The Land Project <--- kid koma <---
Earth land soil ground territory domain free-zone nation country borders.

62 artists have send their contribution, from January 2002 to January 2003, to The Land Open Project, a free partecipation project promoted on Kid Koma -
The 2001's disasters caused a general and extended hiding behind terms such as "nation" and "patriotism": terms which together with "faith" produced slogans advertising the most bloody and cruel slaughters of the history.
Can the relationship between "country" and "land" be defined as virtual?
Can the contemporary human being, more and more engaged in virtual and mediating territories, preserve such concept and the relationship with earth?
How does the territory perception develop itself in the virtual space?
Originated by a social-political reflection, such as "land", this open space started to collect and search proposals of several artists based on various specialties and countries.
The works alternates both old and new-media figurative arts, experiences related to nomadism, immigration, urban collusions/collision, geographical/archaeological/interior journeys, soil presence/absence, use of new technologies for the exploration of real territories - from digital domain to virtual identity - in a gallery of continuous reflecting parentheses about this antithetic topic such as "soil" and "virtual".
Terra suolo superfice terreno territorio dominio zona franca nazione patria confini.

62 artisti hanno contribuito da gennaio 2002 a gennaio 2003 a The Land Open Project, progetto a partecipazione libera, promosso su Kid Koma -
I disastri del 2001 anno hanno provocato un generale e diffuso nascondersi dietro i termini di "patria" e "patriottismo": i terminini che insieme a "fede" si ergono a slogan dei più sanguinosi massacri della storia.
Può definirsi virtuale il rapporto tra "patria" e "terra"?
Può l'uomo moderno, sempre più immerso in territori virtuali e mediatici, conservare il concetto e il rapporto con la terra?
Come si sviluppa la percezione del territorio nello spazio virtuale?
Da una riflessione socio politica, quale "land", questo spazio aperto ha iniziato a raccogliere e ricercare proposte di vari artisti di diverse specialità e nazioni.
I lavori alternano arti figurative sia su vecchi che nuovi media, esperienze di nomadismo, immigrazione, collusione/collisione urbanistica, viaggi geografici/archeologici/interiori, assenza/presenza di suolo, uso di nuove tecnologie per esplorazione fisica di territori - da domini digitali a identità virtuali - in una galleria di continue parentesi riflessive su questo tema antitetico quale "terreno" e "virtuale".
The Gallery: latest entries first entries the Artists
still dreamin on ideas? still using ideas for urself? by dimos dimitriou, Greece, December 2002
l.o.l - webzine by Tamara Laï, Belgium, January 2003
Creek with predella by Katherine Klein, USA, 2002
Off the path by Judith Miller, USA, January 14, 2003
Curious Cows by Jocelyn Audette, USA, 2002
One Among 400,000 by Ruth Catlow, UK, October 2002
ags1 by mnortham, USA, 1996
LAND by N55, Denmark, 2002
Tattooed City by robroy chalmers, USA, evolving project began august 2001 flash plugin
Argentina: Mi País (Historia Argentina en 3 minutos) by Judith Villamayor, Argentina, 2002 flash plugin
outsidemydoor by m a longbottom, UK, march 2002 - May 2002 flash plugin
Desert Grows by Landscape, Spain, 2002 flash plugin shockwave plugin
Bosco con monumento by Carlo Iacomucci, Italy, 2001
High risk process by c o s t i s, Greece, 2002
Installazioni ambientali by Laborintus, Italy, 2001
yoga by gail weissman, USA, October 17, 2002
Whenever I see a plane I remember the smell... by Genco Gulan, Turkey, 2002
Bush-Cheney wetlands by Michael Crane, USA, 2001
Il Giardino dei Veleni by Vincenzo Ceccato, Italy, December 27 28 29, 2002
Condigitale Series by Patrizia Alemanno, Italy, 2002
Self-Burying by Raffaella Losapio, Italy, March 3 2002
Untitled by Casaluce-Geiger, Austria/Italy, 2001
Travel by Gianni Cossu, Italy, 2002
Performance Action by ANTONIO SASSU, Italy, Nov 22-25 2002
Performance-Video by GRUPPO SINESTETICO (Albertin, Perseghin, Sassu, Shimizu), Italy, Nov 22-25 2002
Art metabolism by Gertrude Moser-Wagner, Austria, 1998-2000
Installation Art by Sarawut Chutiwongpeti, Thailand, 1996-1997
Islands by floe tudor & radu negulescu, Romania, September 21 2002 flash plugin
Hyperhouse by mona vatamanu, Romania, September 21 2002 flash plugin
Dormant storm by ANN STODDARD, USA, 2002
Public Space Kit by Public Space Initiative, USA, 2002
Atmospherics/Weather Works by Andrea Polli, USA, 2002
William street by stormie mills, Australia, May 2002
Interempty Space by John Grech, Australia/Netherlands, August 2002
AmsterdamEditions* by Xavier, Vincent Makowski, Bastien Hild,..., WWW, in constant progress
Judson by Judson, USA, August 21 2002 flash plugin
The Mirror That Changes by Annette Weintraub, USA, 2001 flash plugin
Elephant's paintings by, Bali/Thailand/USA, 2002
Carcrash by Gabriel Otero, Argentina, May 28 2002 flash plugin
Treetrunk by doron golan, Israel/USA, 2002 quicktime player
]and_scape[ by Agricola de Cologne, Germany, 2002 flash plugin
Random Play by David Zérah, France, unknown date shockwave plugin
Glowlab Psychogeography Sessions by Glowlab, USA, July 22 2002
Option-shift-home by philip foeckler, Germany/Usa, July 22 2002 flash plugin
Call for garlic harvesting by Shu Lea Cheang, USA, July-August 2002
December by Tomasz Konart, Canada, 2002 flash plugin
Tuff Luck Cafe by Laura Floyd, USA, 2001-2002 flash plugin
Flag poles and kid by Fung Lin Hall, USA, June 19 2002
pict20~crystal~12 06.07.02 by enrico christion, USA, June 07 2002
MOUCHETTE by Mouchette, Holland, since 1996 until now
PROMOTIONAL LANDSCAPES by RGBproject, Italy, 2002 flash plugin
Stash Cam Photos by Michael Moreth, N 41° 56.067 W 87° 57.512 , Jun 2000 - Nov 2000
Higher estates of mood #1, #2 by kaz raad, USA, may 2001 quicktime player
Freznel Lizard by spans, Australia, March 11 2002
What is Left Over by Carlos Andrade and Todd Ayoung, USA, 2000
Under the steel by COMA SUPRA, Germany, March 3 2002 flash plugin
Terrain Instruments by leifur BRUSH, international nodes (from USA), May 2002
LandBodyWorld by Joseph Franklyn & Donna McElroy, USA, March 1 2002 - Cor[porat]e [Per]form[ance] Art[ist] - Electric Hands, Inc flash plugin
Numero 1 by abit, Italy (from Australia), Feb 22 2002
Kestrel Nest Tree... by D.F.Gray, Canada, 2000
Lunar Landscapes by Marika, Italy, 1990-2002
Land by dlsan, Italy, Jan 29 2002 flash plugin
Land: Statement the Artists

you are welcome
you are welcome
you are welcome