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The first time I discovered fairies' world is when I bought Brian Froud'

book entitled "Fairies". 

By that moment, he  became my favoured illustrator.

Thanks to this lovely book, I discover elfs, bad and good witch 

and faeries' magic...



The Song of
The Strawberry Fairy

A flower for S!
Is Sunflower he?
He's handsome, yes,
But what of me?

In my party suit
Of red and white,
And a gift of fruit
For the feast tonight:

   Strawberries small
And wild and sweet,
For the Queen and all
Of her Court to eat!


The Song of
The Wallflower Fairy

Wallflower, Wallflower, up on the wall,
Who sowed your seed there?
"No one at all:
Long, long ago it was blown by the breeze
To the crannies of walls
where I live as I please.

"Garden walls, castle walls, mossy and old,
These are my dwellings;
from these I behold
The changes of years;
yet, each spring that goes by,
Unchanged in my sweet-smelling velvet am I!"



The Song of The Lily-Of-The-Valley Fairy

Gentle fairies, hush your singing:
Can you hear my white bells ringing,
Ringing as from far away?
Who can tell me what they say?

Little snowy bells out-springing
From the stem and softly ringing -
Tell they of a country where
Everything is good and fair?

Lovely, lovely things for L!
Lilac, Lavender as well;
And, more sweet than rhyming tells,
Lily-of-the-Valley bells.



The Song of
The Jasmine Fairy

In the heat of summer days
With sunshine all ablaze,
Here, here are cool green bowers,
Starry with Jasmine flowers;
Sweet-scented, like a dream
Of Fairyland they seem.

And when the long hot day
At length has worn away,
And twilight deepens, till
The darkness comes - then, still,
The glimmering Jasmine white
Gives fragrance to the night.




Fairies picture by Cicely Mary Barker taken 


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