
Small programs to download


Most of my programs are owned by the companies where I whorked. Here you can see my GPL free programs to download.

File_name Description
filtri 1.3
filtri 1.3a
Small programs to transcode text files.
dos2x to convert dos text to unix text,
x2dos to convert unix text to dos text,
filtra to remove a specific char code,
number to number lines of a text file,
tolower to convert uppercase to lowercase chars in a text file.
and others conversion programs...
purge 1.2 Program to delete oldest files
ching 1.0 Random generator of I Ching trigrams
lpset 1.0 Set a serial port to connect a printer
hd 1.1 Hexadecimal dump
bunix 0.5 My Unix shell.
gzip 1.2.4a To Compress and uncompress - by GNU

How to extract tgz file content?
To extract tgz or tar.gz or taz content, type the following line:
If you have GNU tar:

tar xvfz nome.tgz

If you haven't GNU tar:

gunzip -c nome.tgz | tar xvf -

If you haven't the program gzip/gunzip you can download it from this page in source code.

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