Some suggestions

If we want to transcribe the dialect, as it has spoken, it always needs to transcribe the consonants that are doubled during the dialog.
- me 'ccattate 'nu bbelle ccappelle 
- pecché fî qquescî? ... 
We could also omit this type of transcription but for the words, that have by itself the double initial consonant, it becomes obligatory to write it with double consonant.
We write Frangische c'è 'ccasate [it. Francesco si è accasato] because 'ccasate is apheresis of accaste. The double initial consonants with the apostrophe indicated an apheresis and we must be transcribed and pronounced them as double.
   Gn and scj, in initial position of word, they often have an phonic accentuation (they should be double) and we can be written them with the apostrophe, that it will indicated their strengthening.
  The phonemes / p, t, d, k, f, v, m, n, r, l, ts / they distinguish them from those Italian because in initial position they often double them or, they probably stay double, because they are the apheretic forms of the correspondent verbs that (losing the initial vowel) they stay with the double consonant.


'ppése appese appeso suspended
'ttenzejône attenzejône attenzione attention
'dduòrmete adduòrmete addormentati sleep (you)
'ccàttà accàttà (comprare, partorire)  accattare [1] (to buy, to give birth to)
'ffemmech(e)jà affemmech(e)jà affumicare to fill with smoke
'vvertîte avvertîte avvertito warned
'mmetà ammetà (i)nvitare  [2] (to invite)
'nnevelâte annevelâte annuvolato clouded over
'rretâte arretâte arrotato sharpened
'llenguâte allenguâte allungato lengthened
'zzeffennâte azzeffennâte (sprofondato) (sunk)

 [1] - The Italian term accattare [to look for to get something in every manner; to scrape together somehow; to beg, etc...] it has a different meaning from the dialect accattà or 'ccattà [to buy, to give birth]

[2] - in the dialect term 'mmetà there is the assimilation to mm of the Latin-Italian group nv.

The same phonemes [p, t, d, k, f, v, m, n, r, l, ts] can double by enphasis.


È jut' a nnóme mije
v'a ffa 'i fatte tóje
vvuòtet' a dèstre!
E vva mmagne!
rretìret 'i panne ca chiove
llàsceme sta!

Really the dialect is always enphatic.

In initial position (at times also intermediary or final) a same simple or double consonant can produce different meanings:

cande1ª e 3ª pers. sing del pres. ind. del v. candà [to sing]
'ccante = avv. [nearby]

case = house
'ccase = 1ª or 3ª pers. sing of the pres. ind. of the v. 'ccasà.

còjje = 1ª and 3ª pers. sing of the pres. ind. of the v. còjje [to gather]
'ccòjje = 1ª and 3ª pers. sing of the pres. ind. of the v. ccòjje [to strike].

cote = pp. of the v. cojje [to gather]
'ccote = pp. of the v. ccojje [to strike]

mòlle = rubber band (sost.)
mmòlle = soft (agg.)

nase = [nose, noses]
'nnase = 1ª and 3ª pers. sing of the pres. ind. of the v. 'nnasà [to sniff]

scigne = monkey.
'scigne = you go down. - 2ª pers. sing of the pres. ind. of the v. scégne [to go down]

sciocche = 3ª pers. sing del pres. ind. del v. sceqquà (to snow)

sciòcche = cabbage
= silly

tacche = heel, heels
'ttacche = 1ª and 3ª perses. sing of the pres. ind. of the v. 'ttaccà [to attach]

vascià = to kiss
'vvascià = to lower

vasce = kiss
va'sce = low

We must be noticed however that always the phonemes / p, t, d, k, f, v, m, n, r, l, ts / in intervocalic position and within the sentence (phonosyntax), they can double, so that phonetically two different words will become (but not always) entirely equal. It is the preposition to determine the doubling of the simple initial consonants.

Mittet' a ccòjje (it. mettiti a cogliere)
Mittet' a 'ccòjje (it. mettiti a colpire)

Une l'ada còjje (it. uno lo deve cogliere)
Une l'ada 'ccòjje (it. uno lo deve colpire)


Vallu a pparà (it. vallo a parare)
Vallu a 'pparà (
it. vallo a uguagliare) 

Fammu parà (it. fammelo a parare)
Fammu 'pparà (
it. fammelo uguagliare) 


Dallu a ttaccate (it. menalo a colpi di tacco)
Fallu sta 'ttaccate (
it. fallo stare legato) 

Damm 'u tacche (it. dammi il tacco)
Dammu c'u 'ttacche (
it. dammelo che lo lego) 

The occlusive and bilabial sonorous phonemes  / b / and the sonorous palatal affricate / gj / in the dialects of Molise and in other
of  Center-Southerners have the tendency to grow stronger themselves both in initial position that in intervocalic position.

