Second route: historical centre, Civita and Sasso Caveoso

by Angelo Fontana, authorized tourist guide


The guide tour winds among quarters, churches, Convents and  XVIIIth-XIXth centuries mansions. These structures helped to develop the town of the Sassi. On the hill of the "Civita" there is a wonderful view of the "Sasso Barisano" from balcony which faces a beautiful Romanesque-Apulian Cathedral.

You will visit: Piazzetta Pascoli, Via Ridola, Chiesa del Purgatorio, Piazza San Francesco d’Assisi, Piazza del Sedile, Civita, Duomo, Sasso Barisano, Via Fiorentini, Chiesa rupestre dello Spirito Santo, Piazza Vittorio Veneto, Chiesa di San Giovanni Battista.

This route lasts about 2 Hours and half

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