Baywatch - Season 7 [1996-1997]

Episode Synopses

Liquid Assets Il barbone
CJ befriends Max, an eccentric fixture on the beach who says he was once a famous Hollywood Costume designer. Logan and Neely think Max is insane. When Max has a heart attack on the beach, CJ attempts to revive him. But Max doesn't make it. Returning to the outdoor pavilion where Max lived, a Venice street performer sings a mysterious song about Max's legacy, leading CJ to discover Max's will, in which he leaves her four million dollars.
Manny Gutierrez moved to Malibu when his mother got a job as a maid for a wealthy family. Manny desperately wants to be a lifeguard, but since he's not yet eighteen, he tries out for Junior Guards. Because Manny lacks ocean experience, he doesn't qualify. Knowing Hobie wants to quit Junior Guards, Mitch assigns him to teach Manny ocean swimming technique, hoping that Hobie will be inspired by Manny's desire.
Hobie is in a rebellious stage. He takes Manny to Venice where Hobie is either going to get his body tattooed or pierced. Manny has never been to Venice and finds the circus atmosphere intoxicating--leaving his judgement lax. When Hobie doesn't show up for Junior Lifeguards, Mitch tracks him down at the tattoo parlor, hoping he's not too late to stop Hobie from permanently altering his body.

Bachelor of the Month Regalo di nozze
Mitch is approached by Molly McCoy, the young west coast editor of Flash Magazine. CJ has nominated him to be the Flash Bachelor of the Month. Before he can say no, Mitch must go to the aid of a long distance swimmer who has been bitten by a Portuguese Man-of-War and is having an allergic reaction. Newman arrives in the Call Car and they whisk the victim to the hospital.
Meanwhile, Caroline offers to help Stephanie with her wedding plans. Stephanie wants to keep things small and simple, but Caroline won't let up. Tom urges Stephanie to stand up to her sister, but Stephanie doesn't want to hurt Caroline's feelings. She's still very vulnerable after breaking of her engagement to Logan.
But Caroline's meddling proves to be too much and Stephanie and Tom decide to get married that afternoon. Caroline recovers from the shock and pitches in to help with the impromptu ceremony on the beach. Everything is ready to go, except the best man, Mitch, is nowhere to be found.
Mitch has his hands full with Molly, and the Man-of-War, and never does make it to the wedding. But he does capture the Man-of-War, which he gives to Stephanie and Tom as a wedding gift.

Shark Fever Lo squalo
Logan has a big dream. As an aspiring writer/director, he combines what he knows with what he loves in a tribute to Steven Spielberg's "Jaws" and begins filming on the beaches of Baywatch. What should have been an exciting and entertaining low-budget production turns into a life-threatening crisis for the show's star, Caroline Holden. As a vital scene begins shooting, Logan manages to convince her to swim with a real, supposedly sedated shark. The crew learns the drugs did not fully take hold of the animal as the shark attacks Caroline.
The following day, a shark attacks Cody and some local surfers. Mitch is forced to close the beaches for everyone's safety. Despite the warnings, a group of local teenagers decide to defy authority with a renegade dive into the water. Neely and Donna try to get them out as cries of "Shark!" fill the air. One of the boys is attacked as the girls risk their lives to save the lives of others. Baywatch places the blame for the recent shark activity on Logan.
With his female lead out of the picture and the beaches off limits, Logan faces the death of his project. Inspiration strikes. He feels he can save his movie by participating in, and documenting on film, the real shark hunt "starring" Mitch and a recovering Caroline.
Then Mitch and Caroline's boat is capsized by the shark! Once again, the danger is real. As the cameras role, Logan rushes to get them out of the water, but will he make it before the shark attacks?