bbómme  bomba, bombe bomb, bombs
scjàbbele  sciabola, sciabole sabre, sabres
bbàmbele  bambola, bambole doll, dolls
ggjòstre  giostra, giostre amusement
ggiùdece  giudice, giudici   judge, judges
fraggèlle  flagello, flagelli scourge, scourges




dialect words

squr squr euòcchie [squre-wòc-chje]  squr eccône [squrek-kô-ne]
qur  qur euòchie [qure-wò-cchje] qur ellate [qurel-lâ-te]
ngur [*] 'ngur ešcate [ngwre-ška-te] 'ngur eqquà [ngureq-quâ]
žghj o žghi  žgh iequelâte ghje-que-là-te] žghi angate ghjan-gâ-te]
šc šc attazze [škat-tàts-tse] šc ûme [škû-me ]
šqu šqu àqquere quaq-que-re] šqu oppe quòp-pe ]
žgn žgn isce gnì-sce] žgn asce gna-sce ]
jj  pa- jj e [pà-jje] ma jj e [maj-je ]
hr hr amà [hra-mà] hr a'sce [hra'sce]

[*] the gu of the group ngur is a digramma.



â      ê      î     ô     û


uâ  uê  uî  uô  uû (hypothetical) jâ  jê  jî  jô  jû



Some considerations

The facility, the immediateness of the dialect can for example be seen [and I was almost about to say per esembio] in the terminology.

The areoplane velave pruopie 'ngopp' to nnu.  

In this sentence there are two words areoplâne and pruopie, that very often the industrious students (addicted more to the light past that to the hard studious present) they ungrammaticate in Italian [areoplano for aeroplano and propio for proprio]. Italian complicates us the life! As it teaches us the diction, it is more difficulty to pronounce aeroplano and proprio that not areoplano and propio. The difficulty of the pronunciation is due: in the first word to the initial hiatus ae [the very cunning Greek feared it and so they abolished it], in the second's instead to the repetition of the consonantal group pr.

1 - L'areoplâne velâve pruòpeje 'ngòpp' a nnu (Sanmartinese).
2 - L'aeroplano volava proprio su di noi

The dialect sentence is more linear, phonemically speaking, less fatiguing. So also we are eliminated the work and the inopportunity of the hiatus and the consonantal repetition. The closing of the vowels mostly contributes to the lightness of the whole phonemic of the sentence 1.
    As it regards the hiatus, the sanmartinese as other dialects of neighbourhood and the Center-South, it contrives expedient as the apheretic suppression of the initial vowels. Such subtraction is almost noticed in all the words that start for 'n and 'm as ngoppe, 'ndande, 'nghemenzàmbarà, 'mmetelì, 'mbortande; in the words that begin with double consonant as 'ccasà, 'ccattà, 'ttaccà, 'ttappà, 'ssassîne, 'ssaprì, 'ffegà, 'llendà, 'lluscià, 'mmepelì, 'pparà, 'rretà, 'mmendà, etc.
We avoid so the hiatus in speaking dialect with the wise combination of apheresis, apocopation and elision.

The monosyllables both tonic and atonic have the tendency at times to grow stronger themselves consonantally.

- ne' tté nejènde da dice
- m'u dici' a mme
- se sso' llore. 

Sejenghe cadût' a 'n dèrre. In Italian a' n derre is translated with a terra. The n prefers, in spite of the rules grammaticated [sic], to make itself follow from dental sonorous d instead of the dental explosive t. Economy and facility of use. Even in spoken language  there cannot be waste. Popular wisdom!
The dialect is full of these phonemic facilitations really because it follows a proper road, not conforming, not founded a priori

The n and the m tend more to make themselves follow from a sonorous consonant instead of one unvoiced.
We have in the dialect [almost always for theirs to evolve themselves from the Latin] the strong tendency to modify the groups nt and nc respectively in nd and ng. The c in the group nc can be palatal or guttural and consequently the dialect group can be both palatal and guttural. Ex.: venge [it. vincere], ghianghe [bianco]

group Italian origin sanmartinese group
n + c (palatal)


lat. vincere nge n + g (palatal)
n + c (guttural) bancone ger .bank bangône n + g (guttural)


The n followed by the dental sonorous d is typical of the Center-Southern dialect and, therefore, the terminations are always sonorous that (through a process of assimilation from Italian -ante, -inte, -ente, -unte, -onte) they have their dialect derivative in -ande, -inde, -ende, -unde, -onde according to the scheme:

terms terminations Italian correspondence
quendènde, squendènde -ènde -ente
mutande, cande  -ande -ante
vinde [***] , cinde, recinde -inde -inte
'Ssunde, 'mpunde, unde -unde -unte
cónde, spónde  -ónde -onte


We generally prefer however to write them in Italian and to pronounce them in dialect. Ex.: 
- cantante (as it is written) 
- candande (as it is pronounced)

The digraph mp or the labial sonorous m followed by the labial explosive p, in the dialect it turns it into mb, or the m is followed with the labial sonorous b.



tembe, tejèmbe  -embe, -(e)jembe empo, empi, empa, empo, empu
embo, embi, emba, embo, embu
zambe, cambe
-ambe ampo, ampi, ampa, ampo, ampu
ambo, ambi, amba, ambo, ambu
-imbe impo, impi, impa, impo, impu
imbo, imbi, imba, imbo, imbu
zumbe, cumbà  -umbe umpo, umpi, umpa, umpo, umpu
umbo, umbi, umba, umbo, umbu
-ómbe ompo, ompi, ompa, ompo, ompu
ombo, ombi, omba, ombo, ombu

Also this consonantic group is preferred to write it in Italian and to pronounce it in dialect. Ex.: The Italian word campo can be written campe in dialect but is always pronounced cambe.

