Here some BATHORY's images!


Quorthon and Vvornth


Vvornth, Quorthon and Kothaar after the release of the album Blood Fire Death in 1988




Promotional photos released in 1994


Quorthon after the release of "Requiem" in 1994


Quorthon in Stockholm (May 2001)


A copy of the vinyl "Under The Sign Of The Darkness And Evil" signed by Quorthon

A copy of the legendary "Yellow Goat" vinyl signed by Quorthon


The "Nordland I" flyer

The "Destroyer Of Worlds" flyer


Mitsuharu Hirose, the webmaster


ONE RODE TO ASA BAY: Images taken from the video. This video was never put on sale or officially released. It was broadcasted on MTV in the year 1990 (or 91, now I don't remember it). It's a privilege for you to see these images!. I'd like to let you download the whole video, but I can't because the file is too big to be imported.  


The Introduction

This jewel is a Swedish national treasure. The Swedish government allowed Quorthon to use it in the video.

The catholics ride to Asa Bay...

And try to convert the population to the christianity

The catholics forced the people of Asa Bay to build a House of the Cross

A Viking Knight

The people of Asa Land fight against the catholics

The old man mentioned in the song watchs the dragon ships set sail

The dragon ships set sail

The Band. The drummer is Vvornth. The bassplayer (left) is Kothaar, while the guitar player (right) is Quorthon

"...People of Asa Land, it's only just begun!"