Chance of a Lifetime L'occasione di una vita
Stephanie and new husband Tom decide to share their honeymoon cruise on a two masted sailing schooner with a group of seven troubled teenagers. They think an "outward bound" type of experience crewing a schooner on the high seas will help these kids face their fears and problems, teaching them some important life lessons. Stephanie and Tom also invite Mitch and Neely to come along to help sail the ship and lend a hand managing their unruly crew.
The ship is barely out of port when two stepbrothers get into a fight - and end up breaking the only radio on board. Unfortunately, this means they don't get a warning call when a hurricane just off the coast of Baja starts heading directly for them. The massive storm strikes without warning, damaging the boat and threatening their lives. They struggle to keep the ship afloat, but when the rudder breaks, the sails collapse and the ship starts sinking, forcing them to abandon ship and take their chances in the turbulent seas. Mitch, Tom and Neely load everyone onto the life rafts as massive waves crash down all around them, while Stephanie heroically works to save one of the young girls still on the boat. Just as she gets the girl into the lifeboat, lighting strikes the mast and breaks off a massive 20-foot section, which falls and crushes Stephanie.
It's a horrible and shocking scene as everyone watches Stephanie die in the arms of the two men she loves most, her new husband Tom and her best friend in the world, Mitch. Mitch and Tom are at last forced to take Stephanie's lifeless body onto the raftas the ship sinks into the deep sea.
The wrenching memorial service provides everyone with the opportunity to grieve over the loss of their friend and co-worker of five years, and each reflects on the special way she was a part of their lives.

Buried Sepolti vivi
Donna gets suspended by the Chief for appearing in Playboy Magazine. The controversy divides the Baywatch Lifeguards. Mitchs instinct is to support his people and their basic rights as individuals. Sam believes that lifeguards are role models and must act responsibly at all time. Cody thinks its no big deal since they walk around half naked most of the time anyway.
On the bus ride to the survival training site, Mitch keeps an eye on Manny and Brice, the two top junior lifeguards who have been butting heads. It looks like theyre going to get into it again when suddenly an earthquake hits. Though they barely feel it in the bus, the temblor triggers a rockslide that caves in a mountain tunnel and buries the bus.
Donna has come back to clean out her locker. When word comes in that there is a rock slide blocking a mountain pass, Cody implores Sam to take her on the rescue despite her suspension. Sam knows Donnas the best rock climber theyve got and allows her to take part in the mission.
In the bus, Brice is having difficulty breathing. Manny suggests that the wheezing in his lungs sounds like asthma. It could have been brought on by all the dust in the bus. Brice might not even know he has it. Hes about to suffocate when Manny, whose father has asthma, rigs a makeshift inhaler and is able to generate humidified air, saving Brices life.
The Lifeguards arrive at the collapsed tunnel. Sam inadvertently causes a slide that buries Mitch in a shower of dirt and debris. Donna drops down an air shaft and rescues Mitch, uncovering him and applying CPR. Impressed by Donnas role in the rescue, Sam insists that the Chief reinstate her at once. They cut a deal. Donna gets her job back. The Chief gets an autographed copy of her Playboy.

Talk Show Talk Show
An ordinary rescue turns extraordinary when Mitch realizes that he pulled Cassie Cole, famed TV talk show hostess, out of a rip current to safety. Grateful, she invites Mitch onto her show so that all the world can hear the story of her "hero". But when Cody warns Mitch that he might freeze in front of the camera, Mitch has a nightmare that he gets "flop sweats" in front of 100 million viewers. Neely suggests a hypnotist, but unfortunately, the hypnotist talks exactly like Elmer Fudd, and Mitch leaves laughing without ever being hypnotized.
On the day of the show, Mitch is relaxed and confident. Not only is he fine on the show, but when fellow guest Jay Leno chokes on a cookie, Mitch performs the Heimlich maneuver in front of an astonished audience. Mitch becomes an overnight sensation... much to his chagrin. He's suddenly surrounded by autograph seekers, magazines that want to interview him, and other talk shows that want him as a guest. He becomes the center of media attention and loses his private life.
In another story, Caroline and CJ adopt a dog when they find it swimming and barking over the body of its drowned owner. They named the orphaned dog "Annie" and take her home. Annie surprises them, however, by behaving almost human once they're in the apartment. She's neat, she's a health food fan, she recycles, she's great in the water, she loves Mitch, and she won't sleep anywhere else but in Stephanie's old bed. CJ becomes convinced that Annie is not just a dog... she's the reincarnated soul of Stephanie! The final proof comes when Annie finds a long-lost locket - a locket that only Stephanie knew where to find.