The dialect sanmartinese (as many other's Senter-Southerners) tends strongly to become voiced the adjoining consonants.

When in the correspondent Italian words there are already voiced groups as mb, nd, ld, in dialect often they have the tendency to double the first consonant for the so-called phenomenon of the assimilation.

Latin Italian sanmartinese
caldu(m) caldo calle
commandare comandare chemmanna
finem mundi finimondo fenemonne
fundu(m) fondo fonne
mundu(m) mondo monne
rotondu(m) tondo tonne
unda(m) onda onne

  The same phenomenon of assimilation happens for the verbs in Italian (consequential from the fourth Latin conjugation) ending in -ondere (or -orre), -andere (or -arre), - èndere, -indere that in dialect they respectively are -onne, -anne, -enne, [-inne]

Latin Italian Sanmartinese
appendere appendere appenne
componere comporre chembonne
infundere [*] infondere mbonne
abscondere nascondere nasconne
pendere pendere penne
reddere rendere rènne
refundere rifondere refonne
respondere rispondere responne
(s)combonere  scomporre schembonne
expandere spandere spanne
vendere vendere venne

There are obviously some exceptions (always consequential verbs from the third Latin conjugation) that they also include the verbs finished in -àngere (or -ancere), - èngere (or -èncere), -ìngere (or  ìncere) that in dialect they change the suffixes in -agne or -égne:

Latin Italian Sanmartinese
plangere piangere chiagne
descendere scendere scégne
stringere stringere strégne
tingere tingere tégne

The same terminations are not able to allow the suffix mutation too

Latin Italian sanmartinese
depingere dipingere dipìnge
constringere costringere costrìnge
fingere fingere finge
expingere spingere spìnge
vincere vincere vénge


Morphologically the sanmartinese dialect is characterized by the particular one:

a - closing of the vowels
b - accentuation very often of the initial syllable of word
c - frequent suppression of the vowels and initial syllables (apheresis), of the vowels and final syllables (apocopation and elision).
d - from the easiest fonemicization and therefore from greater musicality and coloring.


The words quertelle, qquertatore, quentatore, qquendà, quenzemà, 'qquesà, quecchiare, are originate from the Latin, as after all the respective words Italian coltello, scorciatoia, contatore, raccontare, consumare, accusare, cucchiaio
The Latin-Italian group co and at times cu have the strong tendency to become que in dialect. The unvoiced velar c followed by o or by u (in atonic syllable) it turns it into unvoiced labiovelar qu.

Sanmartinese Italian Latin
quertèlle coltello cultellu(m), dim. di culter
qquertatôre scorciatoia excurtiare < curtus
quentatôre contatore by computare
'qquendà raccontare by computare
quendà contare by computare
quenzemà consumare consumere 
'qquesà accusare accusare
quecchiâre cucchiaio cochleariu(m) < còchlea
'qquendendà accontentare contentare < contentus
'qquezza-rce  [1]  acccovacciar-si -----
'qquengià acconciare comptiare < comptus < comere 
quajjà cagliare  *** coagulare
quecciûte cocciuto -----
quescì così (ec)cu(m) si(c)
quedélle [2] - zone of the vertebra magna coda(m) < cauda(m)
quegnóme cognome cognome(n)
quelennèlle colonnello columna(m)
quellâre collare collare < collu(m)
quengéde concedere concedere
quengemà concimare comptiare < comptus
Quengètte Concetta conceptione(m)
quenzelà consolare consolare
periquele pericolo periculu(m)
matrìquele matricola matricula(m)


The groups co or cu in the altered forms losing the tonicity they still turn it into que.

== Sanmartinese ==

== Italian ==

primitive altered primitive altered
còsse quessétte cosa cosetta
colle quellétte colle collina, colletto
conde quendarelle conte conticino
spaccône spaqquengelle spaccone spacconcello
corne quernétte corno cornetto
peccône peqquenétte picccone picconcello


The Italian palatal gl in dialect is always assimilated in jj

Sanmartinese Italian English
pajje paglia straw
fijje figlio child
mojje moglie wife
majja maglia sweater
medajje medaglia medal
tenajje tenaglie tongs
mejje meglio better
quesijje consiglio suggestion
quenijje coniglio rabbit
pastijje pastiglia tablet