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Among the subjects of our courses we also law.


Here you can find some information about what we have studied about our form of government. :)

The Republic of Italy

The first article of the Italian Constitution says:

“ Italy is a democratic republic based on work.

The sovereignty belongs to the people,

who exercise it in the form and in the limits of the Constitution “


Form of Government: Parliamentary Republic


Approved on December 27th 1947, it came into force on January 1st 1948.

It establishes the citizens’ rights and duties and the state’s political order.


The President of the Republic

In the Republic of Italy, the highest role isthe President of the Republic.He represents national unity and he appoints five members of the CSM (Magistrates’ Council).









 Seat of the President of The Republic. “Quirinale”


The Government


Executive Power is exercised by the Government

under the direction of the Prime Minister

of the Ministers’ council..

He is appointed by the President of the Republic

and chooses his Ministers.

The Ministers are responsible for the

implementation of the laws. 

  • Seat of the Government. “Palazzo Chigi”


The Parliament

Legislative Powers is exercised by the Parliament,

which consists of two chambers,

whose members are elected directly by the people

for a period of five years:

The Chamber of Deputies and The Senate 


  • Seat of the Chamber of Deputies. “Palazzo Madama”


All bills must be passed by both chambers before

being turned into laws.







·          Seat of the Senate. “Palazzo Montecitorio”

The Supreme Court

Judicial Power: the Supreme Court is indipendent.

It’s governed by its own supreme law

council (CSM, Consiglio Superiore Magistratura).

Another supreme council is the Constitutional Court,

which must decide if a law is constitutional and solves

the conflicts between the State powers.