Hot Water
Far at sea on a dive boat, Sam, Neely and Caroline begin preparations to test a new deep-water scuba system designed by SAM which could revolutionize the diving industry. During their tests, the girls witness a military jet suddenly lurch out of control. The pilot ejects just in time before the jet plunges into the ocean.
Meanwhile near shore, Cody, CJ and Newman are on patrol in their Windjet when they are called on to shut down an illegal nude beach. CODY and CJ must detach their Sea-doosd cite Howard, Carla and Beth, boisterous sunbathers who refuse to leave.
Back on the dive boat, Sam, Neely and Caroline rush to the crash site and recover the downed pilot, Quinlan. After reviving him, Quinlan tells the girls he was transporting a deadly strain of Cholera captured from terrorists. The canister is set to self-destruct if it is not recovered within an hour. Using the prototype deep-water diving equipment, the girls recover the canister only to be left stranded in the ocean by QUINLAN after he reveals he is in fact the terrorist! QUINLAN races off in the girls' dive boat to poison the city's water supply.
At Baywatch H.Q., Cody, CJ and Newman make their way with the three protesting nude sunbathers through a large gawking crowd into awaiting patrol cars. Jordan and Manny are upstairs manning the radio when they think they hear a distress call from Caroline and what appears to be a gun shot. Jordan alerts a nearby Coast Guard Cutter to investigate.
Treading water for a long time now, Sam, Neely and Caroline begin to struggle when Caroline suddenly goes under. Sam and Neely dive down to rescue her. Shortly thereafter the Coast Guard plucks them out of the water.
Mitch and Hobie are on another boat heading out to rendezvous with the dive boat, when Mitch spots the hijacked boat with Quinlan on board heading to the destination plant. Hearing the whole story from H.Q., Mitch quickly catches up to Quinlan in the interior of the water plant and disables the deadly canister with seconds to spare.

Windswept In balia del vento
Mitch is the main attraction at the Baywatch lifeguard Bachelor Auction. He's sold for five thousand dollars to spoiled socialite Alicia Hancock who is eager to relate to Mitch in a very physical way. Upon reaching uninhabited Anacapa Island, Alicia swims to shore au natural. Mitch tries to look the other way, but he's clearly distracted and (he'll soon find out) fails to properly set the anchor. While they're having lunch, the wind picks up and the boat starts drifting away. It gets caught in a current and before Mitch can swim out to it, the boat sails away.
Alicia does not react well to being stranded. Mitch assures her that they'll be spotted. Maybe not in time for her to make her dinner reservation at Spago, but certainly by morning. When Mitch refuses to share his food with Alicia, she steals the picnic basket and flees. Mitch tackles her in the surf and, once in his clutches, she begins kissing him passionately. They wind up rolling in the surf, their emotions flowing freely. But the moment is short-lived as they're soon spotted by a Coast Guard helicopter which arrives to make the untimely rescue. When they get back to Headquarters, Alicia is picked up by her fiancee, leaving Mitch with nothing but memories.
Meanwhile, back at Baywatch, Cody joins a local roller hockey team to satisfy his urge to compete. He leads the scrappy squad to a sunrising appearance in the finals against the brawling bladers from Dockweiler Beach, the roughest team in town. With Stephanie and Caroline cheering him on, Cody defies the odds and scores the winning goal.

