Main Menu Falls Church News-Press A listing of new openings, exhibitions and opportunities to show art. Abstract Collages at Curves Day of the dead, Bisbee-style Sierra Vista Herald BISBEE — A thin gray stream of smoke wafted from smoldering incense as passers-by wondered what a Brady Bunch decoupage doll house filled with calacas (home-made skeletons) was doing in the window of Bisbee Clay. Hotline: Canberra City News A television commercial designed and conceived by ZOO Design took out a national award at the Australian Graphic Design Association Awards. DON'T BLAME ME; BLAME MY GENES New Orleans Times-Picayune If I'm crafty, it's like a fox, not like Martha Stewart. I tried to ride the knitting wave and wound up with enough dropped stitches to create a circle. I've also failed at découpage (1960s), macramé (1970s), needlepoint (1980s) and faux finishes (1990s). Train case will keep supplies on track The Columbus Dispatch Online auctions have gone crafty. Not only can a crafter find tons of great supplies — such as vintage and fancy beads, designer fabrics and just about every scrapbooking item imaginable — but do-it-yourselfers can also sell their handmade goods. Roundup The Norman Transcript Libraries host holiday crafts for adultsCindy Stevens, the resident crafter in the Center for Reader Servic Artists turn eggshells into wondrous art San Antonio Express News Jinnie Perkins has been decorating delicate eggs for more than three decades and has broken fewer than a dozen in all that time. Could be a record of sorts, but she's doesn't claim that. MAKING THE CUT Asbury Park Press When Kim Porter was a child, she wasn't interested in playing with dolls, as were many of her girlfriends. Porter was busy building furniture for the dolls instead. Heinzen photo exhibit captures life in Africa Inside Bay Area 'A SENSE OF PLACE," an exhibition of photography by Coastside music teacher MaryAnn Heinzen, offers a view of the culture and wildlife of Africa. Furniture Facelifts - Book Review BellaOnline A thorough collection of numerous step-by-step decorative techniques for refurbishing furniture.
Decoupage e perline: CORSI di Melita Suggerimenti e soluzioni creative per la decorazione in decoupage e realizzazioni in perline. Galleria di esempi di alberelli bonsai, storia del decoupage. Miodecoupage * Ecommerce Decoupage * Vendita di tovaglioli E-commerce negozio virtuale materiale per decoupage. decoupage craqueleangelo.jpg (10955 byte). Decoupage e craquelè, Decoupage e craquelè. decoupage-3d.jpg (12695 byte). Decoupage tridimensionale Decoupage Il termine Decoupage deriva dal verbo francese decouper e significa ritagliare. Si tratta di decorare delle superfici con immagini di carta ritagliate, schede decoupage su Nonsolouncinetto progetti e consigli pratici dagli ospiti esperti: la tecnica base, il decoupage pittorico, decoupage con tovagliolini, trasformare una pentola in un
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