The Webmaster in a moment of madness

Hallo!! My name is Mitsuharu and I'm the creator of this website. Do you like it? And do you want some information about this site? In that case I'll explain you why I've decided to create it.

I'm 17 and I live in Milan (Italy - under the Northstar). In this city there are a lot of people who follow many ways of thinking: there are fans of metal music (called "metallari" in italian), fans of disco music (usually called "tamarri"), and so on. I was a "tamarro" (oh yes, all of us have lived a difficult period in our lives), but last year my life suddenly changed: in a cd shop called "Ricordi" located in the downtown of Milan I saw a cd with a lot of flames on the cover. Yeah, you guessed it: it was BATHORY's "Destroyer Of Worlds". I find that cover (and also the name of the band, that was unknown for me) quite nice, so I thought "I'll buy it, why not?". At home I listened to the cd and, after three or four songs I said "Oh, it's disgusting!"; I was still too "tamarro" to understand it. I listened to it also some other times and my opinion of it changed: I didn't think that it was a masterpiece, but it was good. Then I read on a website ( ) that "Destroyer Of Worlds" was the worst BATHORY's cd, so I thought "In that case the best BATHORY's cd must be really great!". Two or three weeks passed. On a sunday rainy afternoon I went to another famous italian cd shop called "Mariposa" and I saw for the first time in my life BATHORY's "Requiem"; its cover, full of human skulls, attracted my attention so I bought it. I listened to it and decided that it was a good example of trash metal, but surely not wonderful. A month later I returned to "Mariposa" and I saw "Hammerheart" on sell: the webmasters of a metal site had rated 90/100, so I bought it. It was a really great purchase: a wonderful epic-metal album!! Songs like "One Rode To Asa Bay" can only be defined MASTERPIECES. In that moment started my love for this great band. On the following weeks I bought other BATHORY's albums: "Blood On Ice", "Blood Fire Death", "Quorthon - The Album" (the solo album) and so on. That albums were all great: in this way started my convertion from "tamarro" to "metallaro".

Click here to see another Webmaster's photo!!

The Webmaster is the guy with the blue hawaian shirt!! This photo was taken in a Spanish pub in October 2002

When I bought "Nordland I" I saw on the cd cover this mail address: and I decided to write a letter to Mr. Quorthon (the BATHORY's singer) to ask him something about the band. He, very kindly, replied to me answering to my questions. In another mail he told me that 90% of informations about BATHORY published on metal websites are wrong and that all metal journalists are stupid. So I decided to create a website about his band, with only CORRECT informations (I publish ONLY informations reviewed by Quorthon). But there is a little problem: Quorthon is a really mysterious person, so he gives me only vague notices about BATHORY's biography and other BATHORY's members. He didn't reveal me his true name and the name of the men who played for the band: he told me that the names aren't important and the only important thing is MUSIC. He told me also that BATHORY isn't a mysterious band: the only strange things about they were created by "pathetic and idiot people". I think that it's true, but it's not important: also in that case BATHORY remains not only a fascinating band, but also the best METAL BAND IN THE WORLD. BATHORY explored a lot of kinds of music, and only a great band can do it creating the unique atmosphere that only TRUE METAL can create.