The Contest Miss Malibù
Captain Samantha Thomas, Mitch's new boss, is promoting the Miss Malibu Beach Contest to raise money to fund lifesaving programs not covered by the County budget. Mitch agrees to be a judge before finding out that judges cannot socialize with the girls. When Audrey, one of the contestants, comes on to him to get is vote, Mitch is placed in an awkward position. So is Donna, when another contestant, Petra, threatens to reveal that Donna performed in a bikini contest unless Donna gets Mitch to vote for her.
The lack of a versatile rescue boat almost causes Cody and new Baywatch lifeguard Jordan Tate to lose a pilot who crashed in the ocean. Cody decides to design a unique rescue craft called a "Windjet," hoping funds generated by the contest will pay for it.
Caroline wants to be a movie star. She enrolls in an acting class taught by Darren Highland, a handsome older man. Sparks fly when Logan comes to class with her and it's clear that Caroline is interested in more than acting lessons from her teacher. Logan tells Tammy, a gorgeous, blond actress who is Caroline's rival, that he's a director and may have a part for her in his new movie.
When the Miss Malibu Beach Contest is televised on Pay-Per-View, and Audrey and Petra become the two finalists, it's Mitch vote that will determine the winner.

Scorcher Caldo torrido
The day opens with a heat wave. Hundreds of thousands of sweltering people head to the beach. Six thousand co-eds gather for a sorority volleyball tournament, bikers rumble in for a gang barbecue, there's a jellyfish invasion, a man decides to drive his car to Catalina Island, a pickpocket filches from unguarded beach bags, a couple dons scuba gear and gets married underwater, there are kamikaze jet skiers strafing surfers, a mother has a baby on the sand while other moms can't find their kids.
Enter Special Agent Dudley Dawson, Secret Service. Overzealous and under-experienced, he's come to take control of the beach because the President of the United States wants to jog on the hardpack. Dudley drives Mitch up the wall with his by the book idiocy. When Dudley makes a fool of himself in front of it all, it's Mitch who reminds him how much of a hero he actually is.
Cody suffers through an IRS audit in between rescues, and CJ is summoned from a root canal at the dentist when every available lifeguard is called to duty . Three shots of Novcain render her incomprehensible.
Caroline saves a homeless man from committing suicide, and he seems to be the only person who cares that today is her birthday...until all of Baywatch springs a surprise birthday party on her.

Let the Games Begin Uomini d'acciaio
With the Uncle Toby's International Ironman Series coming to Baywatch, the guys gear up for a big competition, but the girls feel all is fair in sports and convince the guys to let them compete as equals. The girls fall short of making the finals until one of the Ironmen gets hurt and has to give up his spot.
Old relationships lend for lots of fun when a former romance between CJ and one of the Ironmen comes between CJ and Cody in a unique way . Also, Mitch and competitor Trevor Hendy continue their long time tradition of gags and honest competition.

Kirstie and Todd are two teenage tandem divers in love. The problem is that while his parents are wealthy, her single mother struggles as a waitress to make ends meet. Suspicious and worried, none of the parents wants this romance to flourish. Kirstie and Todd decide to take their own lives rather than go on living without one another... envisioning spending eternity together. When they jump off a cliff into the ocean, Toddy is knocked out and almost drowns while Kirstie is uninjured. Mitch and Caroline rescue the teens and take them to a hospital where Todd is revived.
When the worried parents meet in the hallway outside Todd’s room, they launch into a bitter argument about who is to blame that doesn’t take into account the feelings of the teens. After overhearing the angry words, Todd and Kirstie slip out and run away. Their plan is to take Todd’s family boat and head to the safety of Mexico, but danger strikes again when Todd, having inhaled salt water when he nearly drowned, develops "secondary drowning" symptoms. Mitch and Caroline enlist the help of the Coast Guard to rescue the seriously ill Todd and save his life. Back at the hospital, Mitch and Caroline confront the bickering parents about the reality of their children’s dilemma and the need to try a new, more open and understanding approach. The parents vow to work it out with the kids.
Meanwhile, Cody encounters what he believes is an honest-to-goodness mermaid while deep diving. Everyone at Baywatch thinks he’s hallucinating... except CJ. She is a firm believer in mermaids and encourages Cody to try and connect with the half-woman/half-fish again... despite the fact that the mermaid seems to think Cody is a long lost love.
On her next dive, CJ has an accident on the reef which renders her unconscious at the bottom of the ocean. The mermaid takes her to the surface where Cody finds and revives her. CJ is surprised to find an antique gold locket around her neck with a one hundred-year-old photograph of a sea captain who looks strikingly like Cody. CJ and Cody now have the proof that they came upon a mermaid, but decide to keep the secret of the mermaid to themselves and away from a disbelieving world.

