The Albanian migrations, to tell the truth, they go up again to one period that goes from the XV century till today, we could be said, in 9 separate following migratory waves, forming colonies here and there, without a defined center, scattered for the whole South. Currently thei number is about fifty, altogether around 100.000 albophone inhabitants.
    The third migratory wave interested Molise, to date back to 1461-1470, with the arrival in Italy of the militias of Giorgio Castriota Skanderberg, prince of Krujia, that helped Ferrante I de Aragon in the struggle against Giovanni d'Anjou. For the services give to him, it was granted to the soldiers and their families to appropriate them in different zones of actual Molise and Puglia.
   The Albanian, contrarily of the Albanian remained in their country, converted to Islam, they preserved the Christian religion whith rite Greek-orthodox.

The third migration [1461-1470] has interested us more than others [because it involved us as population] that created different communities and centers in our zone that is:

Chieuti, Campomarino, Portocannone, Montecilfone and Ururi and San Martino [sic]. Then initially San Martino, having an Albanian community, this could be really the only community placed here or they divided fifty-fifty with the Sanmartineses the inhabited area: mezzaterra. Admitting that already a great inhabited area existed such to be considered village or town.