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Senate update Races that are or might be interesting by Election Day 2008. The first thing that surprises is that out of 33 races this cycle, a full 20 have the potential of turning into real races. Given that 14 of those are Republicans, Nicaragua Update The neo-liberal offensive continues in Nicaragua, with a visit from Daniel Sullivan, Assistant Secretary for Economic, Energy and Business Affairs in the past week. Sullivan told members of the American Chamber of Commerce in Managua Bungie Weekly Update In this weeks update, we concentrate almost exclusively on the new Halo 2 maps, announced this morning. Lots o' details inside Upcoming Gears update fixes glitches & adds gametype The next update for the game is currently in certification and he'll have more news for us next week. What he said this week, though, was very promising. For starters, there will be a bunch of glitches fixed, 720p support for VGA users Daily SoundScan Update 1 MODEST MOUSE WE WERE DEAD BEFORE THE SHIP E 128564 999 250 128819 2 STONE*JOSS INTRODUCING JOSS STONE 118039 999 158 118214 3 YAMIN*ELLIOTT ELLIOTT YAMIN 90439 999 70 90511 4 DAUGHTRY DAUGHTRY 76231 -4 79609 2039337 BeerAlchemy major update released Kent Place Software today announced the release of BeerAlchemy 1.5, a major update to its beer recipe creation and archiving tool for Mac OS X Jack’s Kill Count Update So, a few of you are wondering how many kills that is for Jack this season. Well, as far as the Jack Kill Count Contest is concerned, Jack is up to 14 kills on the season. He has been picking up the pace over the past few episodes. Update: Virginia Bigfoot Video Cryptomundo reader Morgoth has tipped us off as to the Sasquatch costume used to make the Virginia Bigfoot video. See the photos here Google Earth Imagery Update The Google Earth Blog describes yesterday's Google Earth Imagery update. From the new high rez imagery part: "* Canada: Downtown Vancouver, BC * England: Northamptonshire, Nottingshire, Berkeshire, Peakdistrict, Birmingham, This IE7 email does not download an update… TrendLabs has received reports of a spammed email message that advises users to download an Internet Explorer 7 update. Below is the image attached in the said message:. However, once unsuspecting users click on this image, update: patch update ? windows update ? patch update ? windows update ? update