Trial by Fire
Caroline is shocked to learn that she's being sued for negligence in civil court by the mother of "Cowboy", a victim she lost in a fiery night time boat accident chronicled in last year's episode, The Incident. Caroline is forced to relive the terrible events that nearly destroyed her career as a lifeguard as she prepares to go to court. She remains haunted by a deep sense of guilt and responsibility for Cowboy's death. But with the support of Mitch, Sam and Newman - and the skill of her country lawyer - Caroline makes her case, convincing Cowboy's mother to drop the charges and accept that her son's death was just a tragic accident.
CJ takes the time out of her schedule to babysit a neighbor's newborn and in the process realizes she really wants to become a mother. She worries that Cody isn't ready to settle down. Which, in fact, he isn't. Cody has been off entering and winning a mountain biking contest, and them entertains an offer to turn pro. He's focused on what course his career and future will take, and not his relationship with CJ - something they're going to have to face soon.

Leo's Last Chance
Mitch, CJ and Jordan respond to an emergency situation on a deserted and rocky beach. Two teenagers are trapped on the rocks, stranded trying to help an injured sea lion that had beached itself. After rescuing the teens, the lifeguards find the wounded sea lion bleeding in a cave and immediately arrange a scarab transport to Sea World's marine mammal recovery center in nearby San Diego. During the trip,, CJ comforts the frightened creature, forming bond with "Leo", as she calls him, that helps save his life. At the park, vets and animal experts perform emergency surgery to remove a bullet. It seems that an angry fisherman shot Leo in order to scare him away from his catch. After the surgery, CJ is invited to stay at Sea World for several weeks to help with Leo's recuperation.
Samantha's plan to market lifeguarding via major cross promotions comes to fruition when she plans a Baywatch-themed stunt show at Sea World. She works with their entertainment director to create a water stadium show at Sea World. She works with their entertainment director to create a water stadium how that involves trick skiing, lifeguarding, spectacular wave runner stunts and staged rescues. With CJ and Cody's help, she trains the Sea World cast members to accurately portray lifeguards while they perform their amazing stunts. After weeks of rehearsal, they premiere in front of a crowd of thousands and the Sea World brass. The show is sensational and the audience loves it, but when a group of drunken young people accidentally start a boat fire, the real Baywatch team along with their Sea World counterparts, spring into action and end up giving the audience two astonishing shows in one day.

Heal the Bay Salviamo la baia
A recent rainstorm washes a variety of inland pollutants down the storm drains and all the way into the waters of the Santa Monica Bay. Donna and Caroline connect with a sampler from "Heal the Bay." Warned that his test results spell out a high degree of pollution in the water, the girls set off to keep the beaches clear of unsuspecting--and in some cases, uncaring--beach goers. They learn the value of educating the population about the illegal dumping of toxins and take a new and caring look at their "office"... the Pacific Ocean.
At the same time, Mitch trains for an upcoming Ironman Competition--a life-long dream. Neely and CJ help him train; riding in the Windjet and timing him in the deep water swim. Mitch unknowingly swims over drums of toxic chemicals which have illegally been dumped into the water. Their cargo leeks out of the drums, floats to the surface and Mitch soon has trouble breathing. As his stomach cramps violently, CJ and Neely pull him from the ocean and rush him to the hospital. There, the doctor suspects that Mitch was somehow poisoned and needs the correct antidote as soon as possible. He could be facing death. CJ, Neely and Cody race against the clock, find the source of Mitch’s toxin (the drums), trace it to its owner, and surreptitiously catch an illegal chemical dump in progress. But, can they make it back to the hospital in time?

