DreamWings: modellismo aereo, aerei militari della seconda guerra mondiale e moderni, air show, warbirds, frecce tricolori, pattuglie acrobatiche...  Giovedi 27 Marzo 2025



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by Mauro Ferri 

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Modelli, testi e immagini sono copyright © 2001 by Mauro Ferri

Model, text and images copyright © 2001 by Mauro Ferri

MESSERSCHMITT Bf 109 E-7 Trop - Scala 1/48 -


 This aircraft flew in Libya with I/JG 27 in 1941.

 It shows the new desert camouflage scheme in RLM 78 Hellblau, 79 sandgelb, 80 olivegrun. I use Tamiya kit 1/48.

 I’ve completely modified the cockpit area with many details scratch in plastic and others  made with resins.

 The engine DB 601-N is an old Hi-Tech in resin and metal parts.

 I spent many nights in detailing engine and trying its exact alignment with fuselage and  struts.

 Fortunately, kit assembly is quite easy and the modeler can allow himself to accomplish the super detailing.

 Before starting the job I have engraved about 6.000 small rivets on wings and fuselage.

 You can see them only against the light but this work adds a good touch of startling realism...

 The colours are Gunze mix: using white spirit as thinner you can avoid in adding transparent for decals application. 

About weathering I always use Lifecolor acrilycs and, after the final cote with Superscale  satin, chalks powder with brush.


 Mauro Ferri - Montecatini - Italy


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Model, text and images copyright © 2001 by Mauro Ferri



DREAMWINGS, sito web dedicato all'arte del modellismo aereo e al mondo dell'aviazione, Air show, Frecce Tricolori, aerei storici, warbirds, ...

Testi e immagini copyright by Paolo Pesaresi

I testi e le fotografie contenuti in queste pagine web possono essere utilizzate esclusivamente per uso privato. Non ne è permessa alcuna forma di commercializzazione. E' quindi vietato scaricare, riprodurre, distribuire, pubblicare, includere in raccolte di software commerciali e modificare o elaborare le foto o parti di esse ed includerle in altre pagine Web senza la preventiva autorizzazione scritta.

Web Master: Paolo Pesaresi