. New Orleans masters put half a teaspoonful of sugar in the bottom of a tall glass, fill up with finely shaved ice, let the sugar dissolve, pour in 1-oz.
Chicago Hates The Headband
That’s the stupidest thing this Frappe reporter has heard in a long time. I mean, what are we talking about man? We’re talking about a headband. It’s not like it’sa ball cap. We’re talking about headbands. We’re not talking about the
Enough Already
The key is to invest the same focus and desire into broadcasting that you did with your playing career and it should mix with your talent and produce…………………………wait a minute. There’s the problem. Frappe Short List of Sports Commentators
Future for College Football Playoffs Looking Brighter
So does anyone else feet like we may have reached critical mass in vying for a college football playoff system? I hear more and more college football coaches coming out and stating what they might have been afraid to say a couple years
Barry Bonds Is Capable of Crazy Things
Given my prior rants on Barry Bonds, you probably aren’t surprised that I’m currently taking a lot of delight in the fact that Bonds isn’t getting his way right now and still remains a free agent. Apparently, the market for a 42 year
New Skool Survivor
I’m writing this after having just successfully run the gauntlet that is Oakland Airport. It’s like a new version of the Survivor® series. Why? It’s Saturday, the day before a Raiders’ game. Every miscreant, hanger on, wannabe,
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