When CJ opens up her tower one morning, she discovers a bouquet of flowers and a poem. To her surprise, the flowers are from a secret admirer and not Cody. The lifeguards learn from beach-goers of a lifeguard "monster" that saves people and then disappears. Two boys, Billy and Brett, become obsessed with trying to get this "monster" on video tape for their financial gain.
In the locker room Sam and CJ discuss plans for the upcoming weekend. CJ complains about Cody going surfing, while Sam tells CJ about her and Mitch's romantic weekend plans in Carmel. After her shift, CJ takes a walk on the pier and accidentally falls below. Her admirer, the "phantom" lifeguard, comes to her rescue and takes her to the abandoned plant he calls home. When CJ wakes up, she sees the mystery lifeguard standing in front of her. The "phantom" tells her his name is Aidan, and tells the horrible story of how he was burned in a fire while trying to rescue his wife. Since he could not save her, he vowed to try and save others. Aidan tells her that he knows she can't love him, but she has made him realize that he can have feelings for someone again, and hope for the future, despite his deformed appearance.
Back at headquarters, Cody realizes CJ is missing and alerts Mitch. When Billy and Brett show up and tell their story of watching CJ be kidnaped and held by the 'monster', Cody and Mitch follow them to the plant to rescue her, only to find CJ and her new friend.
After almost losing CJ, Cody realizes how much he really loves her and proposes marriage.

Beach Blast Sfida a MTV
Coming across a group of forlorn Special Olympic athletes, Mitch learns of their plight: not enough money to make the trip to the National competition. He works in conjunction with the MTV VJs as the "Beachblast" games are played out on MTV, the proceeds all going to the Special Olympic athletes.
Along the course of the games, Mitch revisits a relationship of some ten years prior. IDALIS, one of the VJs has held a special affection for him since he pulled her out of a rip current when she was fourteen years old. Despite her hints, he has no recall of the event until he comes upon a sketch of him on his tower that the young girl drew for him on the day of her rescue.
Testing the mettle of the competing lifeguards are two extreme hang-gliders bent on crashing the "Beachblast" party. They succeeded in "crashing" all right, the two gliders colliding over the ocean and the hang-gliders plummeting into the water. The lifeguards abandon the competition for an impromptu rescue in the sea.

Golden Girls
Neely and Cody are called on to break up a fight on the Venice Boardwalk started by a crazed young woman whom Neely recognizes as Jamie Duncan, the top female bodyboarder in the world. She runs off before the lifeguards can apprehend her, and when Jamie fails to appear at the Wild Wahine bodyboarding tournament the next morning, Neely enlists Mitch to do a little detective work. He learns that she has disappeared from her hotel - without taking her prescription for lithium. This confirms Neely's worst fears. Her sister had been manic depressive and she sees that Jamie is displaying the same symptoms.
Jamie, meanwhile, is sleeping fitfully in a back alley on Venice Beach. When two homeless scavengers threaten her, she goes on a rampage through the boardwalk stalls. Neely and Cody break up the fight and take Jamie into custody. Back at Headquarters, Neely finally gets through to Jamie by relating the tragic story of her sister. She convinces Jamie to take her medication and is there to cheer her to victory when Jamie wins the Wild Wahine bodyboarding competition.
The new romance between Mitch and Sam is put to its first real test when Sam fears that working together will ruin their relationship. On top of that, her ex-fiancé and business partner shows up as the organizer of the Wild Wahine bodyboarding competition. Thinking the best way to keep her relationship with Mitch alive is to leave lifeguarding, she rejoins her former partner as a special events promoter. However, the solution back fires -- compounding the problems she's been trying to solve, making her realize that the issues between her and Mitch weren't quite as serious as she originally believed.
Back at the lifeguard tower, Newman spots the woman of his dreams and decides he must meet her and ask her out. But when he makes his big move, he discovers that she speaks no English. At first he loses hope, but then recruits Manny as a translator. Love is in the air when the three of them are last seen heading off to Guadalajara to meet the lovely senorita's parents.

