7 Mode 2 : Multi-plane machining with stopped table
In this machining mode the milling tool moves along its own plane while
other machine axes are stopped, so thet it may be carried out
also over whole-teeth, not rough machined gears, and over machines with
a good static precision but not a good dynamic one.
show milling in innest conditions.
In this case I suggest to operate first both cuts on left and right flank,
and then increase both X-position and cut depth.
Also in this case extreme positions may be easily calculated according to tip diameter
and (for example) active profile starting diameter.
Both these values may be modified according to milling path width
and tool angle:
[9] Extra radius = path width / 2 * TAN(beta0)
In enclosed example this extra is considered only for multi-cut planning.
A proper EDP software may be used for planning cutting positions, so to
have equal and minimum form error for each integer quantity of cuts.
Single unit cut will be repeated for all teeth and for all axial sections planned.
Since form error depends upon curvature radius, best results will be for
gears with a lot of teeth , but in case of further grinding
this is not a problem anyway.
In case of spur gears it is better to machine the whole facewidth
at one time for each planned position.