
  DreamWings: modellismo aereo, aerei militari della seconda guerra mondiale e moderni, air show, warbirds, frecce tricolori, pattuglie acrobatiche...  Giovedi 27 Marzo 2025



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by Mauro Ferri 




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Modelli, testi e immagini sono copyright © 2001 by Mauro Ferri

Model, text and images copyright © 2001 by Mauro Ferri

MESSERSCHMITT Me 163 B-1 - Scala 1/48 -


This rocket-powered interceptor “White 18”  flew in Brandis during 1944 with 2./JG 400.  The pilot was Lt. Muhlstroh.

 About colours camouflage I referred to page 141 of “Planes of the LW fighter aces” by B. Barbas: there are three colour shots which shows clearly the two different shades between brownish 81 and green 82.

 This is a Revell kit 1/48 ex Dragon.

 I  used Aires resin and photoetched kit for improving the cockpit details and showing the  guns bay opened. 

 Kit’s construction in very difficult due to the allignment of pieces: a lot of putty is indispensable for a good result.

 Prepare yourself many cups of camomile-tea for positioning the ventral skid... I use a mix of Gunze to realize the shade of 76/81/82.

The box decals have a dull carrier: I’ve  preferred the Aeromaster sheet n° 48-334. I’m very happy for this purchase because two weeks ago I found, at least, an old He 163 

 Dragon kit: this sheet is also released for three different jet aircrafts.

 One of the MK 108 is out of the bay for maintenance.

 I did emphasis to the panels with brown china ink: the weathering in this aircraft must be  very light; only the skid is hardly grass-dirty caused by many landings on meadows...

 Mauro Ferri - Montecatini - Italy

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Model, text and images copyright © 2001 by Mauro Ferri



DREAMWINGS, sito web dedicato all'arte del modellismo aereo e al mondo dell'aviazione, Air show, Frecce Tricolori, aerei storici, warbirds, ...

Testi e immagini copyright by Paolo Pesaresi

I testi e le fotografie contenuti in queste pagine web possono essere utilizzate esclusivamente per uso privato. Non ne è permessa alcuna forma di commercializzazione. E' quindi vietato scaricare, riprodurre, distribuire, pubblicare, includere in raccolte di software commerciali e modificare o elaborare le foto o parti di esse ed includerle in altre pagine Web senza la preventiva autorizzazione scritta.

Web Master: Paolo Pesaresi