Guess Who's Coming to Dinner Indovina chi viene a cena
CJ's Mom was once a top Las Vegas show girl who got involved with the wrong guy, in this case, Tony Blanton a notorious mob figure in Vegas. Tony has been winning big in the Vegas casinos to the tune of 10 million dollars in unreported winnings, which he never paid taxes on. Connie Stevens/Mom has been his good luck charm until the day her luck changed and she became Tony's bad luck charm.
To protect herself and keep herself alive she takes Tony's secret computer disk which details all his unreported winnings. She flees Las Vegas going to the only place she thinks will be safe, Los Angeles to stay with her daughter CJ (who she hasn't seen in years). Tony, of course, discovers she stole the disk and sends his henchmen to LA to find her and bring her back. This leads to a series of comical misadventures as CJ and Mom out smart the bad guys with lots of fun action throughout.

Life Guardian L'angelo custode
While swimming in the ocean for the first time, three inner-city youth almost drown. Caroline safely brings two of the boys to shore, but a third one, Derrick, is missing. With the aid of a mysterious boy, who disappears as quickly as he appears, Caroline rescues Derrick who is from a homeless shelter and at risk of joining a gang. After the mysterious boy leads Caroline to "rescue" Derrick on several different occasions, Caroline feels the need to help him and other inner-city youth. She encourages Mitch to start "Camp Baywatch" to encourage and empower youth to stay off the streets.
When Neely’s ex-husband, Peter, shows up unexpectedly at the beach on what would have been their fifth wedding anniversary, Neely is confused by old feelings that resurface as the two fall in love again. When a job offer leads Peter to another state, she is forced to make a decision that could change her life forever.

Matters of the Heart Questione di cuore
Manny helps Mitch and Samantha with their CPR class. The "students" of the day are misdemeanor offenders of the city who must pay restitution by picking up litter on the beach. In the class are two of Manny's neighborhood friends. Manny left the barrio; they did not, choosing instead a life of gang warfare. "Pulga," one of Manny's old pals, feels that Manny ran out on the neighborhood and Manny cannot convince Pulga that his mother left the barrio to escape a life of gangs. Despite a simmering conflict between the two young men, Pulga learns CPR techniques from Manny.
When one of Pulga's fellow gangsters almost kills a rival, Pulga reluctantly remains behind at the accident site while his "friend" runs away. Pulga indeed performs CPR on the rival, saving his life before the paramedics arrive. Pulga races off, hiding at Manny's place. Manny convinces him to turn himself into the police because he was not the one at fault--and by hiding he had become a suspect. Instead, he saved two lives: the rival and his fellow gang member (who would have gone to jail for murder had the other died).
Meanwhile, Neely can't stop studying the behavior of Mitch and Samantha. She sees the playful pats, the deep gazes, the longing stares. She thinks they are having an affair. Confronting them, she gets a flat denial. However, Mitch and Samantha are in love and are concealing it from Baywatch. Both have had prior loves...lost them...fear losing another. Facing these problems, they decide to commit to a relationship and announce it to all of Baywatch.

Search and Rescue Missione speciale
A huge pier fire traps fishermen and tourists alike in a potentially deadly situation causing a joint rescue effort by the lifeguards and the fire department. The aftermath sees the formation of an elite Search and Rescue Unit by Sam and Captain Huntington (Erik Estrada.) Cody, Neely, Jordan, Newman and Jenner try out from the lifeguards while Jess, Clay and Terry try out from the fire department. A rivalry develops during the training sessions between Neely and Terry.
After the final team is chosen (Cody, Neely, Jenner, Jess, Clay and Terry), their newly gained skills are put to the test in a building fire which is threatening to collapse on trapped victims. The team is forced to put aside their differences for a much greater reward-saving lives.
Mitch tries explaining to everyone at Baywatch what has been happening to him at his private investigations job and finds he has a hard time believing it himself.
Meanwhile, CJ is asked by Cody to paint his portrait after he sees some of her other paintings--creating an air of both tension and admiration between them. Cody must also decide if he wants to be a member of the Search and Rescue Unit or Baywatch but not both.

Created by Paola Vaccari, Novara, Italy